
how would you handle it?

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Fornication is an option and therefore a choice.

I'm not talking about 'fornication'... I'm talking about real, genuine, born that way homosexuals.
You're mincing my words.
Some people choose to fuck anything that's warm... yeah that is a choice but we weren't talking choices.

Woah, Chucky! Clear words, in round terms B|

I fully agree with you.


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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You're totally missing the point and your comparisons are not relevant. I think too, somewhere along the way, you've gotten some incorrect information on the subject of homosexuality. Not un-like so many others in this country.
All right, I'll give you an example. I have a sister who as a young girl, struggled with her homosexuality. She dated boys in high school and later married a man. It didn't work. She knew what she was and finally accepted the fact. It was something she had no control over. She's been quite happy ever since. She had no control as to how she was born. She did not choose her lifestyle it is what it is.


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I do not like the politically incorrect use of the term marriage for homosexuals. It is a religious term for the joining of a man and a woman. The joining of two gays cannot be a marriage. I'm OK with civil union.

It's hard to define what marriage is, because it exists and existed in so many different cultures. One thing we can say about it that it doesn't have to be a religious practice. If I'm not mistaken, millions of atheistic Americans are married without anyone complaining their marriages aren't religious (and there fore shouldn't be called marriage).

Also there's explicit secular forms of marriage. For example in many European countries marriage is called civil marriage and is separate from the (optional) religious marriage. I think this situation comes close to the "civil unions for everyone & marriage for the religious to define as they see fit" a lot of posters here propose.

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Fornication is an option and therefore a choice.

I'm not talking about 'fornication'... I'm talking about real, genuine, born that way homosexuals.
You're mincing my words.
Some people choose to fuck anything that's warm... yeah that is a choice but we weren't talking choices.

Woah, Chucky! Clear words, in round terms B|

I fully agree with you.


The way I see it, homosexuality like so many other things in life are mis-understood. To me, as long as someone isn't hurting someone else or breaking any laws, let them be. If, gays want a marriage license, it's no skin off my nose. Imposing someone's beliefs on someone else is wrong. Religous or otherwise. People like their freedoms and they need to allow others the same.


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I love my son more than life itself, and cannot conceive of rejecting him over something like who he finds interesting when he hits puberty. That's really not my call anyway.

My concern was best voiced by my brother's friend David, who explained his marriage as an act of denial, since "nobody wants to be a paraiah."

If the kid wanted to undergo sexual mutilation to achieve some kind of "gender change," I would strongly advise against it. As "solutions" go, it seems something other than optimal.

Anyhow, just because I am on the same page regarding homosexuality as Andrew Dice Clay ("I don't get it...") does not mean I value someone the less because something trips their trigger that elicits a dial-tone on my part.

A good starting point in living an ethical life is "to thine own self be true," and one is no more likely to be an decent human being by virtue of being a breeder.

My hope is that my son will remain an honest and considerate human being, and I can only try to set an example. If he turns out to be dishonest and inconsiderate that will wound me; if he turns out to be gay, that will simply puzzle me.



Well said - totally agree.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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True homosexuality is not a 'choice'. Real homosexuals are born that way.


Interesting comment. How would a person know if they were a "true" homosexual or not?

Is it just a matter of who a person is sexually attracted to?
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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Fornication is an option and therefore a choice.

So if gay men are in a committed relationship and don't have sex they are heterosexual?

You should be actively advocating for gay marriage then! We all know that marriage ends sex.

Good point!

I do not like the politically incorrect use of the term marriage for homosexuals. It is a religious term for the joining of a man and a woman. The joining of two gays cannot be a marriage. I'm OK with civil union.

Since when did marriage become a religious term? Are you saying non-religious people aren't really married? Even if the state says they are?

Is divorce also a religious term? How about alimony?
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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True homosexuality is not a 'choice'. Real homosexuals are born that way.


Interesting comment. How would a person know if they were a "true" homosexual or not?

Is it just a matter of who a person is sexually attracted to?

That's how I understand it. Just the same way as heterosexuals are attracted to members of the opposite sex.


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True homosexuality is not a 'choice'. Real homosexuals are born that way.


Interesting comment. How would a person know if they were a "true" homosexual or not?

Is it just a matter of who a person is sexually attracted to?

That's how I understand it. Just the same way as heterosexuals are attracted to members of the opposite sex.


Or left handers are "wired" to use their left hands. In either case I find it hard to believe that any one chooses to use their left hand (or be attracted to their own gender) just for the heck of it.

To play devil's advicate, one could argue that "being born that way" doesn't automatically make any behavior okay. If my neighbor was somehow born to be inclined to strangle people, I'd have a problem with him (or her.) But if they want to date or marry someone the same gender as themselves, it doesn't bother me.
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True homosexuality is not a 'choice'. Real homosexuals are born that way.


Interesting comment. How would a person know if they were a "true" homosexual or not?

Is it just a matter of who a person is sexually attracted to?

That's how I understand it. Just the same way as heterosexuals are attracted to members of the opposite sex.


Or left handers are "wired" to use their left hands. In either case I find it hard to believe that any one chooses to use their left hand (or be attracted to their own gender) just for the heck of it.

To play devil's advicate, one could argue that "being born that way" doesn't automatically make any behavior okay. If my neighbor was somehow born to be inclined to strangle people, I'd have a problem with him (or her.) But if they want to date or marry someone the same gender as themselves, it doesn't bother me.

I recall, back in grade school, left handed kids were strongly encouraged to use their right hand when writing. They did as were told. You could barely make-out what they wrote. They grew-up to be doctors!
Seriously... Like I said earlier... as long as someone is not hurting someone else or breaking any laws, leave 'em be. Who am I to tell them how to live their lives? If, they're happy, who am I to disrupt their world?


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Since when did marriage become a religious term? Are you saying non-religious people aren't really married? Even if the state says they are?

Is divorce also a religious term? How about alimony?

I am saying that I was raised to believe that marriage was heterosexual.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I am saying that I was raised to believe that marriage was heterosexual.

You're avoiding pirana's questions that followed your claim that marriage is a religious thing, so, if according to you marriage is by definition religious in nature,

Are you saying non-religious people aren't really married? Even if the state says they are?

Is divorce also a religious term? How about alimony?

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Since when did marriage become a religious term? Are you saying non-religious people aren't really married? Even if the state says they are?

Is divorce also a religious term? How about alimony?

I am saying that I was raised to believe that marriage was heterosexual.

So what? Lots of people in the US were raised to believe that blacks/Irish/Poles/(insert your own bigotry here) are inferior. Lots of people in the US were raised to believe that interracial marriage is a sin. What ignorant people believe doesn't make it so.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>However, in 44 states that belief carries some weight.

There was a time that at least 44 states banned interracial marriage, too. It just took a little time to get them to recognize that all people - regardless of race or sexual orientation - have the same rights. (Also took a Supreme Court decision.)

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>However, in 44 states that belief carries some weight.

There was a time that at least 44 states banned interracial marriage, too. It just took a little time to get them to recognize that all people - regardless of race or sexual orientation - have the same rights. (Also took a Supreme Court decision.)

You actually triggered some new thought processes for me on this subject with your last reply; thank you. I spent the better part of two hours this morning on my motorcycle contemplating an essay to write offline and then post here. I am trying to reach a compromise between what I believe and the reality of social mores.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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