
Well, His statement should limit the spin after the election

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President Obama said Tuesday that while his name isn't on the ballot on Nov. 2, his agenda practically is.

The president stopped short of saying next week's election is a referendum on his policies, but suggested the outcome of key elections next Tuesday could determine the fate of his agenda.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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***President Obama said Tuesday that while his name isn't on the ballot on Nov. 2, his agenda practically is.

The president stopped short of saying next week's election is a referendum on his policies, but suggested the outcome of key elections next Tuesday could determine the fate of his agenda.

No shit.

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obuma said republicans have to get to the back of the bus . how's that for post racial ? how's that for healing our racial divide ? he hopey changeyed that so adeptly !

We all know what he is and what he stands for. That knowledge is ever expanding into the ranks that voted for him. We need to remove his cronies on 2 Nov and him in 2012.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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When are you lot going to realise that he is a puppet and only those that will further the agenda of those elite that decide in these bilderburg group meetings etc will have any chance of becoming presedent.

While you all argue over their sematics and lies, they contunue to screw you up the ass with aids and no condom.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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While you all argue over their sematics and lies, they contunue to screw you up the ass with aids and no condom.

Are you drunk or just ignorant?

Must . . . not . . . confirm the obvious!
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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When are you lot going to realise that he is a puppet and only those that will further the agenda of those elite that decide in these bilderburg group meetings etc will have any chance of becoming presedent.

While you all argue over their sematics and lies, they contunue to screw you up the ass with aids and no condom.

I don't know about you but, we don't have any control over the Bilderburg's, et. al. We can only argue about who is running for political office in the U.S.A. This has been a rather boring place since our manifest destiny was achieved.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I don't know about you but, we don't have any control over the Bilderburg's, et. al. We can only argue about who is running for political office in the U.S.A. This has been a rather boring place since our manifest destiny was achieved.

that is the problem, the Bilderburgs plan in secret the destiny of our future, and the political parties had better pay ball with them or they do not stand a chance.

When you come to terms with the fact the the status quo has been set buy those that control the destiny of those you elect. then arguing over the policies of their e;ection campains becomes usless semantics.

As Obama has confirmed, they will promise one thing, then go with the status quo.

Whoever gets in, you will still go to war with Iran, the war on terror will continue and the sepatation between the wealthy and the poor will be ever increasing, this is what the status quo is, it has been advertised and it will happen.

Our world, not just your country, is ruled by these people, they are the worlds most powerful and influential. they decide, not you!

Some dick heads will say i'm drunk for thinking this way.

I suggest they are idiots for ignoring it.

But each to their own I suppose, it has been going on long before I was born and will continue long after I die.

It is ignorance that allow these peolpe to continue their (dare I say it) evil ways.

There are more than enough recources for everyone to live in prosparity, but people are allowed to horde much more than they could ever consume.

This is applauded by many of the dickheads here and everywhere that have some deluded pipedream that they too could posess such power one day, that is human nature. greedy human nature...
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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find it hilarious that you used the word "deluded" in this post.

Tell me, do you think the presedent has absolute authority?

Meaning, NOBODY can tell them what to do, or do you beleive there is a higher entity of 'some' description.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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There is nothing quite like getting punished for your beliefs.

I wonder if he agrees with sharian law.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Here is Obama lying about the intentions of the NAFTA and the Union.

He pretends to not know what is it called, not his usual astute type of response.

And his spin on the council on foreign relations, suggesting that he doesn't have a secret handshake so he is not a memeber etc. spin spin

He is clearly bulshitting, and he is working for the adgenda of the bilderburgs and the NWO. he is a puppet.

I do not necessarily think a global government is a bad idea, but in the hands of the corrupt is most certainly is.

This is what they are working towards, and it will happen, just how long it will take is up to the resitance we give.

How free is iraq right now? Operation Iraqi freedom?
or operation Iraqi recources?

How much less threat of terror is there since invading these middle eastern countries? the war on terror, or the war for recources and influence?

Wake up and smell the coffee, call me a whackjob all you like, they have announced the NWO, it is happening, and meanwhile you argue about stupid semantics and policies that will be backflipped anyhow.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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the voters , and separation of powers !

haha, so you really belevie that he/she calls the shots once elected and the only people that influence the presedents actions are the voters?

You really are nieve.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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do you mean naive ?

Yep, as you may have noticed my typing, punctuation and spelling are not good.

pretty sure i get my point across though so that is all that matters.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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do you mean naive ?

Yep, as you may have noticed my typing, punctuation and spelling are not good.
pretty sure i get my point across though so that is all that matters.

i don't understand what you're posting about because i'm naive .
but what about TLC and CFR ?

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i don't understand what you're posting about because i'm naive .

but what about TLC and CFR ?


The TLC abd CFR are all part of it but the Bilderburgs are the top of the food chain.


"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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rhys, do you listen to coast2coast AM ? You would absolutely love the show. They talk about NWO, elite, and potus as a puppet too. I'm surprised they haven't been shut down yet..

havn't heard of it, i live in NZ so...
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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rhys, do you listen to coast2coast AM ? You would absolutely love the show. They talk about NWO, elite, and potus as a puppet too. I'm surprised they haven't been shut down yet..

havn't heard of it, i live in NZ so...

what , you don't have internet over there ?
i'm naive , so this might not work for you over there , but ,
over here a guy named mark cuban became a billionaire by ,
selling his process for enabling radio on the interweb machine thingy
back to topic , can dirty culture be spun...

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