
More foot in mouth for Gov. Etch a Sketch

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Looks like Peggy Noonan in the WSJ reckons his campaign is a shambles.


What is this, the third time his campain is over?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Mother Jones, the left-wing magazine that released a controversial video of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's remarks to a fundraiser in May, now admits that it has no full tape of what Romney said, and that its video is missing "one to two minutes" at the most important moment.

Well imagine that:S
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>Rasmussan uses likely voters and is not weighting the turnout as if it
>was 2008 which is probably very accurate.

And has been consistently wrong in the past, overstating the GOP vote by 3-4 points.

November 4, 2010, 10:41 pm173 Comments
Rasmussen Polls Were Biased and Inaccurate; Quinnipiac, SurveyUSA Performed Strongly

Every election cycle has its winners and losers: not just the among the candidates, but also the pollsters.

On Tuesday, polls conducted by the firm Rasmussen Reports — which released more than 100 surveys in the final three weeks of the campaign, including some commissioned under a subsidiary on behalf of Fox News — badly missed the margin in many states, and also exhibited a considerable bias toward Republican candidates.

Other polling firms, like SurveyUSA and Quinnipiac University, produced more reliable results in Senate and gubernatorial races. A firm that conducts surveys by Internet, YouGov, also performed relatively well.


Here are the latest poll results. Notice anything about Rasmussen?

Rasmussen 9/15 - 9/17 Romney +2
Ipsos/Reuters 9/12 - 9/17 Obama +5
Gallup 9/11 - 9/17 Obama +1
Monmouth 9/13 - 9/16 Obama +3
SEIU/PPP 9/13 - 9/16 Obama +4
Rasmussen 9/12 - 9/14 Romney +2
UPI/CVOTER 9/8 - 9/14 Obama +4
JZ Analytics 9/11 - 9/12 Obama +6
CBS/Times 9/8 - 9/12 Obama +3
Democracy Corps 9/8 - 9/12 Obama +5

Overall he has been very accurate... I gave several examples you gave one. Also, what that shows is he should do less polls towards the end.
Life is all about ass....either you're kicking it, kissing it, working it off, or trying to get a piece of it.
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000

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Looks like Peggy Noonan in the WSJ reckons his campaign is a shambles.


What is this, the third time his campain is over?

Looks like Mitt's Dad was a typical Mexican imigrant, living on welfare.


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Looks like Peggy Noonan in the WSJ reckons his campaign is a shambles.


What is this, the third time his campain is over?

Looks like Mitt's Dad was a typical Mexican imigrant, living on welfare.


So Dad is part of the 47%?
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Heard on NPR last night: "The Obama campaigns greatest asset is...Mitt Romney's mouth"

Well, to be fair, Romney doesn't have a bitch (like Carney) to send out to explain to the pubic who are just too stupid to understand, that what they heard is not what he said ...or what he said is not what he meant ...or what he meant is just too hard to ..or ...see, uh ... not what he said or ....

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Heard on NPR last night: "The Obama campaigns greatest asset is...Mitt Romney's mouth"

Well, to be fair, Romney doesn't have a bitch (like Carney) to send out to explain to the pubic who are just too stupid to understand, that what they heard is not what he said ...or what he said is not what he meant ...or what he meant is just too hard to ..or ...see, uh ... not what he said or ....

Fox News isn't his bitch?

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Heard on NPR last night: "The Obama campaigns greatest asset is...Mitt Romney's mouth"

Well, to be fair, Romney doesn't have a bitch (like Carney) to send out to explain to the pubic who are just too stupid to understand, that what they heard is not what he said ...or what he said is not what he meant ...or what he meant is just too hard to ..or ...see, uh ... not what he said or ....

Fox News isn't his bitch?


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First it was dumb comments about the London Olympics. Then we had his shoot first aim later comments on the Libya embassy. Now we have

“There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care of them, who believe that they are entitled to healthcare, to food, to housing, to you name it,”
“That's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. … These are people who pay no income tax.

"My job is not to worry about those people, I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

So Romney doesn't care about 47% of US voters.
They are tax dodgers. Funny coming from a guy who pays tax at a lower rate than most middle class Obama supporters.

Video available

Sounds like he wants a lot more people to pay a lot more tax. Just not him.

I blame the minimum wage being set too low.

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I blame the minimum wage being set too low.

You'd blame a flat tire on the minimum wage being set too low.

If it was higher more workers would pay income tax.

You pay income tax on unemployment benefits?
Provoking a reaction isn't the same thing as saying something meaningful.

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"The only people paid the minimum," goes one of their oldest dodges, "are teenagers working part-time summer jobs for extra cash." In fact, only 6.4 percent of these low-wage employees are teen part-timers. Contrary to the stereotype, the typical minimum-wage worker is an adult, white woman (including many single moms) whose family relies on her paycheck.

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For a single mother with two kids, that's $4,000 a year beneath the poverty level.

do you think she should get paid more for the same work than a single mother with one kid?

just wondering

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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A study last year by Chicago's Federal Reserve Bank found that every dollar increase in the minimum wage produces an immediate bump in the next year of $2,800 per recipient in consumer purchases of everything from kids' shoes to vehicles. The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) reported in a 2009 study that even a boost to $9.50 an hour would result in $30 billion a year in new consumer spending.

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>Where are the ethics in a "work ethic" that rewards so many with
>paychecks that deliberately hold them in poverty?

And forces them to get flat tires every time they try to drive their way out of poverty!

see....right there, the extra work to change a tire works to keep one from having minty breath too

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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