
Rush Limbaugh losing major broadcaster

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No one really went to see it.

Really because it premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival which is pretty high profile annual film festival. Are you sure you really want maintain this stance that nobody went to see it?

Oh the arrogance of Progressives never ceases to amazement.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Where was the outrage

Who cares? It was a tiny made-for-TV movie that almost no one in the US saw. From Wiki:


The total production budget for the film is estimated to have been two million dollars. The film was screened in the U.S. for 14 days, showing at 143 theatres at its widest release. Worldwide, it grossed $869,352.

Is everyone supposed to get outraged at every low budget, European, made-for-TV movie that might offend?

- Dan G

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See post above.


Oh the arrogance of Progressives never ceases to amazement.

Yeah, look in the mirror.

First off, I am not a progressive

Second off, I dont claim they (progressives or liberals) are stupid and/or undeducated when I debate them, I just dont agree with them

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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First off, wasn't responding to you.

Second, you claim that people who disagree with you are arrogant on a regular basis.

Only when they start replies with belittling insults or innuendo
Or they claim I am close minded in an attempt to shut me up.

How many times have you infered that I am not educated on a supject just because I dont agree with you?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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In his own words (transcript from his show)


RUSH: I want to get something out of the way here at the top. There was another Politico story that ran last night about this program and the radio stations that it is on, and is going to be on, in the future. And someday, someday I am looking so forward to being able to detail all of this for you, but suffice it to say nothing is gonna happen that you will notice. Nothing is going to change.

You are gonna be able to get this radio program on as many, if not more, radio stations down the road than it's on now, and what you're being treated to is just a public business negotiation. Negotiations have been taken public by one side of this. I thought it was done. I thought it was over with. And, folks, I would love... I mean, I love inside baseball stuff, and I would love to pass this on, but I must use proper business restraint here.

But I just want to assure you, everything's cool, and, as always, what's on the table for this program is growth.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>And claiming that his listeners would support him if he called for the killing of anyone is
>what is radical

Not all of them would - but a large fraction would. He panders to the extremists on his show currently, which is why he uses the language he does.

(And this is no doubt a conscious decision. Compare his books to his radio show; he knows the audience for books is different, so he's less extreme in his books.)

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How many times have you infered that I am not educated on a supject just because I dont agree with you?

I don't keep track. Do you?

If a poster is uneducated on a subject, it doesn't mean they are stupid. If I say that you don't know something, it doesn't mean I think you are dumb, it just means that you don't know.

And you try to shut people up with inuendo, belittling comments, and snide remarks more than just about anyone else here. Except maybe kallend, your arch-rival. You two are really not very different in your posting styles at all.

- Dan G

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How many times have you infered that I am not educated on a supject just because I dont agree with you?

I don't keep track. Do you?

If a poster is uneducated on a subject, it doesn't mean they are stupid. If I say that you don't know something, it doesn't mean I think you are dumb, it just means that you don't know.

And you try to shut people up with inuendo, belittling comments, and snide remarks more than just about anyone else here. Except maybe kallend, your arch-rival. You two are really not very different in your posting styles at all.

You and I have had good exchanges
I return what I get
At least you will answer pointed questions
kallend usually does not
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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No one really went to see it.

Really because it premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival which is pretty high profile annual film festival. Are you sure you really want maintain this stance that nobody went to see it?

Yes. According to wikipedia: Budget = $2,000,000, worldwide box office, $870,000.

A tiny film, which flopped even by the standards of tiny films. I, for one, wasn't outraged because I'd never even heard of it - and I follow both politics and films, and it was made in Britain.

'Flocked'! LMFAO:D
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I, for one, wasn't outraged because I'd never even heard of it

The fact remains that it was made and I only brought it up because Mr Vonn said that a certain segment of Rush's followers would revel if he called for Obama to be assassinated and while I don't think I have ever made the time to actually listen to one of Limbaugh's shows, I am pretty certain he is not calling for Obama to be assassinated and yet here is an example where some Progressives were making a movie about a GWB assassination. Isolated cases? No not really. Not that much different than this picture:

Spoofed picture of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper being assassinated

and for all those who want to claim this was yet another isolate case, this picture was actually posted on the official "Liberal Party of Canada" website (you know the political party that used to dominate Canadian politics until one day their theft of tax payers money became public and they have yet to come close to governing since then). Yes imagine that, Progressives actually thought this picture was funny. It was only when the outrage from the general public surfaced that then leader of the LPC Michael Ignatieff ordered the picture be taken off of his party's official website.

