
New tough New Jersey Bullying Law

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A little? Wow. I'm a little troubled by the trend of teaching kids that someone else is responsible for solving their problems. thee are cases that need intervention but for the most part, let kids work it out. i was bullied as a kid, When I got tired of it i bloodied his nose. I bullied someone as a kid, when he got tire of it he blacked my eye. We all ended up pals-today we would all end up with records.:S

You are only as strong as the prey you devour

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A little? Wow. I'm a little troubled by the trend of teaching kids that someone else is responsible for solving their problems. thee are cases that need intervention but for the most part, let kids work it out. i was bullied as a kid, When I got tired of it i bloodied his nose. I bullied someone as a kid, when he got tire of it he blacked my eye. We all ended up pals-today we would all end up with records.:S

I think it's a little different now a days, It seems kids are way more vicious than they were in my day.


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A little? Wow. I'm a little troubled by the trend of teaching kids that someone else is responsible for solving their problems. thee are cases that need intervention but for the most part, let kids work it out. i was bullied as a kid, When I got tired of it i bloodied his nose. I bullied someone as a kid, when he got tire of it he blacked my eye. We all ended up pals-today we would all end up with records.:S

Yes, and some smokers live to a ripe old age, and some machinists won't wear safety glasses yet don't get eye injuries, and some rock musicians don't use hearing protection yet don't go deaf.

Your personal experience with bullying is not really relevant.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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i was bullied as a kid, When I got tired of it i bloodied his nose. I bullied someone as a kid, when he got tire of it he blacked my eye.

It's called a cycle of violence and it just continues.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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A little? Wow. I'm a little troubled by the trend of teaching kids that someone else is responsible for solving their problems. thee are cases that need intervention but for the most part, let kids work it out. i was bullied as a kid, When I got tired of it i bloodied his nose. I bullied someone as a kid, when he got tire of it he blacked my eye. We all ended up pals-today we would all end up with records.:S

Way back, more than 40 years ago, in elementary school, Meadow Lane in Lemoore, CA., if caught fighting, Mr. Chevess would make you put on the boxing gloves and you duke it out. If caught picking on someone, the kid being picked on got to hit you with the gloves on. Let the bully know how it feels to be picked on. That always seemed to settle things. Today, I doubt that kind of lesson would be allowed.
For the record, I was never bullied nor had I ever bullied another kid. Did have a few fist fights at recess that resulted in Mr. Chevess's boxing match.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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My experience is at least as, I would contend more than, relevant as your opinion

There's a real world out there that kids need to learn to contend with-sometimes not on their terms and without a safety net. There's just not enough room for everyone to cloister themselves in the world of academia...and I'm already supporting the only one of them that I feel obligated for.
You are only as strong as the prey you devour

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But Dr. Dolan cautioned that an unintended consequence of the new law could be that students, or their parents, will find it easier to label minor squabbles bullying than to find ways to work out their differences.

“Kids have to learn to deal with conflict,” she said. “What a shame if they don’t know how to effectively interact with their peers when they have a disagreement.”

We've long had drama queen parents, this now gives them a pretty big sword.

I soon see another zero tolerance policy - but in this one, someone else merely needs to complain to get you tossed out of school and into the special violator program.

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My experience is at least as, I would contend more than, relevant as your opinion


My OPINION would seem to be shared by the government of the state of New Jersey:P, and it is a FACT that some smokers live to old age.

'The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's how the smart money bets.'

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I am troubled by this law. Bullying is a problem. It has ALWAYS been a problem. It's a problem with kids and into adulthood.

The shame is the utter lack of dispute resolution. Now if a bullied kid fights back he's suspended or expelled - zero tolerance. Now other kids are instructed to snitch. Yeah, can be useful but now what happens? The bystanders become threatened.

I've always thought that a great anti-bullying campaign would be to post pictures of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold under the statement "your victim may become the aggressor."

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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if a bullied kid fights back he's suspended or expelled***

if my son gets punched, spit on or slapped - for these I have given him permission to defend himself, if and when it happens I will deal with the fallout from the school and his mother. this criteria I set isnt applicable to every way he could be picked on but he is young and I definately dont want him drilling another kid just because he pushed him outta the way so I kept it simple.
every kid needs to learn to stand up for themselves and I would rather have him expelled than to have to face years of torment. most bullies once knocked on their ass will go find someone easier to pick on, or the victim and the bully end up being friends.

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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if a bullied kid fights back he's suspended or expelled

if my son gets punched, spit on or slapped - for these I have given him permission to defend himself, if and when it happens I will deal with the fallout from the school and his mother.

Hear, freakin' HEAR!

It happened to my son. 6th grade. 8th grader bullied him. My son let the first instance pass and let the teacher know about it. Nothing said or done. The second time it happened, my boy kicked his ass. ...and got suspended (two days in-school) under the zero-tolerance policy.

During the discussions with the school officials, I told them point blank...MY policy is that he has MY permission to defend himself. YOUR policy has no bearing on that.

Funny thing....the 8th grade never again gave him a problem of any sort.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Here in Clovis, New Mexico a few years ago -- if there was a physical altercation/attack/whatever, BOTH students got ARRESTED. It was so bad, that if one of my sons was standing with his hands in his pockets, and someone else walked up and punched him in the nose, BOTH got arrested.

And you think the New Jersey law is out in left field! HA!
I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.

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I agree that people, including kids, should know how to defend themselves against the assholes of the world. To me that is a separate issue from establishing policies against assault.

A person under physical assault has a right to defend themselves, plus the right to see the offender punished.

Why do so many people think that assault and stealing are bad behavior and should not go unpunished, but do not want it addressed as such when kids do it? Where do they think the next generation of adult assholes comes from - finishing school? They are grown in the hallways of places that by not addressing it - unofficially condone it.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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A little? Wow. I'm a little troubled by the trend of teaching kids that someone else is responsible for solving their problems. thee are cases that need intervention but for the most part, let kids work it out. i was bullied as a kid, When I got tired of it i bloodied his nose. I bullied someone as a kid, when he got tire of it he blacked my eye. We all ended up pals-today we would all end up with records.:S

I can't in my wildest dreams imagine becoming friends with the trash that constituted the bully population in my schools as a kid. I've run across a few of them as adults. The ones that are still alive (a disproportionate number of them have died early - what a surprise) are still trash and still assholes.

I support policies that allow people to defend themselves in the moment, and also give law enforcement the tools needed to take out the trash for the longer term good.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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My experience is at least as, I would contend more than, relevant as your opinion


My OPINION would seem to be shared by the government of the state of New Jersey:P, and it is a FACT that some smokers live to old age.

'The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's how the smart money bets.'

nothing personal but we know how wrong the government ussually is.

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