
Rush Limbaugh losing major broadcaster

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Perhaps they will find a less radical, more rational representative of conservative views? They do exist.

Yeah, maybe someone more liberal so people like you will listen. NOT!!!!! :ph34r:

This has nothing to do with ideology. Especially when they are moving Levin and Savage in to fill the broadcasting gaps.

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I am not so sure I qualify as a liberal. I know that is a confounding thing to hear... but I am more of a centrist. I am liberal in some things, conservative in others. But I wont bore you with all the details. Let me just say that while I believe in less government (or corporate) control, I DO believe in greater personal accountability, and the fact that as members of a community, we are obligated to look out for one another. Take that as you will.
That said.. you are right. They likely wont find a less radical persona. It is a shame. It would be nice if the media could become less polarizing.
Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

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I am not so sure I qualify as a liberal.

You really are new here! You're Canuckian. Which really means you (and I) will always be interpreted to be just fractionally to the right of all those dirty commies.[:/]

The colour of our flag? RED! Coincidence? They think not.

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***I am not so sure I qualify as a liberal.

You really are new here! You're Canuckian. Which really means you (and I) will always be interpreted to be just fractionally to the right of all those dirty commies.[:/]

The colour of our flag? RED! Coincidence? They think not.

So we can count you as another one who has comprehension problems, I see.

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I choose to not think so. But, as usual, I could be sadly mistaken.

BTW, before anybody else gets their panties in a knot, it was tongue-in-cheek sarcasm directed towards the gent from Ontario. A form of humour that Canadians are peculiarly known for.

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I choose to not think so. But, as usual, I could be sadly mistaken.

BTW, before anybody else gets their panties in a knot, it was tongue-in-cheek sarcasm directed towards the gent from Ontario. A form of humour that Canadians are peculiarly known for.

One of the benefits of not having a two party system is that things are not always delivered in a strictly liberal or conservative context.
Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

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I am not so sure I qualify as a liberal. I know that is a confounding thing to hear... but I am more of a centrist. I am liberal in some things, conservative in others. But I wont bore you with all the details. Let me just say that while I believe in less government (or corporate) control, I DO believe in greater personal accountability, and the fact that as members of a community, we are obligated to look out for one another. Take that as you will.
That said.. you are right. They likely wont find a less radical persona. It is a shame. It would be nice if the media could become less polarizing.


Yeah. Centrist, Just like Pelosi and Reid are centrists.:D:D:D:D
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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***I am not so sure I qualify as a liberal. I know that is a confounding thing to hear... but I am more of a centrist. I am liberal in some things, conservative in others. But I wont bore you with all the details. Let me just say that while I believe in less government (or corporate) control, I DO believe in greater personal accountability, and the fact that as members of a community, we are obligated to look out for one another. Take that as you will.
That said.. you are right. They likely wont find a less radical persona. It is a shame. It would be nice if the media could become less polarizing.


Yeah. Centrist, Just like Pelosi and Reid are centrists.:D:D:D:D
See.. this is what I am talking about. Folks have partisanship so ingrained that they literally cannot think in any other way. Either you are liberal, or conservative. End of story, cannot think outside that box.
No. Not like Pelosi or Reid. Like Norrin. In the manner I just described.
Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

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******I am not so sure I qualify as a liberal. I know that is a confounding thing to hear... but I am more of a centrist. I am liberal in some things, conservative in others. But I wont bore you with all the details. Let me just say that while I believe in less government (or corporate) control, I DO believe in greater personal accountability, and the fact that as members of a community, we are obligated to look out for one another. Take that as you will.
That said.. you are right. They likely wont find a less radical persona. It is a shame. It would be nice if the media could become less polarizing.


Yeah. Centrist, Just like Pelosi and Reid are centrists.:D:D:D:D
See.. this is what I am talking about. Folks have partisanship so ingrained that they literally cannot think in any other way. Either you are liberal, or conservative. End of story, cannot think outside that box.
No. Not like Pelosi or Reid. Like Norrin. In the manner I just described.

That high horse you see yourself on, is not that high[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>I am not so sure I qualify as a liberal.

You do here. The average post on here is pretty hard-right so overall your posts will be considered liberal.

>That said.. you are right. They likely wont find a less radical persona.

I think they probably will. There are a lot of good commentators out there.

That being said, Limbaugh isn't going away any time soon. There is a market for people like him; indeed, the more extreme, the better. He could openly advocate for the assassination of Obama and a large percentage of his fan base would say "hell yeah!"

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That being said, Limbaugh isn't going away any time soon. There is a market for people like him; indeed, the more extreme, the better. He could openly advocate for the assassination of Obama and a large percentage of his fan base would say "hell yeah!"

Mind reading again:D:D

I would call this a lie but hell
You call Limbaugh radical

Did you read your own words before you posted them here?

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Was I dreaming, or did Progressive movie makers actually make a movie about GWB being assassinated in 2006 and throngs of Progressives flocked to the theaters and paid money to watch this so called entertainment and none of them thought that this would be perceived as radical. I must have been dreaming because no Progressive would ever make a movie about a current president being assassinated and consider this entertainment.

The arrogance of the Progressives never ceases to amaze me.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Was I dreaming, or did Progressive movie makers actually make a movie about GWB being assassinated in 2006 and throngs of Progressives flocked to the theaters and paid money to watch this so called entertainment and none of them thought that this would be perceived as radical. I must have been dreaming because no Progressive would ever make a movie about a current president being assassinated and consider this entertainment.

The arrogance of the Progressives never ceases to amaze me.

I am still confused over your use of the term 'progressive'.
Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?

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>You call Limbaugh radical

He is; that's how he makes his money. He's no idiot. He knows what his audience wants, and it's not centrist analysis.

Not really

And claiming that his listeners would support him if he called for the killing of anyone is what is radical

Sure, there are always a few nuts
And they exist on both sides

Your post proves this sad fact
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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***Was I dreaming, or did Progressive movie makers actually make a movie about GWB being assassinated in 2006 and throngs of Progressives flocked to the theaters and paid money to watch this so called entertainment and none of them thought that this would be perceived as radical. I must have been dreaming because no Progressive would ever make a movie about a current president being assassinated and consider this entertainment.

The arrogance of the Progressives never ceases to amaze me.

I am still confused over your use of the term 'progressive'.

This is what liberals here call themselves

Means the same to me
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Was I dreaming, or did Progressive movie makers actually make a movie about GWB being assassinated in 2006 and throngs of Progressives flocked to the theaters and paid money to watch this so called entertainment and none of them thought that this would be perceived as radical. I must have been dreaming because no Progressive would ever make a movie about a current president being assassinated and consider this entertainment.

The arrogance of the Progressives never ceases to amaze me.

I had forgotten about that

Then remember when Abby Giffords got shot and the target issue (On Sarah Palin's website I think) that these progressives used to try and raise a stink?

and then it turns out that Bob Beckel said he was the first one to use targets on a map for political purposes? And HE said that on the Fox show he is on daily. (The Five I think)
Progressive arogance on display over and over
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Was I dreaming, or...

You were dreaming. Some British art house indy director made such a movie. No one really went to see it.

Death of a President (2006)

Where was the outrage:S
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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