
Obama: 'We Have Accomplished As Much, If Not More, Than Any Time in Our History'

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Well when you lie as much as he does I guess you believe your own bullshit lies. I'm honestly trying to think of something positive out of his presidency so far...Yeah I've got nothing.

+1, I suppose he has failed....which was predicted early on.

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No, this President didn't start it. He has perfected it. The US is openly bragging about assassinations on foreign soil of foreign nationals and even US citizens. The killing of Bin Laden was nothing more than an assassination and Act of War that the US bragged about.

Obama 'perfected' it? Does that mean his actions are simply more efficient than, say, the full scale invasion of Afghanistan?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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***Well when you lie as much as he does I guess you believe your own bullshit lies. I'm honestly trying to think of something positive out of his presidency so far...Yeah I've got nothing.

+1, I suppose he has failed....which was predicted early on.

Well, if it something you don't agree on, then I guess you won't see it as positive. Quick example-- I think equal rights/opportunity extended to all americans regardless of sexual orientation is a huge positive, but I'm sure there are people who don't agree with that and don't see it as positive at all.

I don't like a lot of things this president has done. LOTS. But.... to say there is not one thing positive that has happened out of his presidency is exactly the kind of 'bullshit' you're talking about in your post, IMO.
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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******Well when you lie as much as he does I guess you believe your own bullshit lies. I'm honestly trying to think of something positive out of his presidency so far...Yeah I've got nothing.

+1, I suppose he has failed....which was predicted early on.

Well, if it something you don't agree on, then I guess you won't see it as positive. Quick example-- I think equal rights/opportunity extended to all americans regardless of sexual orientation is a huge positive, but I'm sure there are people who don't agree with that and don't see it as positive at all.

I don't like a lot of things this president has done. LOTS. But.... to say there is not one thing positive that has happened out of his presidency is exactly the kind of 'bullshit' you're talking about in your post, IMO.

Ya know . . . we had a pretty good record here.

Then ya had to go and flub it all up amd make me agree with you.>:(
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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Correct. I just reckon if you're going to do an Act of War then be more conspicuous. What's weird is that Bush was the one who was regarded as the guy who'd actually do it. Now we've got a Nobel Peace Prize winner calling the figurative and literal shots.

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******Well when you lie as much as he does I guess you believe your own bullshit lies. I'm honestly trying to think of something positive out of his presidency so far...Yeah I've got nothing.

+1, I suppose he has failed....which was predicted early on.

Well, if it something you don't agree on, then I guess you won't see it as positive. Quick example-- I think equal rights/opportunity extended to all americans regardless of sexual orientation is a huge positive, but I'm sure there are people who don't agree with that and don't see it as positive at all.

I don't like a lot of things this president has done. LOTS. But.... to say there is not one thing positive that has happened out of his presidency is exactly the kind of 'bullshit' you're talking about in your post, IMO. The part about....."regardless of sexual orientation, etc.", up until he became President, he strongly opposed same sex marriage. If he would change his mind for political expediency on this, what would he do next?

I wonder if a presidential pardon for everyone in the country illegally would fly? In his mind it would.
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[Reply]I think equal rights/opportunity extended to all americans regardless of sexual orientation is a huge positive, but I'm sure there are people who don't agree with that and don't see it as positive at all.

I don't like a lot of things this president has done. LOTS. But.... to say there is not one thing positive that has happened out of his presidency is exactly the kind of 'bullshit' you're talking about in your post, IMO.

This is a PERFECT example of this President's passing of the buck and taking credit. Remember when the ACA was passed? Yeah - without a single GOP vote? Dontcha think that the President - instead of opposing equal rights as he did then - could have lobbied for a law repealing DOMA?

He didn't. Neither did Congress. He and Congress let the Courts call DOMA Unconstitutional and then IMMRDIATELY repealed it when there was zero choice, anyway. DADT? Court called it Unconstitutional and struck it. Wow - then Congress and POTUS act and take credit for it.

Other than the ACA and the Iraq withdrawal, what are some policy accomplishments that the Admin can actually legitimately take credit for? (Even the ACA was a legislative accomplishment - the President and his admin had little to do with it outside of marketing it and then signing it)

I'm serious. What are some of the Administration's accomplishments? LGBT rights is probably the LAST thing to list because nothing happened until the Courts struck the applicable laws as unenforceable. Years of doing nothing while people suffered.

But let's look at accomplishments. What has been accomplished?

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Now there's some diplomacy.

'Do what I ask or I'll fire a rocket up your ass' is not more an example of "diplomacy" than what was actually done.
Not a lot of difference between, "Walk Softly and Carry a Big Stick” Theodore Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan making Momar Ghadafi hide in a different tent each night. Momar was a good boy for 25 years until Libya became a "democracy"..
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But let's look at accomplishments. What has been accomplished?

