
Plan to tax cars by the mile

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>U.S. citizens are so well trained that even a suggestion of a new tax
> makes them come up with other , new ways to let help the goobermint
>pick our wallets.

Informative #2 -

There are people who don't even realize that they're paying taxes to support something already.

the hell you say!?!?!

and keep your government hands out of my medicare!!!

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It seems like a reasonable reaction to changing times. People are moving towards more efficient vehicles therefore the taxes collected on a per gallon basis will end up underfunding our transportation infrastructure. It's a draft proposal so I'm pretty sure that they'd be willing to entertain other solutions if anyone has one.

Ever notice how certain people in certain groups are good with using things we are all paying for to live in a civilized country and yet bitch incessantly when they actually have to pay for that use??

The get something for nothing crowd....why does it always seem to come from those who are supposed to be all about "fiscal responsibility":S:S

In discussions I've read on this, I'm seeing more privacy concerns and "why create a new tax" concerns. Most responses I've seen lean towards "just bump the gas tax instead".

but you can pick the posts you respond to for the maximum troll value. I get that. Don't have a problem with it either. Tends to be entertaining.

Ok so you are good with living here in the USA free of charge.. no taxes.. no responsibilities... so much for WE THE PEOPLE in order......

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It seems like a reasonable reaction to changing times. People are moving towards more efficient vehicles therefore the taxes collected on a per gallon basis will end up underfunding our transportation infrastructure. It's a draft proposal so I'm pretty sure that they'd be willing to entertain other solutions if anyone has one.

Ever notice how certain people in certain groups are good with using things we are all paying for to live in a civilized country and yet bitch incessantly when they actually have to pay for that use??

The get something for nothing crowd....why does it always seem to come from those who are supposed to be all about "fiscal responsibility":S:S

In discussions I've read on this, I'm seeing more privacy concerns and "why create a new tax" concerns. Most responses I've seen lean towards "just bump the gas tax instead".

but you can pick the posts you respond to for the maximum troll value. I get that. Don't have a problem with it either. Tends to be entertaining.

Ok so you are good with living here in the USA free of charge.. no taxes.. no responsibilities... so much for WE THE PEOPLE in order......

hey look! now you're putting words in my mouth.

or making assumptions.

oh nope... you're just trying to troll me.

uh, how does this go again... oh yeah...

NO I DON"T THINK THAT!!!!1!11elevnty!!

show me one post where I said that....

(did I get that right kallend? rush? just checking...)

back to your regularly programmed troll-fest...

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Except road damage is roughly proportional to the fourth power of axle weight.

More reasonable would be miles * weight^4 / axles^3.

You're really going to stick it to me when I go rollerblading;
I have 8 axles.[:/]

Nah that's an inverse cubic so you're fine.

Joggers are really screwed.

:S:S:S How many axles do joggers have? :o:o

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Except road damage is roughly proportional to the fourth power of axle weight.

More reasonable would be miles * weight^4 / axles^3.

You're really going to stick it to me when I go rollerblading;
I have 8 axles.[:/]

Nah that's an inverse cubic so you're fine.

Joggers are really screwed.

:S:S:S How many axles do joggers have? :o:o

When I was in college, the HP-48 calculator came out, and hackers started figuring out how to do programming using an unsupported low-level method. One day one of these guys released a program called "Doc Jekyll & Mr Hyde", but gave no description of what it was supposed to do.
A friend loaded it up and it presented 2 modes: Jekyll or Hyde.
He tried both modes, but it didn't seem to do anything.
Finally, he just left it in "Hyde" mode.

Later that day he was doing some calculations, and accidentally tried to divide by zero. Instead of the usual error, it responded "Wow! That was a really big number!":D

The program had replaced all the error messages with new ones.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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>How many axles do joggers have?

Maybe we should go to a "pounds per square foot" metric.

Joggers with size-13 feet? Pay almost nothing.

Pogo sticks? They'll cost you.

Women in high heels? Will be paying through the nose . . .

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It seems like a reasonable reaction to changing times. People are moving towards more efficient vehicles therefore the taxes collected on a per gallon basis will end up underfunding our transportation infrastructure. It's a draft proposal so I'm pretty sure that they'd be willing to entertain other solutions if anyone has one.

Ever notice how certain people in certain groups are good with using things we are all paying for to live in a civilized country and yet bitch incessantly when they actually have to pay for that use??

The get something for nothing crowd....why does it always seem to come from those who are supposed to be all about "fiscal responsibility":S:S

In discussions I've read on this, I'm seeing more privacy concerns and "why create a new tax" concerns. Most responses I've seen lean towards "just bump the gas tax instead".

but you can pick the posts you respond to for the maximum troll value. I get that. Don't have a problem with it either. Tends to be entertaining.

Ok so you are good with living here in the USA free of charge.. no taxes.. no responsibilities... so much for WE THE PEOPLE in order......

hey look! now you're putting words in my mouth.

or making assumptions.

oh nope... you're just trying to troll me.

uh, how does this go again... oh yeah...

NO I DON"T THINK THAT!!!!1!11elevnty!!

show me one post where I said that....

(did I get that right kallend? rush? just checking...)

back to your regularly programmed troll-fest...

Hey...what can I say... youse guys of the PARTY OF NO...that it sure as hell sounds like a LOT of the USUAL SUSPECTS round heeeereee supports hook line and sinker sunk so deep its draggin round behind em...sure digs those tax cuts on top of TAX CUTS especially for the 1%er's.... I guess they want someone else to pay for all the stuff they want from the goooobermint they supposedly want to reduce... well exceptin for them massive weapons programs.:S:S:S

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Women in high heels? Will be paying through the nose . . .

unintended consequences? Women stop wearing high heels?! No more buttock protrusion or breast enhancement!! :o:o:o SAY IT ISN'T SO!!

High heels are ridiculous, as well as hell on feet.
The only time high heels make any sense, is when there is no weight on the feet, i.e. porn. :P
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Never mind the absolute record profits being made by oil companies, while the price is being kept artificially high.

The most profitable industry in the history of the world is receiving taxpayer funded subsidies. And the Republicans support that.


The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>By charging per vehicle mile it's more "fair" from the point of view that
>you're charging the person for road use and not fuel consumption.

Probably the fairest fee would be miles driven times weight of vehicle.

Except road damage is roughly proportional to the fourth power of axle weight.

More reasonable would be miles * weight^4 / axles^3.

You're really going to stick it to me when I go rollerblading;
I have 8 axles.[:/]

weight^4 - you must be REALLY overweight.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Hey...what can I say... youse guys of the PARTY OF NO...

youse guys? referring to me? well, as I've said before, I don't belong to a political party, and if I did it would be the Libertarian party.

you're either wrong, making assumptions, or trolling. oh shit. I just ruined it for you didn't I?

uh yeah... party of NO!!!!111!!1

move along... nothing to see here.

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>Why do any of that when you can borrow?

That's true! That way the xtreem urban warriors can keep their SUV's and women can keep their high heels! Surely someone else will pay for it . . . later.

Ah yes... the tried and true.. republican way:S

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