
Texas legislature dressed down

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On another note
You think that this woman's "right" is unlimited?

Or do you agree (as you have spewed before) that no right is absolute?

Just checkin

I believe that any mentally competent person has the right to decide what happens to their own body without government interference.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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***On another note
You think that this woman's "right" is unlimited?

Or do you agree (as you have spewed before) that no right is absolute?

Just checkin

I believe that any mentally competent person has the right to decide what happens to their own body without government interference.

So, you get to decide which rights are total and which are not

Got it
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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find the other half of your clue

Still can't get the simple concepts I outlined in my post?

You can't explain why freedom and individual rights only apply to males of white northern European ancestry, and NOT to adult women.

Conservatardism at its finest!!!

You have not come up with anything positive that has happened due to conservative philosophy. NOT ONE of the times I have challenged the 'tards on this has anyone come up with anything. That would be because there has never been anything positive for society that has come from the practical application of conservative beliefs. Not now, not ever.

Given that you have never managed to come up with a single example, odds are you know the truth. You just can't admit that your whole belief system is a load of worthless shit.

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******On another note
You think that this woman's "right" is unlimited?

Or do you agree (as you have spewed before) that no right is absolute?

Just checkin

I believe that any mentally competent person has the right to decide what happens to their own body without government interference.

So, you get to decide which rights are total and which are not

Got it

You get to decide what a complete stranger can and cannot do with her body, just because she's female?

Got it.

You're all about control of women, just like other Republicans.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Funjumper, those are correct and concise points.

Realise that for every narrow-minded halfwit that comes back with a moronic reply, there are probably 10 reasonable and intelligent people that read your post and agree; but wil not bother to post.

SC is to socio/political debate what "Fox & Friends" is to news - you tune in to see what dumb shit they'll say today; not as a source for real information.
"Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"

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Funjumper, those are correct and concise points.

Realise that for every narrow-minded halfwit that comes back with a moronic reply, there are probably 10 reasonable and intelligent people that read your post and agree; but wil not bother to post.

SC is to socio/political debate what "Fox & Friends" is to news - you tune in to see what dumb shit they'll say today; not as a source for real information.

And you know this, how?

Right, you don't so you just made it up. Thanks for playing. :S

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***Funjumper, those are correct and concise points.

Realise that for every narrow-minded halfwit that comes back with a moronic reply, there are probably 10 reasonable and intelligent people that read your post and agree; but wil not bother to post.

SC is to socio/political debate what "Fox & Friends" is to news - you tune in to see what dumb shit they'll say today; not as a source for real information.

And you know this, how?

Right, you don't so you just made it up. Thanks for playing. :S

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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You have not come up with anything positive that has happened due to conservative philosophy.

You do realize that what is considered conservative and what is considered liberal is wholly dependent on the times, right? Liberalism a hundred years ago would have been called conservative by today's standards. So what have those awful liberals of yesteryear done? Freed slaves. Gave women the right to vote. Demanded equality in the workplace. yadda yadda (all something Democrats at the time fiercely opposed).

But, speaking to today's conservatives, conservatives are generally happier than liberals, and report much better mental health. So in both of those regards, I'd say things have come out positive due to conservative philosophy, and arguably, those are the most important things in life anyway, to have a sound mind and to be happy.
You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

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***On another note
You think that this woman's "right" is unlimited?

Or do you agree (as you have spewed before) that no right is absolute?

Just checkin

I believe that any mentally competent person has the right to decide what happens to their own body without government interference.

So do 99.99999% of pro-lifers. They (we) just say your rights end when you're about to kill a baby. Maybe you're okay with shoving scissors into the back of an infant's skull (Gosnell might have some openings for you after his appeals), but I'm not.
You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

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***Funjumper, those are correct and concise points.

Realise that for every narrow-minded halfwit that comes back with a moronic reply, there are probably 10 reasonable and intelligent people that read your post and agree; but wil not bother to post.

SC is to socio/political debate what "Fox & Friends" is to news - you tune in to see what dumb shit they'll say today; not as a source for real information.

And you know this, how?




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I'm in agreement with you on all counts. I have a question for all of the people here screaming "MURDER" Really? I guess you guys think birth control is an infringement as well? Or, is it OK to see to it a child is never born in the first place? I'm of the opinion that NO ONE has the right to tell a woman what she can, or can't do with her own body. For all the people here who don't believe in God, this sure is a passionate subject. Posers.

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******Funjumper, those are correct and concise points.

Realise that for every narrow-minded halfwit that comes back with a moronic reply, there are probably 10 reasonable and intelligent people that read your post and agree; but wil not bother to post.

SC is to socio/political debate what "Fox & Friends" is to news - you tune in to see what dumb shit they'll say today; not as a source for real information.

And you know this, how?




Probably not in a world where hair splitting, distorting facts and taking thing out of context is not only encouraged but admired.

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***SC is to socio/political debate what "Fox & Friends" is to news - you tune in to see what dumb shit they'll say today; not as a source for real information.

