
What Happens if You Make a Film That Offends Muslims

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I'd say the movie maker got exactly what he wanted. His goal was to shed muslims in a bad light. And as he likely predicted he could use something very stupid and chintzy to work them into a frenzy and thereby make bigger fools of themselves. He got exactly the response he was looking for. And they are stupid enough to play right along with his little game like little pawns.
The most disappointing part is that certain members of the US government would do as the muslims would like, and impede on our right to free speech and expression. This was a point where our leaders could have said that they support the mans right to free speech and expression, as that is one of the prevailing themes of our freedom, but that this mans message certainly does not speak for, nor represent, the United states views nor that of it's government. How ironic is it that some of the most "ruled" people in the world are angry over something someone did in this country under the protection of freedom.
As more details come out, I am less and less convinced this series of attacks had anything to do with some stupid video. I think the attacks were planned, and the video was just pawned off as a reason.

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This was a point where our leaders could have said that they support the mans right to free speech and expression, as that is one of the prevailing themes of our freedom, but that this mans message certainly does not speak for, nor represent, the United states views nor that of it's government.

That's pretty much what they said.

And the right wing jumped in their shit for it.

- Dan G

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This was a point where our leaders could have said that they support the mans right to free speech and expression, as that is one of the prevailing themes of our freedom, but that this mans message certainly does not speak for, nor represent, the United states views nor that of it's government.

That's pretty much what they said.

And the right wing jumped in their shit for it.

That's not why the right wingers jumped on them. They jumped on them because they refused to acknowledge that this was a terrorist attack, that was pre-planned by Al Qaeda to coincide with 911. The got jumped on because they tried to pretend that a group of Muslims saw this film and suddenly decided to attack the U.S. Embassy.

They are also going to be jumped on for providing grossley inadequate security which resulted in the Ambassador being murdered. Some say he was brutally sodomized and then killed because he was a homosexual and Muslims hate homosexuals. And you wonder why they hate us?

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>A sure sign you have no response.

Ah, you didn't get it, so let me make it clearer -

Your statement is a lie. "Our leaders" did not refuse to acknowledge that this was a terror attack. I am sure even you will be able to use google to find their acknowledgements. So the only way your statement makes sense is if you imagine an invisible Obama and ascribe the statement to him.

Get it now?

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Your statement is a lie. "Our leaders" did not refuse to acknowledge that this was a terror attack. I am sure even you will be able to use google to find their acknowledgements. So the only way your statement makes sense is if you imagine an invisible Obama and ascribe the statement to him.

Pretty sure he was refering to our leaders lying UNTIL they were forced to tell the truth. The fact seems to be at best they couldn't see the obvious truth till many other people came out and supported the other position.

This will have zero impact on your leader Bill, relax Obama is fine.
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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it's funny how Fox news and my local Limbaugh stations keep going on about about freedom of speech, and not giving into the Muslim extremist, yet they never posted or televised the Danish or French cartoons or any clips from this stupid movie.

you are correct -

in the interest of freedom of speech, they should be forced to

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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it's funny how Fox news and my local Limbaugh stations keep going on about about freedom of speech, and not giving into the Muslim extremist, yet they never posted or televised the Danish or French cartoons or any clips from this stupid movie.

you are correct -

in the interest of freedom of speech, they should be forced to

^ That.
Provoking a reaction isn't the same thing as saying something meaningful.

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Your statement is a lie. "Our leaders" did not refuse to acknowledge that this was a terror attack. I am sure even you will be able to use google to find their acknowledgements. So the only way your statement makes sense is if you imagine an invisible Obama and ascribe the statement to him.

Pretty sure he was refering to our leaders lying UNTIL they were forced to tell the truth. The fact seems to be at best they couldn't see the obvious truth till many other people came out and supported the other position.

This will have zero impact on your leader Bill, relax Obama is fine.

I'm sure Billvon was very aware of what I was referring to.


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it's funny how Fox news and my local Limbaugh stations keep going on about about freedom of speech, and not giving into the Muslim extremist, yet they never posted or televised the Danish or French cartoons or any clips from this stupid movie.

You do realize Limbaugh isn't on TV don't you?

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Thanks for pointing out how they are different. How they are similar is they both have the potential to inflame a small % of the Muslim population. In the case of "Innocence of Muslims" many, including our own President and Secretary of State, are pointing to it as being the cause of our Embassy's being sacked and the deaths of 4 of our Diplomats. Others are pointing to Al Qaeda and saying they intentionally inflamed the rioters, using the movie as a flashpoint.

Now, the filmmaker of Innocence of Muslims has been taken into custody for voluntary questioning. What voluntary questioning could he possibly be taken in for? Doesn't this sound as if it's just another way to stifle free speech? Similar to confiscating someones automobile under the guise of it being from ill gotten means such as tax evasion or criminal activity, and then requiriing the person to prove they haven't engaged in such activity? Are they going to charge him with "yelling fire in a cowded theater"?

What will happen to the makers of "Killing Bin Laden" in contrast if Al Qaeda uses it as a reason to kill more Americans because they view it as "Spiking the Football"? If that happens, will those involved in making that film, be taken into custody for questioning?

If you believe the attacks on the embassys have anything to do with a film, and trailer that has been around for a few months, your out of your mind. The riots did not start untill AFTER the attacks.
Jack of all trades.
Military Free Fall Jumpmaster.
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Thanks for pointing out how they are different. How they are similar is they both have the potential to inflame a small % of the Muslim population. In the case of "Innocence of Muslims" many, including our own President and Secretary of State, are pointing to it as being the cause of our Embassy's being sacked and the deaths of 4 of our Diplomats. Others are pointing to Al Qaeda and saying they intentionally inflamed the rioters, using the movie as a flashpoint.

Now, the filmmaker of Innocence of Muslims has been taken into custody for voluntary questioning. What voluntary questioning could he possibly be taken in for? Doesn't this sound as if it's just another way to stifle free speech? Similar to confiscating someones automobile under the guise of it being from ill gotten means such as tax evasion or criminal activity, and then requiriing the person to prove they haven't engaged in such activity? Are they going to charge him with "yelling fire in a cowded theater"?

What will happen to the makers of "Killing Bin Laden" in contrast if Al Qaeda uses it as a reason to kill more Americans because they view it as "Spiking the Football"? If that happens, will those involved in making that film, be taken into custody for questioning?

If you believe the attacks on the embassys have anything to do with a film, and trailer that has been around for a few months, your out of your mind. The riots did not start untill AFTER the attacks.

Comprehension problems?

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We now are very sure this movie had very little to do with all of the killing

I wonder why the Obama admin thought they had to lie for weeks about this?

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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