
What's so wrong with the 1%?

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>And at the moment the old school guys who made money long term are
>now gone and what you are left with is a bunch of thugs who think they are
>above the law.

I know a lot of people who have made that much money (in some cases far, far more) by working very hard at a small struggling company that made it big. None of them are thugs, and none of them (that I know of) have done anything illegal to get it.

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And that is not really the point. This is not a "class war" as Fox and a million other right wingers might call it. This is an attack on corruption and people who get rich via unethical shit that most people (including me) do not fully understand.


the attack is on people who get rich of off me paying 3.50 a gallon so I can drive to the DZ on the weekend.
I am fucking your mom right now

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how about your buddy Polosi and her insider trading deals. the left is looking more corrupt every day and you sit their on your ass and support them. look in the mirror.

Nothing illegal was done. Unethical yes, but not illegal. Just capitalists making as much money as they can.

Why are you against capitalism?

> capitalism

Works everytime its tried.:)

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Please state facts, I can't google "they fixed the game" and get your facts.

Off the top of my head:

Farm subsidies, ethanol subsidies, bank subsidies. Legal pressure on companies like Napster that created an alternate distribution model that people clearly wanted but ultimately shut it down for Apple to recreate 3 years after.

Allowing Monsanto to wield their power to force farmers to only use Monsanto seed.

Legal help for companies that do nothing but file software patents without building actual products. The law suits of which siphon money off the small companies actually trying to build products. Etc. etc.

Commoditizing labor so middle America can no longer have a hope of having a decent wage, but yet not change the education system to fix this new reality.

Seriously it looks like we are gaming the system to go back to feudalism for the bottom 40%.

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Please state facts, I can't google "they fixed the game" and get your facts.

Off the top of my head:

Farm subsidies, ethanol subsidies, bank subsidies. Legal pressure on companies like Napster that created an alternate distribution model that people clearly wanted but ultimately shut it down for Apple to recreate 3 years after.

Allowing Monsanto to wield their power to force farmers to only use Monsanto seed.

Legal help for companies that do nothing but file software patents without building actual products. The law suits of which siphon money off the small companies actually trying to build products. Etc. etc.

Commoditizing labor so middle America can no longer have a hope of having a decent wage, but yet not change the education system to fix this new reality.

Seriously it looks like we are gaming the system to go back to feudalism for the bottom 40%.

Hey... the serfs in this country do not seem to mind it so much. They are more and more beholding to the American nobility for their paltry wastes that are allowed to them.

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>capitalism . . .Works everytime its tried.

Like Greece, Portugal, Ireland . . . .

Pure capitalism works as well as pure communism, pure socialism, pure totalitarianism, pretty much any pure "-ism." Which is to say - not very well. The systems that work the best borrow the best from each of the above and reject the worst of each ideology.

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