
Is Some Homophobia Self-Phobia?

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bottom line is that there's more money in general audience and comedy films...extended sex scenes are a waste of time. flash a couple of implied nude scenes in the trailer to grab attention and get on with it. Capitalism at it's finest...

Actually it is quite the reverse. Movies are often edited to get away from the dreaded R rating so they can make more money. Show too much nudity and the R rating will reduce earning potential.

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Darling, you're shitting with the wrong hole. You've absolutely no experience whatsoever with European attitudes towards sex. You might have heard a thing or two on FOX news, but Bill O'reilly is a demented retard, so you might want to turn to another source.

Actually, I have absolutely no Idea wtf you're talking about...looks like you've run out of steam. No stamina hey?
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bottom line is that there's more money in general audience and comedy films...extended sex scenes are a waste of time. flash a couple of implied nude scenes in the trailer to grab attention and get on with it. Capitalism at it's finest...

People remember the sex scenes from Basic Instinct and Fatal Attraction more than they do the rest of the movies (save the rabbit in pot scene).

As you say, lie to the audience in the trailer to get them to come, but not actually do it because we're prudes.

If you've been paying attention, we don't do it because it's a waste of time and money....you people are really getting kind of lame. if the only reason you're going to see a flick is to see some skin than that's your problem...not mine.
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bottom line is that there's more money in general audience and comedy films...extended sex scenes are a waste of time. flash a couple of implied nude scenes in the trailer to grab attention and get on with it. Capitalism at it's finest...

Actually it is quite the reverse. Movies are often edited to get away from the dreaded R rating so they can make more money. Show too much nudity and the R rating will reduce earning potential.

Woooosh...give it a rest dekker. You certainly seem more suited for the bonfire.
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we don't do it because it's a waste of time and money

You don't do it because it affects MPAA ratings which affects earning potential.


What part of "it's a waste of time and money" don't you understand?
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And why is it a waste of time and money oh enlightened one?

Is it because American teenagers don't want to see it, or because a parental panel won't let their teenagers see it?

Read my posts again, all the answers are there...you're boring me.
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I'm actually quite enjoying these special olympics. But I guess they have quitters too. :)

I know, it's fun in'it...I enjoy this stuff. It's funny how I was just trying to relate to my boy Marinus by posting a funny video and we end up down this rabbit trail...it's all in good fun...for the most part...I hope?

btw, I take back my comment about you being better suited for the bonfire. You should stay...you make me look good.:P

...at least in my own eyes, anyhow...:D
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Apparently the french just let their dogs shit all over the place and are to lazy to pick it up...no thanks.


ignorance that comes with sporadic and limited visits to this country.

Pot. Kettle. Black.

I think one big difference to attitudes to sex is seen on the beaches of the world. In France, Spain (and UK when warm enough) and most of Europe many women sunbathe topless and no one (except horny teenage boys) bats an eyelid. Could the same be said for America?

I think the issue isn't glorifying sex it's not demonizing it. Don't make it the forbidden unspoken fruit and it becomes less of an issue. The FCC received over half a million complaints about the flash of Janet Jacksons breast in the Superbowl. If you consider the population to be roughly equal with women to men then there are the same amount of breasts in the world as people yet people are shocked to see them - seems a little crazy.

A fine bit of thread drift.


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It was late and stuff, so yes, I was running out of steam.

Westerners other than Americans portray sex in their movies because sex is part of life, not as a marketing strategy. If we want to see sex to get off, there's plenty of porn available, so why, exactly, would we need to watch feature films for the sexual content? It's just you projecting your immature
attitude towards sex on the rest of the Western world. Boobs and penises are sex? really?

A couple of days ago there was an television program on testicle cancer, and because we can handle it, it featured non-sexual frontal male nudity. We all know what half a second of nipple does in the States, and we can only speculate what would happen if someone showed a penis on television. The hysteria would be all-encompassing, I guess.

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Is it any wonder the divorce rate is over 50% and more and more men are choosing homosexuality and avoiding the responsibility of a regular marriage?

The idea of you counselling anybody is pretty scary.

Only because you do not understand the ethics and best practices of the profession.


Why can't we teach our sons to do a better job and make marriages work?

Yup, failed marriages are always the husband's fault. :|:S

Only from the Christian standpoint.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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and more men are choosing homosexuality and avoiding the responsibility of a regular marriage?

I personally chose homosexuality to avoid vaginas not marriage.

In normal modern societies, same-sex marriage is regular marriage, btw.

We have a meeting of the minds.:)
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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It's called sarcasm, Ron. I'm actually mocking your views on homosexuality.

We've "responsible" Christian homers in the Netherlands. They marry women and have children but of course that doesn't make their homosexuality go away. This results in cruising behaviour, in other words the closet cases start to fuck each other in public, most popularly, on parking lots. The irony of it all is that decent people like me, who experience their sexuality in the privacy of their homes without bothering anyone with it, are held accountable for the behaviour of the "responsible" family values scum that lacks basic decency. Of course people who are stupid enough to think that pretending to be straight makes you straight are also too stupid to use condoms, so their wives are in danger of being infected with STD's like HIV. And when the assholes finally find out the hard way that sexuality cant be changed, they usually leave their women and kids for a man.

