
Rick Perry's Army of God

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Why is the Right not denouncing this nut? Why is the media not reporting on the the people he invited to speak at his rally?

If Obama had spoke on the same stage as someone who claimed that God was behind the Holocaust, that the statue of liberty was a demonic idol, and Satan was behind the the political party he opposed, well... you get the idea.[email]


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Seems the Texas Observer is down at the moment.
Here's a link to Mad Mike with part of the story,

Perry and his army of nut jobs are as dangerous as any militant Muslim. If a person like Perry ever got to the highest office, jihad on America would be the last thing to worry about.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Seems the Texas Observer is down at the moment.
Here's a link to Mad Mike with part of the story,

Perry and his army of nut jobs are as dangerous as any militant Muslim. If a person like Perry ever got to the highest office, jihad on America would be the last thing to worry about.

If we didn't have to worry about Obama's associations with Reverend "God Damn America" Wright, Bill "We didn't go far enough" Ayers and Father Michael "Snuffy" Pfleger, I think we'll probably be ok if Perry gets elected.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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If we didn't have to worry about Obama's associations with Reverend "God Damn America" Wright, Bill "We didn't go far enough" Ayers and Father Michael "Snuffy" Pfleger, I think we'll probably be ok if Perry gets elected.

So you would have been okay with Wright elected, not just a fringe distraction? Not me.

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Seems the Texas Observer is down at the moment.
Here's a link to Mad Mike with part of the story,

Perry and his army of nut jobs are as dangerous as any militant Muslim. If a person like Perry ever got to the highest office, jihad on America would be the last thing to worry about.

From your link:

"I’m talking about Rick Perry and his gang of followers who would force all of us to worship a mythological deity and force its teachings to our everyday life and transform our government into a theocracy."

You know, I must have missed where they forced everyone to worship at Christian churches in the last 12 years....can you find out when the law passed and what it's called?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Reverend "God Damn America" Wright, Bill "We didn't go far enough" Ayers and Father Michael "Snuffy" Pfleger, are nut jobs as well, but the New Apostolic Reformation goes beyond anything those guys are. If the NAR had it their way, they would bring back the inquisition five folds (no pun intended. well, maybe just a little.)
Check these people out.

These people make the New Evangelicals look like choirboys.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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You know, I must have missed where they forced everyone to worship at Christian churches in the last 12 years....can you find out when the law passed and what it's called?

Your comprehension is lacking. No where did it say that they force people to worship in their church. What it did say is would force all of us to worship.
Comprehension is an aid to understanding what is being said.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Reverend "God Damn America" Wright, Bill "We didn't go far enough" Ayers and Father Michael "Snuffy" Pfleger, are nut jobs as well, but the New Apostolic Reformation goes beyond anything those guys are. If the NAR had it their way, they would bring back the inquisition five folds (no pun intended. well, maybe just a little.)
Check these people out.

These people make the New Evangelicals look like choirboys.

Lemme know when they start forcing people to church at gunpoint, ok?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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the Christian Right invaded the GOP 30 years ago, had the White House 20 of these years, and yet I'm still a godless heathen who hasn't been to a church in a capacity other than tourist or wedding attendee.

I'll happily venture that a majority of Christians would not support forced worship on Americans.

I repeat my question: who the fuck is Rick Perry? When that's the first question, the second is not "OMG, what if he gets elected President." Not gonna happen.

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Reverend "God Damn America" Wright, Bill "We didn't go far enough" Ayers and Father Michael "Snuffy" Pfleger, are nut jobs as well, but the New Apostolic Reformation goes beyond anything those guys are. If the NAR had it their way, they would bring back the inquisition five folds (no pun intended. well, maybe just a little.)
Check these people out.
These people make the New Evangelicals look like choirboys.

Lemme know when they start forcing people to church at gunpoint, ok?

Don't say it like the Inquisition never happened. Anything is possible when you start getting fanatics involved.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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You know, I must have missed where they forced everyone to worship at Christian churches in the last 12 years....can you find out when the law passed and what it's called?

Your comprehension is lacking. No where did it say that they force people to worship in their church. What it did say is would force all of us to worship.
Comprehension is an aid to understanding what is being said.