Keeping right wingers out of the White House has to count for something.

Refraining from invading any middle eastern nations has to count for something.

Recovering from Bush's recession has to count for something.


The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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The part about....."regardless of sexual orientation, etc.", up until he became President, he strongly opposed same sex marriage.

Just like everything you say about the man, this is simply not true.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Keeping right wingers out of the White House has to count for something.

Right wingers like killing foreigners, hard-core police state actions, and putting corporations above everyone else. Which means that right-wingers are in the White House. The ACA - welfare for drug and insurance companies. Look at the Dow - wow! Corporations doing remarkably well. We can tell because of how much you bitch about how much better they are doing than everyone else. We can also tell because every time there's an inkling that the government is going to turn down the money faucet, the stock market grumbles.

What awesome left wing corporatist domestic spying military intervention human-rights abusing government we have. Good thing they are Democrats - they pull right-wing bullshit for all the right reasons. :)
[Quote]Refraining from invading any middle eastern nations has to count for something.

Because Syria and Libya aren't counted. Or Iran (Stuxnet).The Democrats have become so right ring that Kerry has bragged that our military would be funded by the Saudis in the event we fuck up Syria or Iran. Think about it - wartime profiteering by turning the US military into soldiers of fortune! I mean, there's a right wing idea.

[Quote]Recovering from Bush's recession has to count for something.[/quote
Quite the recovery, eh? Yes. Why, thinks haven't been this good since 2000. All those people on unemployment and food stamps? Fuck yeah! That's recovery we can be proud of! The more the merrier!

Enough of the bullshit. I do, however, appreciate the honesty that the worst possible (D) is superior to the best possible (R). Goal number 1 - keep a Republican out of the White House. Glad to see that the President's promise to end partisanship has really turned out as well as his other promises have.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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[Reply]I think equal rights/opportunity extended to all americans regardless of sexual orientation is a huge positive, but I'm sure there are people who don't agree with that and don't see it as positive at all.

I don't like a lot of things this president has done. LOTS. But.... to say there is not one thing positive that has happened out of his presidency is exactly the kind of 'bullshit' you're talking about in your post, IMO.

This is a PERFECT example of this President's passing of the buck and taking credit. Remember when the ACA was passed? Yeah - without a single GOP vote? Dontcha think that the President - instead of opposing equal rights as he did then - could have lobbied for a law repealing DOMA?

He didn't. Neither did Congress. He and Congress let the Courts call DOMA Unconstitutional and then IMMRDIATELY repealed it when there was zero choice, anyway. DADT? Court called it Unconstitutional and struck it. Wow - then Congress and POTUS act and take credit for it.

Other than the ACA and the Iraq withdrawal, what are some policy accomplishments that the Admin can actually legitimately take credit for? (Even the ACA was a legislative accomplishment - the President and his admin had little to do with it outside of marketing it and then signing it)

I'm serious. What are some of the Administration's accomplishments? LGBT rights is probably the LAST thing to list because nothing happened until the Courts struck the applicable laws as unenforceable. Years of doing nothing while people suffered.

But let's look at accomplishments. What has been accomplished?

You lost me on the Iraq withdrawal. We got kicked out when we wanted to stay. I didn't count that as a 'win'. What did I miss?
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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Refraining from invading any middle eastern nations has to count for something.

Because Syria and Libya aren't counted. Or Iran (Stuxnet).The Democrats have become so right ring that Kerry has bragged that our military would be funded by the Saudis in the event we fuck up Syria or Iran. Think about it - wartime profiteering by turning the US military into soldiers of fortune! I mean, there's a right wing idea.

When did we invade Syria or Libya? How many US troops on the ground in either place?

What are you smoking?

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[Quote]Recovering from Bush's recession has to count for something.

Quite the recovery, eh? Yes. Why, thinks haven't been this good since 2000. All those people on unemployment and food stamps? Fuck yeah! That's recovery we can be proud of! The more the merrier!

GWB gave us the worst recession since the 1930s. Under Obama we have not only recovered, the S&P and Dow are at record highs. The Dow has doubled since Jan 20, 2009, as has the S&P 500.

Give me the name of a GOP administration that presided over a doubling of the indexes in less than 5 years from taking office. Not even St. Ronald achieved that.


Enough of the bullshit. I do, however, appreciate the honesty that the worst possible (D) is superior to the best possible (R). Goal number 1 - keep a Republican out of the White House. Glad to see that the President's promise to end partisanship has really turned out as well as his other promises have.

Over the past 64 years and 16 presidential terms, the U.S. grew at an average rate of 4.35% when a Democrat was in the White House and at a 2.54% when a Republican was, a gap the economists call “astoundingly large.”

Just the facts.

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[Reply]When did we invade Syria or Libya? How many US troops on the ground in either place?

What are you smoking?

