
we will know if we are all doomed next month

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It appears that Obama must make a decision on the Keystone pipeline with in the next two months. If he cans it we can all breath easy; if he approves it we will all die.

According to Jim, if the pipeline is built, it would be “game over” on climate change. If the Alberta tar sands oil that passes through the pipeline is combusted, Hansen says that we won’t be able to “to preserve a planet for our children and grandchildren and we will all die”.

Let us hope president Obama cancels the pipeline so we may live.

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According to Jim... we will all die”.

Who is "Jim"?

Jim is God. To some, people anyway.

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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We ARE going to sell that oil.

With Iran poised to commence their naval exercises in the Straight of Homuz" this coming week (something the MSM does not want to talk about) we could see much of the world's oil supply cut off. Why Obama continues to "Blame Canada" for Climate Change is beyond me, Canada only contributes about 2% of the global GHGs and Alberta's much hated by the Left Oil Sands is not even remotely close to being Canada's biggest violator). But yes Canada will be selling our oil to someone (no matter what the Messiah Superhero Savior of the Universe's teleprompter tells him) and if Obama wants to vilify Canada for cheap political points, so be it. Obama will be gone in the not too distant future and if USA is really dumb enough to turn their backs on their allies, there is no hope.

How long before the USA has no friends in this world?

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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They should be jumping at a more stable supply of non middle-eastern oil.

In the environmentalists world it would be better to be dependent on the middle-east, and if they choke off our oil and cripple our country win win, way less environmental impact.
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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As I understand it, that oil will be sold to China if it is pipelined to Texas. I heard a spokesman for the oil producers here, say that "Right now, the Chinese are no longer riding bicycles, they're riding scooters!"
What good is that pipeline going to do us? It appears to me, it's just going to make a few 'fat cats' fatter. Help me out here.


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I can't say for sure but it would seem to me that the oil companies would be more likely to divert the oil coming out of Venezuela rather than exporting from Houston while importing (through Houston) to feed the US.
The big difference for the US however is that the Chinese really don't want to import refined oil from Houston or Caracas. They want raw bituman. Houston has enormous refining capacity; If the bitumen from Ft. Mac goes to the coast it still might make it to Houston, but is far less likely. My preference would be to process much more of it here in Alberta, but since the people we sold the oil to already have capacity in Houston/Gulf it is hard to convince them to build more capital up here. That and labour and water shortages. An ideal location for upgraders and refineries would be on the Pacific coast before the product is loaded, but the political climate for that is not particularly favourable.

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When you talk of piping the bitumen to the 'coast' were you referring to the Gulf Coast? Because that is essentially what Keystone is. When I referred to refining on the coast in my post above I was of course referring to the Canadian west coast. There is a possibility to ship the bitumen from the west coast to the Gulf Coast for processing, but I doubt that would prove economical in the long run.

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TransCanada (the builder) really screwed the pooch when they tried to push the route through. The new route has dealt with most of the concerns of those who live in the area. The environmental lobby doesn't care about the new route, they want to shut down the oil sands due to the energy intensive process of getting it out; much of it is open pit mined.
If TC had not tried to be a bully in the first place they would have been much further ahead.

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