If you know of other cases where Conservative groups are actually making movies and/or posting pictures of Obama, or one of the Clintons or any other Democrat being assassinated, then by all means show them and I will condemn those just as much as I condemn these examples I speak of. But here are a few examples where Progressives find entertainment in spoofing the assassinations of their opponents.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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and yet here is an example where some Progressives were making a movie about a GWB assassination.

And you say 'they' are progressives... why? What information do you have about the filmmakers? Have you seen the film? One widely quoted review describes it as a film "without a political agenda that everyone should see." The same director's latest film was reviewed in the Telegraph (staunchly conservative broadsheet) as "a film of jolting accuracy"

So I'm curious if you're making an assumption based purely on the subject, or if you have actual information about the intentions of the makers/ financiers or the contents of the film?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Progressive. Progressive thought brought you people who invented airplanes, because they wanted to fly. Progressive thought brought you people who wanted to jump out of airplanes, and invented the sport of skydiving. Progressive thought brought you people who wanted to colonize new places, such as North America. Progressive thought brought humanity out of Africa to the entire world. Progressive thought is responsible for innovation, change forward movement. You seem to use the word 'progressives' in a somewhat pejorative manner, yet it was progressive thought which brought us from hunting dinner and living in caves and thinking fire was scary, to the world you see around you.
By all means, keep using 'progressives' in a manner that describes people whose political positions you don't like, but remember that if it were not for progressives, you would have no internet to argue through.
Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

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******I am not so sure I qualify as a liberal. I know that is a confounding thing to hear... but I am more of a centrist. I am liberal in some things, conservative in others. But I wont bore you with all the details. Let me just say that while I believe in less government (or corporate) control, I DO believe in greater personal accountability, and the fact that as members of a community, we are obligated to look out for one another. Take that as you will.
That said.. you are right. They likely wont find a less radical persona. It is a shame. It would be nice if the media could become less polarizing.


Yeah. Centrist, Just like Pelosi and Reid are centrists.:D:D:D:D
See.. this is what I am talking about. Folks have partisanship so ingrained that they literally cannot think in any other way. Either you are liberal, or conservative. End of story, cannot think outside that box.
No. Not like Pelosi or Reid. Like Norrin. In the manner I just described.

Typical Leftist Liberal . . . No sense of humor.:D:D:D:D:D:P

It was a joke dude.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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You are confusing the word Progress with arrogant Liberals who rebranded themselves as Progressives thinking "how could anyone argue with progress". Conservatives are not perfect, they have their skeletons. But only a Progressive Liberal hack thinks that they are responsible for all those items you listed. Do you even know the origins of the internet? or are you so young and obtuse to believe in the lies Gore told you about how he invented the internet. Too funny, Progressives invented the internet. Right, got any more jokes to tell us? :ph34r:

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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>Do you even know the origins of the internet? or are you so young and obtuse to
>believe in the lies Gore told you about how he invented the internet.

Are you so brainwashed by the right that you think that Gore said he invented the Internet?

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>Do you even know the origins of the internet? or are you so young and obtuse to
>believe in the lies Gore told you about how he invented the internet.

Are you so brainwashed by the right that you think that Gore said he invented the Internet?

Are you so brainwashed by liberals/left you think man is having a major affect on climate?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Are you so brainwashed by the right that you think that Gore said he invented the Internet?

I must have missed that since I was too busy listening to Rush Limbaugh rally his troops to support the assassination of President Obama. Oops wait, I missed that too since I don't watch/listen to Rush Limbaugh. But I didn't miss the movie about GWB's spoofed assassination nor did I miss the Liberal Party of Canada posting a spoofed assassination picture of the PM on their official website.

My American friends here won't know this reference, but this thread reminds me of the recent Robo-call scandal the consensus mainstream media in Canuckistan tried to invent last year on how the evil Conservative Party of Canada stole the last election. There was no shortage of unproven accusations from the Progressives and their media, but to date the only people who were found to have broken any Robo-call rules was a Liberal and an NDP (even further to the Left than a Liberal is) politician.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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A tiny film, which flopped even by the standards of tiny films. I, for one, wasn't outraged because I'd never even heard of it - and I follow both politics and films, and it was made in Britain.

And if someone made a film showing the assassination of Obama.... You think for one second that liberals would not use that to justify Bills position that Conservatives want to see Obama dead?

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>Do you even know the origins of the internet? or are you so young and obtuse to
>believe in the lies Gore told you about how he invented the internet.

Are you so brainwashed by the right that you think that Gore said he invented the Internet?

50 seconds into the interview



During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.

Facts hurt. You may not like it.... But he did say it. You will now claim that inventing and creating are not the same thing.... Semantics. He claimed he created the Internet.

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