
US Military says ISIS Leader had been held in Abu Ghraib

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IN FEBRUARY 2004, U.S. troops brought a man named Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badry to Abu Ghraib in Iraq and assigned him serial number US9IZ-157911CI. The prison was about to become international news, but the prisoner would remain largely unknown for the next decade.

At the time the man was brought in, Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba was finalizing his report on allegations of abuse at Abu Ghraib’s Hard Site — a prison building used to house detainees singled out for their alleged violence or their perceived intelligence value. Just weeks later, the first pictures of detainee abuse were published on CBS News and in the New Yorker.

Source: https://theintercept.com/2016/08/25/u-s-military-now-says-isis-leader-was-held-in-notorious-abu-ghraib-prison/

So, what do you guys think? Did we torture him too much or not enough (to kill him)?

In either case, it looks like the US captured a relative nobody, the experience turned him into a monster, and then the US released him.

And yet Trump says Obama is the creator of ISIS. SMH.

Honest to god, why wasn't this the lead story on every media outlet on Friday?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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The troop surge in 2007 was successful. Iraq was stabilizing. Nouri al-Maliki was a leader who relied heavily on support and advice from the U.S. When BHO took office he withdrew both from the Iraqi leadership. His decision created the vacuum that ISIS/ISIL/Daesh then filled.

That's how I see it.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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IN FEBRUARY 2004, U.S. troops brought a man named Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badry to Abu Ghraib in Iraq and assigned him serial number US9IZ-157911CI. The prison was about to become international news, but the prisoner would remain largely unknown for the next decade.

At the time the man was brought in, Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba was finalizing his report on allegations of abuse at Abu Ghraib’s Hard Site — a prison building used to house detainees singled out for their alleged violence or their perceived intelligence value. Just weeks later, the first pictures of detainee abuse were published on CBS News and in the New Yorker.

Source: https://theintercept.com/2016/08/25/u-s-military-now-says-isis-leader-was-held-in-notorious-abu-ghraib-prison/

So, what do you guys think? Did we torture him too much or not enough (to kill him)?

In either case, it looks like the US captured a relative nobody, the experience turned him into a monster, and then the US released him.

And yet Trump says Obama is the creator of ISIS. SMH.

Honest to god, why wasn't this the lead story on every media outlet on Friday?

Okay, let's take it as a given that GWB could and did fuck up a wet dream.

Having said that, BHO was not to be outdone.

My aunt can't listen to community orchestras because she finds it painful to observe amateurs at work. I know the feeling.

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The troop surge in 2007 was successful. Iraq was stabilizing. Nouri al-Maliki was a leader who relied heavily on support and advice from the U.S. When BHO took office he withdrew both from the Iraqi leadership. His decision created the vacuum that ISIS/ISIL/Daesh then filled.

That's how I see it.

Origins of ISIS:

1. De-Baathification; Upon taking Iraq, the Dubya administration made the decision that no members of the Baath Party would be allowed to hold government positions. Now since membership was *required* under Saddam, that meant *every* person who had experience, was disqualified.

2. Coalition Provisional Authority Order Number 2: Dissolution of Entities.
*Everybody* was expecting the defeated Iraq Army would be reporting to the US Military after the defeat. US commanders were *expecting* that in order to be able to keep law & order. Iraqi career military people were expecting to continue their careers. But then Bremer rolled out this idiotic decision (no clue if he cooked it up or got it from above). So we put all the armed, trained, organized Iraq troops out on the street with no jobs.

3. US-run Iraqi prisons, specifically Camp Bucca. Immediately after taking Iraq, a lot of suspected militants were thrown in US-run prisons. There is an article about ISIS written by a reporter who has been in contact with a disillusioned, high-ranking ISIS member. The guy gives credit to the US for helping form ISIS by putting a lot of Sunnis together in prisons, where they met each other and formed the seeds of organization.

4. Nouri al-Maliki. The US helped prop up this imbecile who was in charge when the US pulled out. And what was his first act the day the US pulled out? He immediately began purging Sunnis out of the government.

The US did everything it could to sow the seeds of ISIS, and dipshit Malaki was the final trigger.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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That's how I see it.

Of course that's how you see it. You only acknowledge facts that fit your narrative and discard the rest.

Meanwhile, in reality, it was not only W. that invaded Iraq, but signed the withdrawal orders.

“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”

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That's how I see it.

Of course that's how you see it. You only acknowledge facts that fit your narrative and discard the rest.

Meanwhile, in reality, it was not only W. that invaded Iraq, but signed the withdrawal orders.


Plus, the surge wasn't ever going to be a permanent solution. Sooner or later Iraq was going to have to stand on its own two feet and sooner or later it was going to crumble. You can go back now, smash ISIS militarily and leave a strengthened Iraqi government behind all over again... and as soon as the troop numbers die down again and the Iraqi government start playing factional politics again the next insurgency will rise back up and everything else will come crashing down once more.

The neo-con hawks are basically just a bunch of addicted gamblers who can't see how deep they're stuck in the sunk costs fallacy. They keep thinking that if they could just throw another 20,000 troops at the problem, and keep them there for another year, that this time they'll finally get the flowers and parades that GWB promised frst time around.

They just can't face the simple truth - their guy broke it, no-one can fix it.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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