Yeah that really sounds responsible to me. If you don't mind I'd rather not make my sexuality someone else's problem, though.

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>why do we place sex at the core of a relationship?

Because we make such a big stinking deal about it in the media. If we didn't try to hide it from everyone like it was the crowning secret of our society - and we didn't make "doing it wrong" into a big societal sin - you'd see a lot fewer people so fixated on making the core of their relationship. It would just be one of many factors in one's relationships.

>Why can't we teach our sons to do a better job and make marriages work?

You can, but the way to do that is to teach them first respect for themselves, then respect for others. All too often society teaches the skills needed to stalk, acquire and have sex with someone - and then teaches them that that's "success." That, overall, is a very small part of the overall challenge of any relationship.

>Is it any wonder the divorce rate is over 50% and more and more men are
>choosing homosexuality and avoiding the responsibility of a regular

On the plus side, more people than ever before are able to enter into marriage - no matter what sex their partner is.

Also, I think overall you do the marriage a disservice by concentrating on the man's responsibility. Both parties bear equal responsibility for the success of a marriage.

I agree with you and have no counter-point here. A point of clarification however.

Placing the responsibility for a successful marriage on the husband is a Christian concept based on NT Scripture.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Throwing in a bit of a tangent here but, why do we place sex at the core of a relationship?

Not all of us do. But when it comes to same-sex marriage, the opponents seem to focus mainly on the sex aspect.


Is it any wonder the divorce rate is over 50% and more and more men are choosing homosexuality and avoiding the responsibility of a regular marriage?

A lot of people who are homosexual (the orientation is not a choice BTW) are fighting for the right to have the responsibility (and privileges) of marriage. You seem to have some skewed idea that their lives are easier by being with a same-sex partner. A relationship with anyone involves compromise and nurturing.

Marriage is not all about sex. It's about making a commitment to another human being to live your lives together through the good and the bad. Our government has also made it a legal commitment with certain privileges and responsibilities.

And if you want your Bible to dictate who can and cannot be together, feel free to live your life by that. But please don't use your Bible to dictate what others can and cannot do; it is nothing more than a man-made book to me, and I don't choose to live my life by it. If you want to, that is your choice, but you have no right to expect other people to live by your religion.

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If you don't mind I'd rather not make my sexuality someone else's problem, though.

That is what I am comfortable with, basic honesty and the acceptance of personal responsibility.

With that foundation you can now deal with the Scriptural proscription. And that chore is strictly between you and God.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Throwing in a bit of a tangent here but, why do we place sex at the core of a relationship?

Not all of us do. But when it comes to same-sex marriage, the opponents seem to focus mainly on the sex aspect.


Is it any wonder the divorce rate is over 50% and more and more men are choosing homosexuality and avoiding the responsibility of a regular marriage?

A lot of people who are homosexual (the orientation is not a choice BTW) are fighting for the right to have the responsibility (and privileges) of marriage. You seem to have some skewed idea that their lives are easier by being with a same-sex partner. A relationship with anyone involves compromise and nurturing.

Marriage is not all about sex. It's about making a commitment to another human being to live your lives together through the good and the bad. Our government has also made it a legal commitment with certain privileges and responsibilities.

And if you want your Bible to dictate who can and cannot be together, feel free to live your life by that. But please don't use your Bible to dictate what others can and cannot do; it is nothing more than a man-made book to me, and I don't choose to live my life by it. If you want to, that is your choice, but you have no right to expect other people to live by your religion.

I don't have a problem with what you state.

I hope you can understand something. As a counselor most of my clients had substance abuse disorder. Simply put, that is an addiction to the dopamine excretion produced by mood altering chemicals. Sex produces that same dopamine excretion. We work tirelessly with our clients to help them understand that their use of drugs is going to cause a lifetime of problems. To keep using and expect a different outcome is insanity. Therefore, just stop using and learn a different lifestyle that produces pleasure. There are all sorts of people and groups to help you make the change.

The homosexual lifestyle creates problems. Choices can be and are made all the time. One of the problems this lifestyle produces is the emergence of whacko groups like the Westboro Baptist Church. They picket and protest at military funerals, enhancing the grief of the family survivors. The reason they exist is because of the move in America to accept homosexual marriage and abortion.

I ride with the Patriot Guard Riders to stand in a non-violent, non-confrontational buffer to protect these families from additional grief.

A natural part of my thinking is, this problem would be less if the moral compass of my country was re-established and our course corrected.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I've no reason to believe that God, if She exists, has the slightest interest in what I and mister Marinus are doing in the bedroom. If she has a problem with it, She knows where my house lives, and She can tell me personally that she doesn't like it. Until then it's up to me how I live my life. My morality is based around the principle "Do not harm". I've yet to find proof of any harm that is done by me being a homosexual. Repressing my homosexuality OTOH would probably harm me, and even worse, might harm others if I for example marry a woman and have kids with her. That would almost inevitably lead to large problems later on, like a broken family.

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