
Hate is alive and well in Canada.

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And he has lots of money -- he could build it himself :)

Wendy P.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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And white trash women too.

From the Article:
"According to police the suspect yelled at the woman “for no apparent reason” in a heavy accent in an unknown language before beginning the attack."

Now I know white trash can be difficult to understand, but I seriously doubt she was speaking with a trailer accent. I know white trash when I see it. This woman looks like she's from the eastern world - probably an immigrant - maybe an Arab or an Eastern European, maybe even a Muslim herself. It's not like this would be the first time Muslims quarreled among themselves.

I was back downstate last week where urban sprawl has taken it's toll on the immediate suburban areas of Detroit, especially after the housing crisis. I overheard an Arabic hotel manager/owner bitching at somebody about how "this used to be a hotel - a good hotel, but know it's a refugee camp - it's getting out of control."

...and it's interesting that you bring up white trash, because as I leave the lobby I see all these barefoot women sitting outside their hotel rooms watching their kids play in the filth of an adjacent parking lot of an abandoned, but once prominent steakhouse - the only difference was that they were wearing hijab rather than this.
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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***Yes, unfortunately. We are not immune.

Maybe you guys should be more careful about letting in angry foreigners from the eastern world.

Go back a few decades. That's what Anglo people said and felt about Jews, Irish, Ukrainians, etc. Are you channeling Despicable Donald?
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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******Yes, unfortunately. We are not immune.

Maybe you guys should be more careful about letting in angry foreigners from the eastern world.

Go back a few decades. That's what Anglo people said and felt about Jews, Irish, Ukrainians, etc. Are you channeling Despicable Donald?

I'm saying that you don't know if this is a hate crime or not, but either way, it appears to be by the hands of an angry foreigner and not the "white trash" that you hoped it was.
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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>Go back a few decades. That's what Anglo people said and felt about Jews, Irish,
>Ukrainians, etc.

And go back a few more decades and that's what people were saying about the Italians (why let in criminals?) Irish (why let in lazy drunks?) blacks (why not send them all those shiftless bums home to Africa?) Chinese (the Yellow Peril simply cannot assimilate!) Germans and Dutch (those dark-complexioned "ignorant Stupid Sort" will Germanify us if we continue to let them in!) etc.

I have to wonder if Coreece has any of the above ancestors.

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>Go back a few decades. That's what Anglo people said and felt about Jews, Irish,
>Ukrainians, etc.

And go back a few more decades and that's what people were saying about the Italians (why let in criminals?) Irish (why let in lazy drunks?) blacks (why not send them all those shiftless bums home to Africa?) Chinese (the Yellow Peril simply cannot assimilate!) Germans and Dutch (those dark-complexioned "ignorant Stupid Sort" will Germanify us if we continue to let them in!) etc.

I have to wonder if Coreece has any of the above ancestors.

We were the dumb polacks.

But you guys are missing the point as usual. Many Canadians don't have a problem with immigration. They had concerns about vetting the immigrants and were hesitant to haste toward an unprecedented influx in such a short amount of time.

Again tho, this story most likely isn't about bigoted white trash as much as you guys want it to be, but rather just another case of minority on minority crime.
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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But you guys are missing the point as usual. Many Canadians don't have a problem with immigration. They had concerns about vetting the immigrants and were hesitant to haste toward an unprecedented influx in such a short amount of time.

And you are missing the point as well. The main objection people had to the Irish, for example, was that there were so many in a short period of time. In Boston, 37,000 Irish immigrants came in one year - to a city of 115,000. In terms of percentages there was far more Irish immigration back in the late 1800's than there is today by ALL immigrants. (This was caused by the potato famine; many Irish had the choice to leave or starve.)

And go back to the news stories of the day and you'll find plenty of stories of drunken brawls, rapes, murders etc - and the media of the time made sure that the story mentioned that they were Irish, because everyone knew that they hated freedom and civilization:

"[The Irish] hate our order, our civilization, our enterprising industry, our pure religion. This wild, reckless, indolent, uncertain and superstitious race have no sympathy with the English character. Their ideal of human felicity is an alternation of clannish broils and coarse idolatry. Their history describes an unbroken circle of bigotry and blood."

And the anti-Irish leaders of the time could prove it. Crime in Boston went up 400% once the Irish started flooding in. There were religious riots between the Protestant English-born and the Catholic Irish. Government leaders tried to keep them out, but given the state of the US at that point, the ships would just land somewhere else.

The point of my posting the above examples was not to say today is exactly the same. It's not. But we have seen far larger immigration waves (as a percentage of our population) with far more crime and violence and far more disruption to our society. Yet these people made us who we are today. That's the price we paid back now to make this country what it is, and it is the price we will pay in the future if we want the US to continue being what it is - a melting pot of hundreds of cultures, made stronger by the contributions of each.

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>Hate is alive and well in Canada

Well, if Trump loses here in the US, maybe he has a political future up in Canada. He could still have a wall . . .

But in that case, it would be a wall to keep people in.;)
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossilbe before they were done.
Louis D Brandeis

Where are we going and why are we in this basket?

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I'm saying that you don't know if this is a hate crime or not, but either way, it appears to be by the hands of an angry foreigner and not the "white trash" that you hoped it was.

