
Now we know why FL has one of the highest CCW rates per capita

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>So what is the average response time for that police department?

That is a very good question that I do not know the answer to,but I do know of several cases in my home town,where response times were in excess of 1 hour.
In fact in one incident that occurred over a decade ago,a guy with a shotgun,drove his truck into a church,shot several rounds into the church(the church was one mile from both a state police station and a local police station),and then took off on foot and fired dozens of rounds into several houses as he walked up the street.
This guy ended up shooting a young couple who were outside while unloading furniture into their new residence and killed them both.
He ran out of ammo and kept walking until the cops found him walking back down the street over 1 hour after he fired the first shot.
The pastor at the church had called the cops before this guy drove into the church because he was screaming at his girlfriend who was in the church, from his truck that he was going to kill her, while he smoked his tires in the parking lot spinning donuts.
If I recall,the guy was not legal to have any firearms.

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More fantastic logic... guns don't perform CPR on 5 year olds = guns are useless.

No different that the logic that says the chances of me ever needing a gun in my lifetime are minuscule, so I better carry one around all the time. Just like I carry a fire extinguisher with me every where I go.

No one is telling you you need to carry a gun (or a fire extinguisher) around all the time if you don't want to. They're just asking you not to try to tell them they can't carry one around if they want to do so responsibly...
If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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More fantastic logic... guns don't perform CPR on 5 year olds = guns are useless.

No different that the logic that says the chances of me ever needing a gun in my lifetime are minuscule, so I better carry one around all the time. Just like I carry a fire extinguisher with me every where I go.

Well, I am required to have a functional fire extinguisher in the truck I drive (semi truck).
If I get inspected by the DOT, they check the charge level and the punch date on the card. I can get a ticket for not having it in operable condition.

The government seem to think that making me go to the effort of having it is worth it, even though I probably will never need it, and it's too small to do much if I do need it.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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the fire extinguisher was only one of hundreds of examples. Clothespins, coat hangers, aspirin, an axe, a hammer, pipe wrench, spare windshield for my car, can of sewing machine oil.

The point is that the odds of needing any of these things are absolutely miniscule. Therefore the 'fantastic logic' argument is flawed.

None of them are 'useless'. None of them are really needed either.

nice try though everyone.

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the fire extinguisher was only one of hundreds of examples. Clothespins, coat hangers, aspirin, an axe, a hammer, pipe wrench, spare windshield for my car, can of sewing machine oil.

The point is that the odds of needing any of these things are absolutely miniscule. Therefore the 'fantastic logic' argument is flawed.

None of them are 'useless'. None of them are really needed either.

nice try though everyone.

Well, you brought up the fire extinguisher specifically.

And I think the choice to have one handy compares fairly closely with having a gun handy.

The chances of needing it is fairly small. I think it's more than "miniscule", but that's an argument of semanitcs.

However, in both cases, if you need one you really need one.
And the results of not having one when you need it can be catastrophic.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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olives for the martini......


[Trapper has just opened a can of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer]
Hawkeye Pierce: I see you are a beer drinker, sir. Would you care for a martini?
Trapper John: A martini? Yeah, I'd love a martini.
Hawkeye Pierce: [to Ho-Jon] Ho-Jon, get the gentleman a martini.
[to Trapper]
Hawkeye Pierce: I'm sure you will find them satisfactory. They're quite dry.
[sips from his glass]
Trapper John: Don't you guys use olives?
Duke Forrest: Olives? Where in the hell do you think we are, man?
Hawkeye Pierce: We have had to make certain concessions for the war; we ARE three miles from the front line.
Trapper John: Yes, but you really can't savor a martini without an olive, you know.
[reaches into coat pocket and pulls out a jar of cocktail olives, while Hawkeye and Duke stare dumbfounded]
Trapper John: You see, otherwise, it just doesn't... quite... make it.
[he drops the olive into the glass on the last word]

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