
Do you think Obama will go golfing this weekend?

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Being factual is a hallmark of a good character. Being untruthful is not. Now, about your comment on the salary raises of Obama's staff... it was a blatant lie.

So are the overwhelming majority of your posts in gun control threads - perhaps you should attend to your own beam before Marc's mote.

Example? Claiming that DC is a state? Oh, no, that was YOU.:P

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I caught the billion thing after I replied to you

Oh my fucking god!

You fucking typed it!!!!!!

I messed up

I do make mistakes

You're very predictable that way.

It is about honesty and integrity.

Two things you have proven you have no concept of

Hey, at least I can tell fact from fiction.

Well good for you

You would rather have a fact straight than have a good character

I would rather be wrong once in a while

Being factual is a hallmark of a good character. Being untruthful is not. Now, about your comment on the salary raises of Obama's staff... it was a blatant lie.

being truthful is
what you just posted is another example of my point

So you mix truth and fact to try and cover your butt.

And the raises of Obamas staff were bigger than the us average and you dont care about that

it is called hypocrisy

but, in any event

Sorry you do not recognize sarcasm.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Being factual is a hallmark of a good character. Being untruthful is not. Now, about your comment on the salary raises of Obama's staff... it was a blatant lie.

So are the overwhelming majority of your posts in gun control threads - perhaps you should attend to your own beam before Marc's mote.

Example? Claiming that DC is a state? Oh, no, that was YOU.:P

Thanks for proving my point, seeing as how TWO YEARS prior to that, I had posted that DC was treated as a state for legal purposes.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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A colleague of mine inherited his family farm in southern Illinois. He gets paid by the Feds to grow NOTHING.

It is insane. Elvin would lose everything, if he did not plant. He's the same age as I am, 51. He's been farming since he was old enough to drive a tractor. It's all he knows how to do.
Most of what he plants is field corn. Part of his crop feeds their hogs, while the rest goes to market for livestock fodder. They're not growing for human food, but for feed for livestock, which is equally important.
Farm subsidies inflates food price, land value and encourages over-farming. Much of what is farmed goes to waste. Subsidies are great for the corporate farms, but does nothing for the man who works his fields from the early morning hour into the night. Subsidies are equally great for the land owner who never plants one single seed. Again, they do nothing for the farmer who is looking at the sky hoping for rain. No rain, no crop, no pay day. The millionaire who collects subsidies, yet never plants a seed, does not have that kind of worry.
Slashing subsidies would save billions for the taxpayer. The money saved should then be directed to those small farms that keep a farm community viable.

Ask him which program?

Dont get me wrong, I dont agree with it either. But for some programs, I think you would be VERY surprised why the pay them

So kallend, which program?

The big one in Missouri is the ethanol program as field corn is a major crop in this state. I would think it is the same in Iowa. As for Elvin, he does not produce enough to qualify for the subsidies. He farms less than one fourth of his property. A good portion is wooded and along the river, which is not great when it floods. He depends on running the combine on other farms. That was his father's money maker, and now he depends on it. This year will probably be a bust for them.
As for the ethanol program, it has done nothing in regards to lower fuel price as was promised when it began. Further more, it artificially raised the cost at the supermarket for food, even though it is dent corn that we consume, not field corn. The program should had drastically reduced the cost of fuel for farmers. It did not. It only put more money into the coffers of the huge corporate farms. My dad farm acreage near New Point, MO. for a good number of years. His major complaint was fuel cost. After a major flood wiping out their crops, he called it quits as they couldn't recoup their loss. He now owns acreage in the northeast part of Missouri, near Mark Twain lake, and leases out a portion to another farmer while he boards horses on the rest of it. He makes good money doing that and does not have the headache of an uncertain market that depends on the weather and congress. Besides, he's 77 years old and can't spend much time on the tractor these days. As for me, I've never had any desire to be a farmer. To many debts and heartaches.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Part 2 to the question is:

"If he left town for the weekend, do you think the country would be better off?"

When you first posted this I didn't think much of it. Then I thought a little about it, is this the most you guys have? The President likes to golf? WTF. At the most, maybe every week or two he spends a few hours golfing, and this is an issue that concerns you.

