
T Minus 8 Days and counting

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I'm not too concerned about the Mayans. They couldn't even predict the Spanish. However, these guys have me worried:
Various scientists - At the end of our Sun's current phase of development, it will swell into a red giant, either swallowing the Earth or at least completely scorching it. It is widely accepted by the scientific community that the earth will be destroyed around this time. However, as the Sun grows gradually hotter (over millions of years), the Earth may become too hot for life in only a billion years' time.

If you're also worried, send me enough cash to fill a regular, first class envelope and sometime within the next billion years I might send you complete plans for a heat proof kevlar suit that will allow you to resist solar heat events much better than your unprepared neighbors. I'm here to help.
You don't have to outrun the bear.

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They couldn't even predict the Spanish.

"No-one expects the Spanish [Inquisition]."

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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Goddamn fucking shit balls that stuff pisses me off. Any adult who takes that stuff seriously should be declared legally incompetent ffs.

Just the other day there was a story about these french faggots who thought that they needed to flock to some magic mountain to be saved from the end of the world. french faggots on a mountain. effing retards should be shot to the moon.
Your rights end where my feelings begin.

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Goddamn fucking shit balls that stuff pisses me off. Any adult who takes that stuff seriously should be declared legally incompetent ffs.

Just the other day there was a story about these french faggots who thought that they needed to flock to some magic mountain to be saved from the end of the world. french faggots on a mountain. effing retards should be shot to the moon.

The guy is definitely loony but why this "But those who plan to seek refuge under the mountain could be scuppered by local gendarmes. French authorities have decided to block access to the peak and any underground pathways between December 19-23, except for the village's 200 residents.
Regional prefect Eric Freysselinard said nearly 100 policemen and firemen will prevent access to the peak." :S
You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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Goddamn fucking shit balls that stuff pisses me off. Any adult who takes that stuff seriously should be declared legally incompetent ffs.

Just the other day there was a story about these french faggots who thought that they needed to flock to some magic mountain to be saved from the end of the world. french faggots on a mountain. effing retards should be shot to the moon.

Damn...why dont you tell us how you really feel.

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My calendar ends on 31st December. Does that mean the world will end then too?

Silly Mouse! The world cant end TWICE!!
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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