
Riots over a shoting turn into free jordans and 40's

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*********And as of yet, there is absolutly no evidence that shows he was a racist cop

With police in the US, that seems to be the justified null hypothesis.

So, now I will ask you for the list of all the black kids shot by white cops in say the last two years
If there is that many of them you should have no problem finding that list

Are you suggesting that a cop can only be racist if he actually shoots black kids?

I am saying is this does not happen very often at all
Once in the last two years that I am aware of
It is reported as though it happens all the time
It does not

No one yet knows if racism was involved in Fergeson
But it is being reported as though it is
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Are you suggesting that a cop can only be racist if he actually shoots black kids?


So your challenge is a red herring.

Not at all
Prove me wrong if you can
Show me all the white racist cops shooting black kid stories

Funny you move off target so quickly
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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***Show me all the white racist cops shooting black kid stories

Do you ever address arguments actually made, or do you just waste everyone's time building straw men?

I go back on topic and do not let others drag me off
Like you tried to do
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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******Show me all the white racist cops shooting black kid stories

Do you ever address arguments actually made, or do you just waste everyone's time building straw men?

I go back on topic and do not let others drag me off
Like you tried to do

At least your posts are good for comic relief.
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*********Show me all the white racist cops shooting black kid stories

Do you ever address arguments actually made, or do you just waste everyone's time building straw men?

I go back on topic and do not let others drag me off
Like you tried to do

At least your posts are good for comic relief.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I think one racist cop is an issue worth dealing with, specially if he ends up killing a kid.

Not so sure why that was such a difficult question for you, that you had to try and duck it?

Meanwhile cops all over the country for as long as there has been cops have been getting shot and killed by perps of all colors. I don't see cops rioting in the streets when one of theirs gets killed in the line of duty.


Also when Ben Affleck calls Bill Maher [of all people] a racist (regarding muslims) then it should be well known that the word racism is thrown around so much it should lose its true meaning. Its like the little boy that cried wolf. Get a new word.

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Meanwhile cops all over the country for as long as there has been cops have been getting shot and killed by perps of all colors. I don't see cops rioting in the streets when one of theirs gets killed in the line of duty.

Ahh ok...so when a cop kills and we aren't quite sure if it is valid we should just chalk it up to.....

Evening the score?
Comes with the job?
No big issue?
Depends on who the dead person is?
Any of the above?

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Meanwhile cops all over the country for as long as there has been cops have been getting shot and killed by perps of all colors.

So? They know it's a hazardous job when they sign up. That doesn't justify shooting an unarmed person just because they aren't 100 percent sure that person poses no threat. If they want safety, they should find a different line of work.

Cops are supposed to be professionals. They should be held to a much higher standard than civilians, not a lower standard.
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BOY - I'm being serious - why is it so hard to find facts on shootings? It would seem the FBI would track it like a hawk....and maybe they do but I couldn't lay hands on it.

2011 police shot in USA 1,146 people of which according to the above source 607 dead.

As I mention I'm really trying not to comment, just share this information.
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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Meanwhile cops all over the country for as long as there has been cops have been getting shot and killed by perps of all colors. I don't see cops rioting in the streets when one of theirs gets killed in the line of duty.

Ahh ok...so when a cop kills and we aren't quite sure if it is valid we should just chalk it up to.....

Evening the score?
Comes with the job?
No big issue?
Depends on who the dead person is?
Any of the above?

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It's like trying to trust the government in general. Personally my father is a 45+ year law enforcement officer. Ive been around my fair share of police on both sides of the law. Just because police are trained on how to be good cops doesn't mean they'll act like good cops.

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How on earth can you derive your query from my question? You are talking like you've seen all the evidence already and you're astonished as to why he hasn't been charged yet. I just asked if you've seen all the evidence. I mean surely you have some insider information right? If not, then hold on to your speculations until they choose to not indict him, or charge him.

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How on earth can you derive your query from my question?

Read my post, to which your question replied. It was not specific to the Michael Brown case. The only way your question was in any way relevant was if Michael Brown was in fact armed (which we know was not the case).
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Meanwhile cops all over the country for as long as there has been cops have been getting shot and killed by perps of all colors. I don't see cops rioting in the streets when one of theirs gets killed in the line of duty.

Why would police riot over an officer being shot and killed when the whole department can drop everything else and go on a manhunt for the person they think did it and railroad the sumbitch if necessary?

...maybe shoot up some random peoples' vehicles while they're at it "because pickup truck."

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Does a person have to be armed to be shot by a cop? Is that your only criteria?

On another note, they are threatening to riot if they don't charge the cop again, and another person SHOT three times at a cop and was then killed in St. Louis and they are threatening a riot over that.

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I'll throw this one on you, this guy wasn't armed.

This was an officer in my town. I have seen the reenactment video, it's brutal.


Officer Lawrence was shot and killed while she and her training officer were at the scene of a residential burglary call. The officers encountered the suspect in the bedroom of the house and were attacked by him. The suspect managed to gain control of Officer Lawrence's service revolver and shot her once in the chest. Officer Lawrence's FTO struggled with the man for several more minutes before he was able to fatally shoot the suspect. The suspect was shot a total of ten times with .357 caliber rounds before he finally stopped the assault on the officers.

You don't have to be armed to be shot and this is why. This guy started out unarmed, beat the female cop unconscious, got her gun killed her, while her partner shot him until his revolver was empty and it did not stop him. The officer then huddled in the corner WHILE BEING BEATEN by the suspect and reloaded his revolver, he was then able to turn around, and fire more shots until, finally he was able to shoot him in the head.

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Looks like any shooting by a police office in larger cities will be meet with protest.

Perhaps that isn't a terrible thing..... as long as property destruction can be eliminated and other people aren't injured.

The reported details would make it seem that the police officer was certainly justified. I find it funny that they comment how many times the officer fired.
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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I completely understand a concern after any shooting, and the need to get to the truth, and have justice served...etc...etc.., but isnt the threat of violence, and property destruction if someone doesn't get their way extortion, blackmail, or some other law?

In fact the threat or action of violence, arson etc to coherse government meets the definition of terrorism in my state.



§128.1. Terrorism

A. Terrorism is the commission of any of the acts enumerated in this Subsection, when the offender has the intent to intimidate or coerce the civilian population, influence the policy of a unit of government by intimidation or coercion, or affect the conduct of a unit of government by intimidation or coercion:

(1) Intentional killing of a human being.

(2) Intentional infliction of serious bodily injury upon a human being.

(3) Kidnapping of a human being.

(4) Aggravated arson upon any structure, watercraft, or movable.

(5) Intentional aggravated criminal damage to property.

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