
US breaking the Vienna convention - arrests and strip searches Indian diplomat

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Interesting Washington Post article explaining, in some detail, the US govt's side of the story. It gives some initial pause in accepting India's perspective and version of facts at face value. The complete story is clearly not out yet, but in fairness, this side should be read in its entirety:


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Verry Innterresting :P...

Take away her cow piss shampoo, & throw her in the can for a few years. Only then, should India be allowed to recall her spoiled Butt.

Kerry better shut up. The Dems could lose their majority if this bitch is allowed to walk.

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India is mad because someone of her caste is not subjected to arrest in India. They expect Americans to treat her the same. In India, someone of the maid's caste is not expected to demand better work conditions. India expects America to put the maid in her place.

I read that she is actually of the Untouchables caste. But apparently feeling above it, now.

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Verry Innterresting :P...

Take away her cow piss shampoo, & throw her in the can for a few years. Only then, should India be allowed to recall her spoiled Butt.

Kerry better shut up. The Dems could lose their majority if this bitch is allowed to walk.

Just be glad she wasn't a Muslim. NYC could be under lockdown and BHO would be hiding in some underground North American Air Defense Command bunker out west.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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*** Verry Innterresting :P...

Take away her cow piss shampoo, & throw her in the can for a few years. Only then, should India be allowed to recall her spoiled Butt.

Kerry better shut up. The Dems could lose their majority if this bitch is allowed to walk.

Just be glad she wasn't a Muslim. NYC could be under lockdown and BHO would be hiding in some underground North American Air Defense Command bunker out west.

I thought Obama was a muslim and therefore working with her?
Never try to eat more than you can lift

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I agree w/you generally, w/one possible qualification: the LEOs knew - presumably prior to her arrest - that she was part of a diplomatic mission. And as you pointed out, this was in NYC, where's there's some sophistication about that, as well as the potential political sensitivity. So I wonder whether they did the diligence to check into her diplomatic status before they arrested her. Etc., etc....

Sheer guesswork on my part, but I suspect there was a message in there. The maid tried to get better conditions. India arrested her husband and child. The US publicly arrested the employer / diplomat. It looks to me as if the US and India were playing a game and India pressed the 'WAR' button.

It may blow up in their face. When it is made clear what the 'strip search' and 'cavity search' were, this may become a debate on the Indian caste system. Or, it could fade away. It isn't a good battle for either side.

I would hope that the US had tried to work with the Indian Embassy to resolve this before the arrest. I would hope that she was asked to surrender herself first. It's not required. But as you point out, there are sensitivities involved.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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Here's a strong argument from the attorney for the domestic worker in this case that the US's actions were legal (she didn't have diplomatic immunity, only consular immunity, which doesn't apply here) and that India's approach to this recurring problem - not just in this case, but in others - is contemptible. Bears reading in its entirety.


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Rule #1 : America is always in the right.

Rule n : In the unlikely event of a suspected infringement of any rule for #2 onward, please refer to Rule #1.

Sound byte. Doesn't really advance the discussion, which is about consular immunity vs. diplomatic immunity.



Consular immunity privileges are described in the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963 (VCCR).[1][2] Consular immunity offers protections similar to diplomatic immunity, but these protections are not as extensive, given the functional differences between consular and diplomatic officers. For example, consular officers are not accorded absolute immunity from a host country’s criminal jurisdiction, they may be tried for certain local crimes upon action by a local court, and are immune from local jurisdiction only in cases directly relating to consular functions.

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That's cuz I don't know anything about them there things... I knows about taking the piss out of bullies:P and the USA is most assuredly one of them.

AH . . . so you DO want us to give you a swirly.:|
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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That's cuz I don't know anything about them there things... I knows about taking the piss out of bullies:P and the USA is most assuredly one of them.

You've got a short memory. TheUK was quite the global bully for hundreds of years. Get off your high horse, & look in the mirror. If you'd observe the obvious disconnect between US citizens, & our totally out of control govt. That would be nice, too...

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