And you know this, how?



***I'm in agreement with you on all counts. I have a question for all of the people here screaming "MURDER" Really? I guess you guys think birth control is an infringement as well? Or, is it OK to see to it a child is never born in the first place? I'm of the opinion that NO ONE has the right to tell a woman what she can, or can't do with her own body. For all the people here who don't believe in God, this sure is a passionate subject. Posers.

So 30 seconds before a woman gives birth, you are ok with a doctor invading her womb with a pair of scissors and snipping the babies spinal cord?"

...there's that exchange.

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You have not come up with anything positive that has happened due to conservative philosophy. NOT ONE of the times I have challenged the 'tards on this has anyone come up with anything.

I'll explain why your challenge is misguided.

"Conservative philosophy" really just means being a traditionalist, or the belief that "the old fashioned way" has merit to it. But how far the supported tradition extends back (and in some cases, the memory of what it entailed) varies from topic to topic and from person to person. So depending on whether you want "conservatives" to be a group you hate or that you like, you can point to a tradition of unequal rights for women and minorities and suggest people espouse that, or you can point to a tradition of things like free speech and an emphasis on privacy from the government.

A "liberal philosophy" can mean a whole mess of things before you even try to put a timeline on it. If you want to wear it like a badge of honor you'll probably associate it with "liberty" meaning freedom from restriction and from oppression. But look no further than the gun control debate to see what bullshit that is. More or less it really has just come to mean "freedom from tradition" or just a philosophy that is open to change. Like being a traditionalist, there's nothing inherently good or bad about that.

And so back to your challenge... You've buried in your statement, "anything positive that has happened" to mean any positive changes that have come about. By definition, changes are going to have come from a liberal mindset. So you can go back and say "Hey, remember when we desegregated schools? Hell yeah! Go liberals!" But you're glossing over things like, "Hey, remember small town stores that all got wiped out by Walmarts? Traditionalists certainly didn't win that battle, what should we call the people that did?"

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Funjumper, those are correct and concise points.

Realise that for every narrow-minded halfwit that comes back with a moronic reply, there are probably 10 reasonable and intelligent people that read your post and agree; but wil not bother to post.

SC is to socio/political debate what "Fox & Friends" is to news - you tune in to see what dumb shit they'll say today; not as a source for real information.

Absolutely ... which is why I'm posting (smile.)

I used to have a book called "The Worst of Times." Set mostly in Philadelphia.

It was full of accounts from pre-Roe vs Wade: Women who had back-alley abortions, kids who saw their mothers die and grew up motherless, reports from coroners who witnessed all the septic deaths, and the police reports from absolutely everyone including interviews with the abortionsists and with the heartbroken husbands and fathers.

It was harrowing. I fear we're going back to those times, with recent state legislative decisions.

The worst part to me is, they are not only restricting abortion, they are greatly curtailing access to birth control. Shutting down these clinics. In case you don't get it, better birth control/pregnancy prevention, counselling, and health care in general would negate the need for many abortions in the first place.

I've almost given up; will try it your way. Restrict and abolish it. Guarantee it will not go away. It will get more ugly, with more lives lost; more lives harmed.


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So 30 seconds before a woman gives birth, you are ok with a doctor invading her womb with a pair of scissors and snipping the babies spinal cord?

Really? Did you not see the posts I responded to? I was in agreement with everything Wendy said. Read the posts before posting "bath room reading material" Really?

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*********On another note
You think that this woman's "right" is unlimited?

Or do you agree (as you have spewed before) that no right is absolute?

Just checkin

I believe that any mentally competent person has the right to decide what happens to their own body without government interference.

So, you get to decide which rights are total and which are not

Got it

You get to decide what a complete stranger can and cannot do with her body, just because she's female?

Got it.

You're all about control of women, just like other Republicans.

How would it make you feel knowing that your money goes toward abortions everyday?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Over half of all DC pregnancies end in abortion?:o
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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************On another note
You think that this woman's "right" is unlimited?

Or do you agree (as you have spewed before) that no right is absolute?

Just checkin

I believe that any mentally competent person has the right to decide what happens to their own body without government interference.

So, you get to decide which rights are total and which are not

Got it

You get to decide what a complete stranger can and cannot do with her body, just because she's female?

Got it.

You're all about control of women, just like other Republicans.

How would it make you feel knowing that your money goes toward abortions everyday?

Not so bad as knowing that a whole lot more of my money went to bombing innocent Iraqis some 10 years ago, and a whole lot more of it goes on drone strikes that kill civilians.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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How does it feel being someone who is preoccupied with the reproductive organs of women he doesn't even know?

How does it feel being a supporter of the unrestricted murder of babies? (this comment is meant to be as stupid as the one you made here. As I dont really think you support murder)


Just so you know
The TX law does not outlaw abortion
It requires the procedure be done in a certified surgical hospital and not a back closet slaughter house
Why are you against the best situational procedure for women?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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