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If President Omaba died tomorrow, how do you think some people would react?

Hmmm, interesting question.

some people.

How does he die?

I'm sure there are the "some people" percentage who would react exactly how you thought they would.
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If President Omaba died tomorrow, how do you think some people would react?

Hmmm, interesting question.

some people.

How does he die?

I'm sure there are the "some people" percentage who would react exactly how you thought they would.

Yep, if you thought scumbags who celebrated Reagans death were bad, wait until Cheney dies.

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If President Omaba died tomorrow, how do you think some people would react?

Celebrating someone's death is classless regardless of who the rubes are.

Did you not celebrate UBL's death? Seriously? When you heard it you didn't say to yourself, "Fuck yeah!"

Now, I'm NOT equating Margaret Thatcher with UBL. Don't get me wrong, but what I'm saying is, yes, there are, in fact, some people's death you can celebrate.


What do you think will happen when GWBush dies?

Pretty sure there will be a number of people dancing in the streets of Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan . . .

Personally, I feel sorry for the guy right now.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I'm very anti-Obama and people know that,but I still respect the man for the office he holds. To rejoice when someone dies?? Get a little class people!!
No matter how slowly you say oranges it never sounds like gullible.
Believe me I tried.

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If President Omaba died tomorrow, how do you think some people would react?

I shudder at the prospect of the veep coming into power. Obama may be a clueless charismatic, but Biden is a penultimate fuckwit coming and going.

I also cringe at the prospect of the CIC coming to a noble end, and thus being beatified like Jack the Zipper.



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Arseholes, the usual pinko scumbags. Look at those pictures, what do they know about Thatcher most of them weren't even born when she was PM let alone before. Just another excuse for anarchists and civil disorder by the underclass created by the Labour governments reckless spending.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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If President Omaba died tomorrow, how do you think some people would react?

Celebrating someone's death is classless regardless of who the rubes are.

Did you not celebrate UBL's death? Seriously? When you heard it you didn't say to yourself, "Fuck yeah!"

Now, I'm NOT equating Margaret Thatcher with UBL. Don't get me wrong, but what I'm saying is, yes, there are, in fact, some people's death you can celebrate.


What do you think will happen when GWBush dies?

Pretty sure there will be a number of people dancing in the streets of Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan . . .

Personally, I feel sorry for the guy right now.

No, I did not rejoice in OBL's death. In fact, if you go back and read the thread, you will see that I slammed you for your fist pumping and childish celebrations. Dead is dead. Just leave it alone at that point.

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If someone caused pain and misery to thousands of people would it be ok to be happy he/she is no longer around?

Personally I want ALL the ass holes to die. The people who know me now what I mean when I say Ass holes.
Pedophiles, murdering racist, rapists, anyone who chooses profit over innocent human life. I can keep going there are plenty of people I think need to go, and there going would be a good thing.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Biden is a penultimate fuckwit

Interesting. So who would be an ultimate fuckwit?

In the Jon Stewart interview with Admiral General Aladeen (Sasha Baron Cohen), when asked with whom he was tight now that Muammar Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein and Idi Amin were gone, the Dictator's unhesitating response was "Rick Santorum." I think that rather nailed it.

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Pedophiles, murdering racist, rapists, anyone who chooses profit over innocent human life. I can keep going there are plenty of people I think need to go, and there going would be a good thing.

This. The world gets slightly better with the death of some people. I don't think Thatcher, Reagan, or GWB are among them, but OBL certainly was, and Cheney might be. I think GWB was at least well-intentioned. His running mate, not so much. Will I celebrate when he dies? Of course not. Just a brief internal "that's nice" and then I'll get on with more important matters.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I think GWB was at least well-intentioned.

He thinks that hastening the born-again Christian apocalypse (while reaping the fringe petroleum benefits) was well-intentioned, but I don't agree with those "good intentions." Nor does this fellow.


His running mate, not so much. Will I celebrate when he dies? Of course not. Just a brief internal "that's nice" and then I'll get on with more important matters.

I agree with the "that's nice" and moving on -- I'll do the same. Cheney is a piece of shit.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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