Take issue with his policy, hell no ones perfect, maybe he's wrong on everything, but to think he is less of a President because he golfs is pathetic.

Anybody that really thinks his golfing is an issue needs to reevaluate their critical thinking skills.

You must not remember the uproar about Bush's golfing and vacations

I think this is just a parody on that which exposes the hypocrisy of the left on topics like this

What do you think?

I enjoy a good parody just like the next guy, but I don't think this was the case. Golfing an hour away is not even close to flying half way across the country to the ranch.

I always thought, while it looked bad for Dubya to make all those trips to Crawford, (He made 77 trips and spent 487 days there) in reality he was just as connected as he was at the WH.

While it's true that some Dems went after Dubya about everything he did, some did not. Now all these Republicans say that since some said this about Bush, we can say this about Obama. It would be nice to see the Republicans go after Obama on policy and not golfing, Kenya, Islam etc etc etc. It would be a chance to show that their the bigger men.

one reaps what one sows
And I am glad you can justify a difference

I wonder how many times Bush spent billions sending his family on vacations?
Oh, and they DO go after him on policy

Gotta go to different news sources (other than ABC,CBS,NBC, CNN, NPR et al)
where much discussion is going on

Billions for Obama's vacations? Do you still think that?

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***Part 2 to the question is:

"If he left town for the weekend, do you think the country would be better off?"

What say you now?

If Trump went over to the Lincoln Memorial and took a dump on the steps, rushmc would put a positive spin on it and tell us that Obama's golfing was worse.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Part 2 to the question is:

"If he left town for the weekend, do you think the country would be better off?"

When you first posted this I didn't think much of it. Then I thought a little about it, is this the most you guys have? The President likes to golf? WTF. At the most, maybe every week or two he spends a few hours golfing, and this is an issue that concerns you.

Take issue with his policy, hell no ones perfect, maybe he's wrong on everything, but to think he is less of a President because he golfs is pathetic.

Anybody that really thinks his golfing is an issue needs to reevaluate their critical thinking skills.

You must not remember the uproar about Bush's golfing and vacations

I think this is just a parody on that which exposes the hypocrisy of the left on topics like this

What do you think?

I enjoy a good parody just like the next guy, but I don't think this was the case. Golfing an hour away is not even close to flying half way across the country to the ranch.

I always thought, while it looked bad for Dubya to make all those trips to Crawford, (He made 77 trips and spent 487 days there) in reality he was just as connected as he was at the WH.

While it's true that some Dems went after Dubya about everything he did, some did not. Now all these Republicans say that since some said this about Bush, we can say this about Obama. It would be nice to see the Republicans go after Obama on policy and not golfing, Kenya, Islam etc etc etc. It would be a chance to show that their the bigger men.

one reaps what one sows
And I am glad you can justify a difference

I wonder how many times Bush spent billions sending his family on vacations?
Oh, and they DO go after him on policy

Gotta go to different news sources (other than ABC,CBS,NBC, CNN, NPR et al)
where much discussion is going on

Billions for Obama's vacations? Do you still think that?


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Part 2 to the question is:

"If he left town for the weekend, do you think the country would be better off?"

When you first posted this I didn't think much of it. Then I thought a little about it, is this the most you guys have? The President likes to golf? WTF. At the most, maybe every week or two he spends a few hours golfing, and this is an issue that concerns you.

Take issue with his policy, hell no ones perfect, maybe he's wrong on everything, but to think he is less of a President because he golfs is pathetic.

Anybody that really thinks his golfing is an issue needs to reevaluate their critical thinking skills.

You must not remember the uproar about Bush's golfing and vacations

I think this is just a parody on that which exposes the hypocrisy of the left on topics like this

What do you think?

I enjoy a good parody just like the next guy, but I don't think this was the case. Golfing an hour away is not even close to flying half way across the country to the ranch.

I always thought, while it looked bad for Dubya to make all those trips to Crawford, (He made 77 trips and spent 487 days there) in reality he was just as connected as he was at the WH.

