
Truth for Today 7/10/10

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As a servant of Jesus Christ, God wants you to bind yourself to everything good, to whatever is inherently right and worthy. That task requires the use of discernment. With the help of God and His Word, you must carefully evaluate everything and thoughtfully decide what to reject and what to cling to (1 Thess. 5:21–22).

As you separate yourself from worldly things and saturate yourself with Scripture, that which is good will increasingly replace that which is evil. Then, you will fulfill Paul’s message to the Romans: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (12:2).

A Call to Discernment

-J Mac.
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Or you could go with a reality based life.

Yes, that is something you should think about. Since insulting anothers beliefs is what you are choosing to do today
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Or you could go with a reality based life.

Yes, that is something you should think about. Since insulting anothers beliefs is what you are choosing to do today

Why, it's the exact same thing he's doing. Expressing a belief. You're doing what you're criticizing him for.
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As you separate yourself from worldly things and saturate yourself with Scripture, that which is good will increasingly replace that which is evil.

I don't know - that kinda sounds like what Bill Cole did, and in his case that which was properly mental increasingly replaced that which had a clue.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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As you separate yourself from worldly things and saturate yourself with Scripture, that which is good will increasingly replace that which is evil.

I don't know - that kinda sounds like what Bill Cole did, and in his case that which was properly mental increasingly replaced that which had a clue.

I'm fairly confident that you don't know Mr. Cole...neither do I, period.

But as far as Seventh day Adventism, one has to ask the question, do they saturate themselves with Scripture or the writings/prophecy of Ellen G. White?
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But as far as Seventh day Adventism, one has to ask the question, do they saturate themselves with Scripture or the writings/prophecy of Ellen G. White?

Personally, I think it's best to saturate oneself with the writings/philosophies of many different sources.

Though I do tend to gravitate toward the Buddhist ideas, in which discernment is perhaps the major point.

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Or you could go with a reality based life.

Yes, that is something you should think about. Since insulting anothers beliefs is what you are choosing to do today

Why, it's the exact same thing he's doing. Expressing a belief. You're doing what you're criticizing him for.

I am calling you on your insult to him
If you find that insulting so be it

He never aimed one comment at you
YOU cant say the same
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Or you could go with a reality based life.

Yes, that is something you should think about. Since insulting anothers beliefs is what you are choosing to do today

I think if you wanna post feel good religous stuff then go ahead and post it in bonfire. If you post stuff like that here, you might not wanna be too surprised if some one has a different opinion.

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I think if you wanna post feel good religous stuff then go ahead and post it in bonfire. If you post stuff like that here, you might not wanna be too surprised if some one has a different opinion.

The site specifically says to post religious stuff here in SC and not in the Bonfire. But yeah, since this is a place for discussion, expect to have people disagree with you.

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Or you could go with a reality based life.

Yes, that is something you should think about. Since insulting anothers beliefs is what you are choosing to do today

I think if you wanna post feel good religous stuff then go ahead and post it in bonfire. If you post stuff like that here, you might not wanna be too surprised if some one has a different opinion.

Nice back track....
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I think if you wanna post feel good religous stuff then go ahead and post it in bonfire. If you post stuff like that here, you might not wanna be too surprised if some one has a different opinion.

The site specifically says to post religious stuff here in SC and not in the Bonfire. But yeah, since this is a place for discussion, expect to have people disagree with you.

Having people disagree with you is one thing. Belittling you is another thing all together
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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In a perfect world, religious people could have their own discussions without interruption from non believers.

In that same world, non believers could have a discussion and not get interrupted by Christians.

I think it's wrong for both sides to interject on someone's beliefs and tell them theyre wrong or belittle them.

But obviously our world isnt perfect

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In a perfect world, religious people could have their own discussions without interruption from non believers.

In that same world, non believers could have a discussion and not get interrupted by Christians.

I think it's wrong for both sides to interject on someone's beliefs and tell them theyre wrong or belittle them.

But obviously our world isnt perfect

I think it is great when someone challenges a belief with a thoughtful argument. If the belief is sound it will become stronger, if its shaky it will be exposed and the exercise provides a good opportunity to correct it.

Know the Truth and the Truth will set you free.


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If the intent to learn is there, then a an argument can be a good tool. But if its someone like Bill Mehr in Religulous(sp?) going to the "Truck Stop Chapel" to simply bash Christians and make them look stupid, and not really there to learn, then thats what I feel is wrong.

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Can we all just have our own beliefs and get along? Or is there a constant need for bickering back and forth endlessly?

Hey at least its just bickering.... not so long ago... they lopped off their heads or they burned people at the stake for reading the wrong version of Holy Book.....

Oh wait:S

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So its our fault that religious thinkers in the past preached too much?

Did I say that?

And, it's not only in the past .. a lot of them continue to preach too much for me NOW. I don't want or need it.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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