
what's safer!?

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I assume you mean for hunting deer? Shotguns are much safer. Regular slugs are in the dirt @<200yds. Sabot rounds don't go much farther. A .223 will ricochet off a branch & go who knows where. It's a high velocity round w/a small projectile. Why are you limiting your choices? There are many great calibers around. Is there limited availability in Switzerland?

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I assume you mean for hunting deer? Shotguns are much safer. Regular slugs are in the dirt @<200yds. Sabot rounds don't go much farther. A .223 will ricochet off a branch & go who knows where. It's a high velocity round w/a small projectile. Why are you limiting your choices? There are many great calibers around. Is there limited availability in Switzerland?

that or what's avaiilable for "big game"..
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
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godfrog: What is utmost in gun safety no matter the caliber or guage is the person handling it!

Correct answer!


virgin-burner: so, what causes more damage, a 12-gauge buck-shot ro a 223. remington!?

12-gauge, if it gets there. If you're shooting at something beyond 150 yards, you'll need the .223.

If you use .223, be sure to use hunting bullets (which expand), and not target bullets (which don't expand).

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Where is the option:

"I drink too much and shouldn't own a gun"


i own a 12-gauge AND a .223 assault-rifle!.. so fuck you! :D

just aint sure what's better for "home-protection", eg. what should i keep under my pillow!
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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What is utmost in gun safety no matter the caliber or guage is the person handling it!

so, what causes more damage, a 12-gauge buck-shot ro a 223. remington!?

So, you want something for home defense. You should go w/a boomstick. You can load it lightly if you've neighbors close by. A .223 will go through several walls (or 4,000+yds) until it hits someone innocent. Over-penetration will still be a problem even if you don't miss.

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What is utmost in gun safety no matter the caliber or guage is the person handling it!

so, what causes more damage, a 12-gauge buck-shot ro a 223. remington!?

So, you want something for home defense. You should go w/a boomstick. You can load it lightly if you've neighbors close by. A .223 will go through several walls (or 4,000+yds) until it hits someone innocent. Over-penetration will still be a problem if you don't miss.

Wall studs and toilets are hardly innocent, but thats only if you're lucky.;)
Muff #5048

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What is utmost in gun safety no matter the caliber or guage is the person handling it!

so, what causes more damage, a 12-gauge buck-shot ro a 223. remington!?

So, you want something for home defense. You should go w/a boomstick. You can load it lightly if you've neighbors close by. A .223 will go through several walls (or 4,000+yds) until it hits someone innocent. Over-penetration will still be a problem if you don't miss.

Wall studs and toilets are hardly innocent, but thats only if you're lucky.;)

so, the shotgun is kinda better suited for low-range, high penetration-uses!?
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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What is utmost in gun safety no matter the caliber or guage is the person handling it!

so, what causes more damage, a 12-gauge buck-shot ro a 223. remington!?

So, you want something for home defense. You should go w/a boomstick. You can load it lightly if you've neighbors close by. A .223 will go through several walls (or 4,000+yds) until it hits someone innocent. Over-penetration will still be a problem if you don't miss.

Wall studs and toilets are hardly innocent, but thats only if you're lucky.;)

so, the shotgun is kinda better suited for low-range, high penetration-uses!?

and it hasnt hit SC yet coz it's been my b-day when i posted, so i can do anything i've wanted to post, anywhere!

the mods must really like me! :)
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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What is utmost in gun safety no matter the caliber or guage is the person handling it!

so, what causes more damage, a 12-gauge buck-shot ro a 223. remington!?

So, you want something for home defense. You should go w/a boomstick. You can load it lightly if you've neighbors close by. A .223 will go through several walls (or 4,000+yds) until it hits someone innocent. Over-penetration will still be a problem if you don't miss.

Wall studs and toilets are hardly innocent, but thats only if you're lucky.;)

so, the shotgun is kinda better suited for low-range, high penetration-uses!?

Yes. It has a variety of different ammo choices. Anything from bird-shot to double 00 buck to slugs (good out to about 75 yds. You can choose the appropriate ammo for the application in which you choose to use it.;)

ETA- Plus, staring down the barrel of a 12gu isn't something anyone will argue with. See Photo
Muff #5048

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What is utmost in gun safety no matter the caliber or guage is the person handling it!

so, what causes more damage, a 12-gauge buck-shot ro a 223. remington!?

So, you want something for home defense. You should go w/a boomstick. You can load it lightly if you've neighbors close by. A .223 will go through several walls (or 4,000+yds) until it hits someone innocent. Over-penetration will still be a problem if you don't miss.

Wall studs and toilets are hardly innocent, but thats only if you're lucky.;)

so, the shotgun is kinda better suited for low-range, high penetration-uses!?

Yes. It has a variety of different ammo choices. Anything from bird-shot to double 00 buck to slugs (good out to about 75 yds. You can choose the appropriate ammo for the application in which you choose to use it.;)

i just want to fuck up whatsever in the vincinity of the gun.. so the 00-buck-shot would be a good choice!?

i got that one already, wasnt sure if the (much) faster 223. rem would be even better...

i should of known, weightxitself, would have more impact than speedxitelf.. or something..

yea, this should have moved to SC FUCKING LONG TIME AGO! but hey, it's my BIRTHday!!! :D:D:D
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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What is utmost in gun safety no matter the caliber or guage is the person handling it!

so, what causes more damage, a 12-gauge buck-shot ro a 223. remington!?

So, you want something for home defense. You should go w/a boomstick. You can load it lightly if you've neighbors close by. A .223 will go through several walls (or 4,000+yds) until it hits someone innocent. Over-penetration will still be a problem even if you don't miss.

Overpenetration with .223rem is a fallacy, with the proper ammo it actually penetrates less than a 12gauge with #4 buckshot.

9mm penetrates more.

Read the studies or experiment for yourself

Choose a lightly constructed bullet like a ballistic tip that has no bonded core.

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got that one already, wasnt sure if the (much) faster 223. rem would be even better...

"better" is a subjective term. If all you want to do is "fuck up whatsever in the vicinity" then a 12 gu isnt a bad choice (I use mine for home protection... well I actually have a GLOCK .40 nearby that I would use to fight my way to the shotgun). If you do want to buy a 12gu I would reccomend the Remmington 870 with the extended tube and #8 shot. They can be had for pretty cheap here in the US ($375 I paid for mine), and they are prooven and reliable.

BTW, Happy B-Day fucker!!! I'm here drinkin with youB|
Muff #5048

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so, what wiill have more "impact"!?

.223 rem. or the 12-gauge, fried from a remington 500 or a sig-550 respecitvely!?

If I'm understanding you correctly, the 12gu will. The problem with the .223 (thats what we use in the military here in the US) is that the round goes straight through the target imparting only a small ammt of its energy. If you want to put someone on the floor then the 12gu with a light load (such as #8 shot) is the ticket.
Muff #5048

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i own a 12-gauge AND a .223 assault-rifle!.. so fuck you! :D

just aint sure what's better for "home-protection", eg. what should i keep under my pillow!

In our state, Washington, it's illegal to hunt big game with any caliber less than .240, so the .223 won't cut it. There's a reason why it's nicknamed "the Poodle Shooter.":P

Get some sabot or slug rounds for your 12 ga. That ought to do the trick. If you swing by my house, I can let you borrow one of my .30'06's. :)

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