While it's true that some Dems went after Dubya about everything he did, some did not. Now all these Republicans say that since some said this about Bush, we can say this about Obama. It would be nice to see the Republicans go after Obama on policy and not golfing, Kenya, Islam etc etc etc. It would be a chance to show that their the bigger men.

one reaps what one sows
And I am glad you can justify a difference

I wonder how many times Bush spent billions sending his family on vacations?
Oh, and they DO go after him on policy

Gotta go to different news sources (other than ABC,CBS,NBC, CNN, NPR et al)
where much discussion is going on

Billions for Obama's vacations? Do you still think that?


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See if anyone can figure out who tweeted this:

"PresObama is not busy talking to Congress about Syria..he is playing golf ...go figure!"

Mar a Lago membership gets you a Navy Seal demonstration now:


Yet, oddly enough the Whitehouse can't get its shit together for an Easter Egg Hunt:
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Looks like they are filming the finale of the new "Caddyshack" sequel.:|
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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I caught the billion thing after I replied to you

Oh my fucking god!

You fucking typed it!!!!!!

I messed up

I do make mistakes

You're very predictable that way.

It is about honesty and integrity.

Two things you have proven you have no concept of

Yet you worship the ground trump walks on.


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Part 2 to the question is:

"If he left town for the weekend, do you think the country would be better off?"

This is so funny now. YES! The country is better off when Trump is golfing or doing "executive time". I'm happy to let Tillerson, Mattis, Kelly run the show.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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This is so funny now. YES! The country is better off when Trump is golfing or doing "executive time". I'm happy to let Tillerson, Mattis, Kelly run the show.

Yep. Note that when Trump was involved, the government shut down. When his aides kept him away from Congress, an agreement was reached.

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***This is so funny now. YES! The country is better off when Trump is golfing or doing "executive time". I'm happy to let Tillerson, Mattis, Kelly run the show.

Yep. Note that when Trump was involved, the government shut down. When his aides kept him away from Congress, an agreement was reached.


"Less than 24 hours after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell rolled Democrats into voting to reopen the government in exchange for his promise to revisit legislation on DACA, his fellow congressional Republicans are already pumping the brakes on any potential immigration fix.

Deportation protections for around 800,000 DACA recipients are set to expire in March, thanks to President Donald Trump’s September decision to cancel the Obama-era program. McConnell vowed to bring a DACA fix to a vote before the next impending shutdown on Feb. 8, but top House Republicans don’t seem to care.

“March is really the timeline,” Republican House Whip Steve Scalise told Politico on Tuesday morning. “The House wasn’t part of that deal.” The site said Scalise did “not feel at all bound” by McConnell’s promise. Nor, it seemed, was he alone."

"Instead of getting Trump to agree to the rough outlines of a deal on immigration and spending caps or getting GOP leaders to commit to attaching an immigration deal to a must-pass bill, they settled for a promise from McConnell to debate an immigration bill next month.

Republicans reveled in what they saw as a definite political win.

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"Less than 24 hours after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell rolled Democrats into voting to reopen the government in exchange for his promise to revisit legislation on DACA, his fellow congressional Republicans are already pumping the brakes on any potential immigration fix."

Well, of course the republicans lied about it; that's pretty much a given these days.

Nevertheless, the government is running again. Which means that (among other things) SpaceX will be able to proceed with the F9 heavy testing, which is good.

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"Less than 24 hours after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell rolled Democrats into voting to reopen the government in exchange for his promise to revisit legislation on DACA, his fellow congressional Republicans are already pumping the brakes on any potential immigration fix."

Well, of course the republicans lied about it; that's pretty much a given these days.

Nevertheless, the government is running again. Which means that (among other things) SpaceX will be able to proceed with the F9 heavy testing, which is good.

Actually I was checking that out this morning.
"This doesn't mean the static fire test will actually happen Wednesday -- the priority here is a Wet Dress Rehearsal (WDR), in which the team goes through the launch countdown, up to 10 seconds before actual launch. It's only if this goes well that SpaceX will move on to the static fire. Once that test is conducted successfully, a launch date will be set."

So the republicans have slowed up mankind's journey to Mars!

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