Comprehension is an aid to understanding that *IF* Perry was going to do something like that, he's had 10 years as Governor of Texas to give it a trial run.

Makes a nice cri de coeur to whip up the nutroots with, though.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Reverend "God Damn America" Wright, Bill "We didn't go far enough" Ayers and Father Michael "Snuffy" Pfleger, are nut jobs as well, but the New Apostolic Reformation goes beyond anything those guys are. If the NAR had it their way, they would bring back the inquisition five folds (no pun intended. well, maybe just a little.)
Check these people out.
These people make the New Evangelicals look like choirboys.

Lemme know when they start forcing people to church at gunpoint, ok?

Don't say it like the Inquisition never happened. Anything is possible when you start getting fanatics involved.

We're talking about present-day, Paul - the whole "look what they did back THEN" gambit isn't in play.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Reverend "God Damn America" Wright, Bill "We didn't go far enough" Ayers and Father Michael "Snuffy" Pfleger, are nut jobs as well, but the New Apostolic Reformation goes beyond anything those guys are. If the NAR had it their way, they would bring back the inquisition five folds (no pun intended. well, maybe just a little.)
Check these people out.
These people make the New Evangelicals look like choirboys.

Lemme know when they start forcing people to church at gunpoint, ok?

Don't say it like the Inquisition never happened. Anything is possible when you start getting fanatics involved.

We're talking about present-day, Paul - the whole "look what they did back THEN" gambit isn't in play.

Don't make me jump to Godwin on this. ;)
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Reverend "God Damn America" Wright, Bill "We didn't go far enough" Ayers and Father Michael "Snuffy" Pfleger, are nut jobs as well, but the New Apostolic Reformation goes beyond anything those guys are. If the NAR had it their way, they would bring back the inquisition five folds (no pun intended. well, maybe just a little.)
Check these people out.
These people make the New Evangelicals look like choirboys.

Lemme know when they start forcing people to church at gunpoint, ok?

Don't say it like the Inquisition never happened. Anything is possible when you start getting fanatics involved.

We're talking about present-day, Paul - the whole "look what they did back THEN" gambit isn't in play.

Don't make me jump to Godwin on this. ;)

I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Lemme know when they start forcing people to church at gunpoint, ok?

Again, another idiotic comment from Mike Neal.
(Not a PA, merely an observation as to the nature of the comment.)

From the mouth of a nut job:

Number five. We need to understand the full scope of the word, “workplace.” The thing about apostles is, every apostle soon learns that God not only gives the apostle the gift of apostle, but that God also assigns the apostle a sphere, or more than one, or spheres. And you know what? Apostles have incredible authority, but that authority only applies to their sphere. If they get outside of their sphere, they don’t have any more authority than anybody else in the body of Christ, and Paul writes about that in 2 Corinthians 10… I don’t have time to go through half of 2 Corinthians 10, is on that. But here’s what I’m saying about the workplace, when we begin to identify the apostles in the workplace, we also need to recognize that part of analyzing the workplace, which is quite complex, is there are different spheres in the workplace, and there will be apostles raised up in the different spheres of the workplace. There’ll be apostles raised up in religion, apostles raised up for the family, for education, for government, for media, for arts, for business, for all these different spheres in the workplace. So that’s the scope of workplace. We have a lot of work to do. And somebody said, you know, I could never be happier being alive right now. Neither can I. I mean, this is going to be fun! Seeing it all come into play!

And then, here’s what’s going to make it the most fun and this is the point number six. I told you there were six points, ok? And this is the last one, this is the longest one, so I’ll let you write this down because it’s very important. We need to be fully aware of the two strategic gates for the advance of the kingdom of God that will be opened through the ministry of apostles in the workplace. Now I said that slow so you get that down because I really worked on choosing these words. This is well thought out. [Repeats point six.] Now I tell you another thing, these two gates, I tell you everybody, are not going to be opened otherwise. Only with apostles in the workplace. Now when I say two gates it sort of reminds you of the gates of hell. God said, Jesus said, “I’ll build my church and the gates of hell are not going to prevail against it, and I’ll give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven to open these gates.” These apostles in the workplace are the ones that are going to come into the picture and with them we’ll be open these gates, without them we can have all the prayer meetings we want, all the marches for Jesus we want, all the prayer walking we want, the gates aren’t going to be opened. Because it takes a government to overthrow a government.


