
Romney does give a shit about the poor

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> 47% of the takers will support Obama.

Really? Disabled vets and active military in combat zones will support Obama? Well, I guess after Romney tells them that his job is not to worry about them, they might.

So now the remaining demographic Romney has not attacked are white rich civilian heterosexual able-bodied non-student men.

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Do the poor care about the poor? There was a time when the USA was a nation of doers, a nation where people would do whatever it took to better themselves and their families. But the USA is slowly turning into a nation of takers, people who are dependent on their government entitlements.

Neither the Donkeys nor the Elephants have a positive track record to run on. But what is more laughable than these two sad sack political entities is the fact that there are a growing number of people who will sit back, do nothing to better themselves and expect one of these two political entities to deliver them entitlements promised on the campaign trail.

This is the most accurate statement in this entire thread.

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saw him dismiss 47 percent of Americans as freeloaders who “pay no income tax”

Isn't that true?

To a significant degree, yes. In the context of the federal deficit, 40-50% (varies by economy) do not contribute federal income taxes. I do believe it is difficult to get a majority to care about the deficit when so many don't participate at all. This has lead both parties to conclude that more programs and lower taxes are ways to win votes, regardless of the red ink.

Meanwhile, regressive sales taxes and ever increasing FICA taxes and state taxes (depending- some states have income or sales taxes, a very few have neither) do still hit this group of people.

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saw him dismiss 47 percent of Americans as freeloaders who “pay no income tax”

Isn't that true?

To a significant degree, yes. In the context of the federal deficit, 40-50% (varies by economy) do not contribute federal income taxes. I do believe it is difficult to get a majority to care about the deficit when so many don't participate at all. This has lead both parties to conclude that more programs and lower taxes are ways to win votes, regardless of the red ink.

Meanwhile, regressive sales taxes and ever increasing FICA taxes and state taxes (depending- some states have income or sales taxes, a very few have neither) do still hit this group of people.

Not directed at you but I do not think Obama gives a shit about the poor or he would do something to stop it's increase.

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Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000

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If you watch the video, he dismissed 47 percent of the voconsider ose who will vote for Obama because they don't pay taxes, so his tax reform agenda means nothing to them.

Except what he said was 47% are voting for Obama because they consider themselves victims, refuse to take responsibility for their lives, are dependent on the government for their food, shelter, etc, and consider these entitlements that they are owed.

I prefer Obama over Romney, and none of these statements are true of me. The same goes for all of my pro-Obama friends, none of whom are on the dole. It appears to me that Romney has a dim view of Americans that is ridiculously inaccurate.


It does not appear he needs to include you to be correct in his assesment



According to the Census Bureau, 49% of Americans in the second quarter of 2011 lived in a household where at least one member received a government benefit. (The total population at the time was 305 million).

That’s up from 30% in the 1980s and 44.4% in the third quarter of 2008, a recent growth in part attributable to the bad economy of President Obama’s first term.

The Census Bureau broke the data down like this:

26.4% of U.S. households had someone enrolled in Medicaid (the health-care program for low-income Americans)
16.2% of households had at least one member receiving Social Security.
15.8% lived in a household receiving food stamps
14.9% had a member with Medicare benefits
4.5% of households received assistance with their rent
1.7% had a member receiving unemployment benefits.
The large majority of Medicare and Social Security recipients have paid payroll taxes in many cases for decades to qualify for those benefits

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
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Are you implying that elderly retirees are freeloading and unwilling to take responsibility for their own lives?


Where the hell do you come up with that?

I only showed you that Romney is NOT talking about you even though you say you are an Obama supporter
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>Are you implying that elderly retirees are freeloading and unwilling to
>take responsibility for their own lives?

No, he's just trying to confuse the issue. It works like this:

"Yes, Romney said X. Here's data that proves it."
"Really? Because X includes Y."
"Why are you talking about X and Y? Why are you spinning? No one ever claimed that! Lies!"

I find it interesting that after every new Romney gaffe there's a cadre of people here saying "no, that's not what he meant."

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>Are you implying that elderly retirees are freeloading and unwilling to
>take responsibility for their own lives?

No, he's just trying to confuse the issue. It works like this:

"Yes, Romney said X. Here's data that proves it."
"Really? Because X includes Y."
"Why are you talking about X and Y? Why are you spinning? No one ever claimed that! Lies!"

I find it interesting that after every new Romney gaffe there's a cadre of people here saying "no, that's not what he meant."

Ah, I dont see anyone here saying that is not what he menat

I see eveyone here saying ya, finally some truth

Third spin post in 50 minutes from you

It that a record?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Are you implying that elderly retirees are freeloading and unwilling to take responsibility for their own lives?


I'm only implying many who were able did damn little in preparing for retirement and now have thrust their lives upon the tax payers for assistance.

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