I can sort of see the point you claim to be making. You picked a very poor way to make it. It's hard to tell if you did that on purpose or not.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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Pity they did not publish a sound track.
It is impossible to determine the assaillant's ethnic origin by her hair colour or complexion. She looks as "racially average" as modern fashion models.
My suspicion is that the assailant recently arrived in Canada from some troubled Moslem country. I suspect that the assailant was forced out of her homeland by militant Moslems, ergo she has little patience with orthodox Moslems who refuse to dress like average Canadians .... assimilate.

On that note: Monday, my church welcomed a refugee family from Syria. The mother and (12 ish) daughter wore full-length hair scarves and long skirts while the father and young son wore jeans and t-shirts. My church applied to sponsor a Syrian refugee family most of a year ago and it has taken that long to complete all the government paperwork. Even with all the pre-arrival vetting, they still needed to complete 3 more hours of paperwork before they were allowed out of Vancouver International Airport.

The red-shirted assailant provided the worst possible welcome to a new immigrant. The American example has shown repeatedly that the sooner you get immigrants into housing, schools, jobs, churches, health care, etc. the more likely they will assimilate and become contributing members of society.
As for wearing hair scarves ...... that is the least of my worries ..... because I can remember my own mother wearing hair scarves back when they were fashionable during the 1960s.

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I'm saying that you don't know if this is a hate crime or not, but either way, it appears to be by the hands of an angry foreigner and not the "white trash" that you hoped it was.

I can sort of see the point you claim to be making. You picked a very poor way to make it.

Right, but the part you're missing is how your accusation that she is white trash was in equally poor taste, if not more.

See the thing is, is that you can spout off whatever bullshit you want and nobody bats an eyelash - but then I come along and say that maybe she's just an angry immigrant, (which btw is probably a more accurate statement) and you guys flip out and jump the train to bigotville U.S.A, even though we were talking about Canada.

But whatever, you're right - it's stupid, but this is SC - wtf do you expect?

The thing that troubles me the most however is that as a truck driver you should really know your white trash a bit better - so it will be interesting to see if you got this one right - the way I see it, there is still a chance that she might just be a crazy christian speaking in evil tongues, or perhaps an unintelligible French Canadian - so at least you still have those two possibilities going for you.:P
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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Be careful what you say, because your last post bordered on a personal attack.

As for stereo-typing all truck drivers as white trash .....
How little you know about Canadian truck drivers.
We have dozens of different nationalities in Unifor 111 (Vancouver bus drivers).

As for the red-shirted assaillant being Quebecois .... I doubt it. She does not have have the "Norman face" characteristic of "pur laine" Quebecois. Sure, plenty of "pur laine" Quebecois have dark hair, but few have skin as swarthy as hers. Besides, she lacks the prominent Norman chin.
I might know what Quebecois look like because I grew up in Lennoxville, Quebec and earned my degree at (bi-lingual) University of Ottawa.

The assaillant might be from any of the other dozens of racial and ethnic groups that populate Quebec: Jewish, Jamaican, Italian, Portugese, United Empire Loyalist, Scottish, Scots-Irish, Irish Catholic, etc. Her hair colour and complexion are far too "average" to tell her heritage.

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Be careful what you say, because your last post bordered on a personal attack.

As for stereo-typing all truck drivers as white trash .....

Well, last I heard, Gowlerk traveled around the US - So I wasn't really referring to truck drivers themselves as much as I was referring to the ladies that frequent truck stops. . .
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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Be careful what you say, because your last post bordered on a personal attack.

As for stereo-typing all truck drivers as white trash .....

Well, last I heard, Gowlerk traveled around the US - So I wasn't really referring to truck drivers themselves as much as I was referring to the ladies that frequent truck stops. . .

Lot Lizards is what I was told they were sometimes called... :D

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Be careful what you say, because your last post bordered on a personal attack.

As for stereo-typing all truck drivers as white trash .....

Well, last I heard, Gowlerk traveled around the US - So I wasn't really referring to truck drivers themselves as much as I was referring to the ladies that frequent truck stops. . .

Lot Lizards is what I was told they were sometimes called... :D


How many trucks have "no lot lizard" signs on the side because professional drivers just want to get their official 8 hours of sleep?

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How many trucks have "no lot lizard" signs on the side because professional drivers just want to get their official 8 hours of sleep?

When I was in sales, we looked at "no soliciting" signs as just another way of saying "please go away, I'm a compulsive buyer and can't help myself - look, I even bought this stupid sign."
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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i'm reading this in my bunk in a truck stop right now. I must say it's been many years since I've seen a lot lizard. You will find them only at truck stops in large cities. Just for the record I don't feel insulted at all.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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i'm reading this in my bunk in a truck stop right now. I must say it's been many years since I've seen a lot lizard.

Ya, I've been to quit a few truck stops during my travels across the country. They all seem pretty clean nowadays.


Just for the record I don't feel insulted at all.

Good, because that wasn't my intention. You seem to have a decent gauge on my facetious tone that tends to get me trouble with some other posters - which is understandable, I guess.
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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"Refugees Encounter a Foreign Word: Welcome
How Canadian hockey moms, poker buddies and neighbors are adopting Syrians, a family at a time."


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