Are you a member of this group?
Have you read any of their delusional ramblings?
Hopefully, most Americans are smart enough to not let someone like Perry into the highest office.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Lemme know when they start forcing people to church at gunpoint, ok?

Again, another idiotic comment from Mike Neal.
(Not a PA, merely an observation as to the nature of the comment.)

Speaking of idiotic comments, I'm not the one claiming that Perry is gonna force everyone to church.


Are you a member of this group?

Never heard of them before your less-than-convincing expose.


Have you read any of their delusional ramblings?

See above.


Hopefully, most Americans are smart enough to not let someone like Perry into the highest office.

Hopefully, most Americans are smart enough not to take rumor and hearsay as evidence, especially since as Governor he's had a friggin' DECADE to put any plan like this into play.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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I repeat my question: who the fuck is Rick Perry? When that's the first question, the second is not "OMG, what if he gets elected President." Not gonna happen.

He is the governor of Texas.
A snowball has a better chance of surviving in a blast furnace, than Perry does being elected President.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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I'm not the one claiming that Perry is gonna force everyone to church.

I never made no such claim.
Your level of comprehension is far below par for the course.
Never fear, I'm here to help you along.
Go easy on yourself. Start with the easy stuff and work your way up.


Never heard of them before your less-than-convincing expose.

You should read more. I heard of these people years ago. But then, I am the type that likes to read everything.


Hopefully, most Americans are smart enough not to take rumor and hearsay as evidence, especially since as Governor he's had a friggin' DECADE to put any plan like this into play.

Not rumor, nor is it hearsay. Did you not see the prayer meeting he had with this group?
You should investigate, for yourself, the agenda that this group is proposing, before you comment on what you do not know.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Why is the Right not denouncing this nut? Why is the media not reporting on the the people he invited to speak at his rally?

If Obama had spoke on the same stage as someone who claimed that God was behind the Holocaust, that the statue of liberty was a demonic idol, and Satan was behind the the political party he opposed, well... you get the idea.[email]


That dude is even dumber than dubya
Onward and Upward!

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I'm not the one claiming that Perry is gonna force everyone to church.

I never made no such claim.

Your linked article did.


Your level of comprehension is far below par for the course.
Never fear, I'm here to help you along.
Go easy on yourself. Start with the easy stuff and work your way up.

You first.



Never heard of them before your less-than-convincing expose.

You should read more. I heard of these people years ago.

Why does that not surprise me. Just out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on nanothermite?



Hopefully, most Americans are smart enough not to take rumor and hearsay as evidence, especially since as Governor he's had a friggin' DECADE to put any plan like this into play.

Not rumor, nor is it hearsay. Did you not see the prayer meeting he had with this group?
You should investigate, for yourself, the agenda that this group is proposing, before you comment on what you do not know.

Funny, that...maybe you should do the same before commenting on what Perry would/wouldn't do.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Your linked article did.

Then you agree that I made no such claim?
Say what you mean, don't make implications.


You first.

No need, I was a 4.0 student in all of my English classes.
The English department at Pitt State suggest that I should focus on a degree in such. Really wished that I had.


what are your thoughts on nanothermite?

Thermites of varying classes of composition make for really cool pyrotechnics and pretty darn good welds on rail.


Funny, that...maybe you should do the same before commenting on what Perry would/wouldn't do.

He has aligned himself with a fringe religious group that has a history of preaching hate and government take-over. One should be concerned of his true agenda.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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I repeat my question: who the fuck is Rick Perry? When that's the first question, the second is not "OMG, what if he gets elected President." Not gonna happen.

He is the governor of Texas.
A snowball has a better chance of surviving in a blast furnace, than Perry does being elected President.

One cab only hope!! As for this 'Army of God' thing, there must be some fincial benefit to Perry or he wouldn't do it. That guy is out for himself alone and what he can gain. Just keep that blast furnace going strong!


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