Oh. So now only if we have uniformed US military personnel on the ground engaging in fighting do we have this? Libya? What about the several hundred thousand magazine to supply Syrian rebels. By your definition, the Bay of Pigs was also not a US invasion. Nor was Reagan's ordered attack on Libya a military invasion. How dare you suggest that the US didn't invade Libya. There was intellectual honesty back then.

Hey - we didn't have any boots on the ground in Japan when we nuked them. So let's not call a limited peacemaking operation like that an invasion.

Dave - the President promised withdrawal from Iraq. Getting kicked out qualifies to me.

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GWB gave us the worst recession since the 1930s. Under Obama we have not only recovered, the S&P and Dow are at record highs. The Dow has doubled since Jan 20, 2009, as has the S&P 500.

Hey. Clinton had given us a pretty n asty one. Bush then gabe the best economy the country had evesr seen. Till it popped. I don't agree that the economy was Bush's fault - or Obama's. Do you really think that Bush is even smart enough to tank the economy of the world? I don't. Nor is Obama able to fix it.

[Quote]Give me the name of a GOP administration that presided over a doubling of the indexes in less than 5 years from taking office. Not even St. Ronald achieved that.

Correct. But why are you so glad that Wall Street is doing so damned awesomely? The big corporations love this President. What about others who aren't corporations? Tell me about that.


Over the past 64 years and 16 presidential terms, the U.S. grew at an average rate of 4.35% when a Democrat was in the White House and at a 2.54% when a Republican was, a gap the economists call “astoundingly large.”

Just the facts.

Right. Just like Clinton left a surplus. No. The economy under Clinton crashed right as he was leaving.

I also find it noteworthy that you cherry pick "64 years." So 1959. Why not include Ike's whole term? You've got JFK, LBJ, Carter and Clinton.

Why not look at other indicators that don't show just how awesome corporations are doing. Misery index, for example. Never been lower than during the Bush presidency.

I am fascinated at how much you point to how well corporations are doing as a plus. Which is contrary to your frequent stance against corporations. Big corporations are doing well. The rest of the population isn't.

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The part about....."regardless of sexual orientation, etc.", up until he became President, he strongly opposed same sex marriage.

Just like everything you say about the man, this is simply not true.

http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/290683-obamas-gay-marriage-legacy"Arguably the must indelible mark Obama will leave his party is a 2016 Democratic field that includes candidates who openly support gay marriage. Hillary Clinton, for example, came out in support of same-sex marriage last week. It is a dramatic shift from 2008, when Obama, Clinton and former Sen. John Edwards all opposed same-sex marriage."

"Obama was actually slow to endorse gay marriage, and for much of his first term gay rights advocates were irritated he had done too little for their agenda.

That changed dramatically — and possibly accidentally — when Biden said in a May 2012 interview on “Meet the Press” said he was “absolutely comfortable” with gay marriage..."

That ice cream/Air Force One freeloader, Biden, changed his mind? Yeah, everything I say about the man is wrong. jakee, you need to come clean. Did the democrats have voting booths in the UK?
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I also find it noteworthy that you cherry pick "64 years." So 1959. Why not include Ike's whole term? You've got JFK, LBJ, Carter and Clinton.

Math wasn't your strong subject at school, was it?

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Hey - we didn't have any boots on the ground in Japan when we nuked them.


The US POWs on the ground likely wore sandals if they were lucky. So he is right.

Why are American educated people so ignorant of their own history?

Jakee is right. Lawrocket (and you) are not.

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Refraining from invading any middle eastern nations has to count for something.

Because Syria and Libya aren't counted. Or Iran (Stuxnet).The Democrats have become so right ring that Kerry has bragged that our military would be funded by the Saudis in the event we fuck up Syria or Iran. Think about it - wartime profiteering by turning the US military into soldiers of fortune! I mean, there's a right wing idea.

When did we invade Syria or Libya? How many US troops on the ground in either place?

What are you smoking? What's this wee stuff. You have a mouse in your pocket? The Brits were there too.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/libya/8721291/Libya-SAS-leads-hunt-for-Gaddafi.html
"As a £1 million bounty was placed on Gaddafi’s head, soldiers from 22 SAS Regiment began guiding rebel soldiers after being ordered in by David Cameron.

For the first time, defence sources have confirmed that the SAS has been in Libya for several weeks, and played a key role in coordinating the fall of Tripoli.

With the majority of the capital now in rebel hands, the SAS soldiers, who have been dressed in Arab civilian clothing and carrying the same weapons as the rebels, have been ordered to switch their focus to the search for Gaddafi, who has been on the run since his fortified headquarters was captured on Tuesday..."

Just who do you think was directing the NATO air strikes? You are sadly mistaken if you don't believe the US was conducting air strikes and training the Libya "good guys" in addition to those cool guys in the SAS.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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