
The right wing is losing it

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Y'know, people are generally OK with change, and the democrats have not been doing a very good job of governing over the past few years. It should be pretty easy to pick up a bunch of seats as long as the republicans demonstrate that they are a good alternative.

But if they continue to present themselves as batshit crazy, people might think that the incompetent party is better than the psychotic one.

Recent Harris poll of Republicans:

67% think he's a socialist

From his own statements, "socialist" is an entirely applicable descriptor. If you see someone with orange hair, a big round red ball nose, and size 52 shoes, calling them a "clown" is not an accusation but an observation.

45% think he was not born in the US

He was sired by a foreigner, he had a foreign stepfather, and he spent a significant part of his formative years abroad. My guess is that this, along with how Hawaii records births, forms the basis of this suspicion.

OTOH, I seem to recall that McCain was born at a Naval installation abroad (Panama?), so I can't see why anyone might make this one a big issue.

38% think he is doing "many things Hitler did"

This one is so vague as to be meaningless. I do "many things that Hitler did," and I am hardly a fan of der Fuehrer. Uncle Adolph did many things as a head of state that were also done by leaders we remember fondly; there were, however, a few acts and policies that were not embraced to strongly and publicly by those whose memories we cherish.

This all comes down to what you wish to include amongst "things" (you could hardly be more vague).

24% think Obama may literally be the Antichrist

Well, the road to Hell is reportely paved with good intentions, and this country (and most of the planet, for that matter) is going to hell in stages. Thus, for all his good intentions, the fact that he is the one at the helm at this time of slow-motion unfolding disaster kind of leaves him holding the bag.

We like to think of evil as a Hollywood/comic book sort of thing, but true evil tends to have a banal quality. The average Gestapo operative would characterize themself as being a good policeman doing a tough job. Curtis LeMay, whose stated goal was to reduce the population of Japan "by half" surely thought he was on the side of the angels

Given that some 94% of all Americans think there is some sort of invisible entity running the show, I can't see how they can be taken to task for actually letting on some of the more psychotic facets of their delusion. Come on, you have the Roman crowd, who are run by a group that requires hot and cold running little boys, the Mecca bunch that wants the clock turned back 1,300 years and follows someone who took the time to MARRY a 9-year old, the Salt Lake City crowd who swallow hook, line and sinker the veriafiable nonsense spouted by a convicted swindler (who also used his position to collect a bevy of wives), and, just for fun, the pontificating of a hack science fiction writer whose claims would be pushing it for a comedy routine (Galexy Quest was more plausible).

Maybe more intelligent debate and less crazy might sell a little better.

If you hadn't noticed it, sanity is not a big seller in this fair land. The Fleetwood Mac song "Tell Me Lies" kind of sums it up.

If you tell people things that contradict the conclusions to which they have leapt, far from being grateful they will usually get angry.

When I am told that, when things get bad enough, people will catch on and do whatever is necessary to rectify the situation, I call bullshit. Sufficient information has been available all along to avoid the catastrophy we face, and there is no reason why people should stop ignoring what was staring at them in the face in the first place.

We want people to tell us what we want to hear, so we elect people like the incumbent. What else is new?

The problem I have is that, given that Democrats suck out loud, who is to suggest that Republicans do not suck out loud equally? Put another way, just because Party X is very, very bad, what is to suggest that Party Y is not very, very bad as well? Think Stalin/Hitler (I know, Godwin's Law, but you brought it up first).

On the one hand, there is Schadenfreude in that the person at the helm when things go to hell may wind up being blamed for the whole thing. OTOH, Roosevelt took the market correction of the Crash of 1929 and turned it into a Depression that lasted until 1947 by means of deft application of Government "help," and got credit for SAVING us from the very economic disaster that he reinforced and prolonged. Go figure.

As long as you realize that people don't vote on the basis of intellect, you'll be fine.

Blue & Red skies,


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Present tense?

The right wing lost it when it got G.W. Bush nominated for president.

Actually, the G.W. Bush who occupied the Oval Office was a far cry from the one to be found at the Governor's Mansion in Austin.

Once it became clear that he had gone around the bend, the consensus of people who assumed it was a bluff was WTF?

Blue skies,


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Present tense?

The right wing lost it when it got G.W. Bush nominated for president.

Actually, the G.W. Bush who occupied the Oval Office was a far cry from the one to be found at the Governor's Mansion in Austin.

Once it became clear that he had gone around the bend, the consensus of people who assumed it was a bluff was WTF?

Blue skies,


Oh, was GWB a great governor? Hardly. I don't know his record well, but I think his presidency was a continuation of his governorship.

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Present tense?

The right wing lost it when it got G.W. Bush nominated for president.

Actually, the G.W. Bush who occupied the Oval Office was a far cry from the one to be found at the Governor's Mansion in Austin.

Once it became clear that he had gone around the bend, the consensus of people who assumed it was a bluff was WTF?

Blue skies,


Oh, was GWB a great governor? Hardly. I don't know his record well, but I think his presidency was a continuation of his governorship.

The key part of your observation with which I find fault is where you say "I think."

"5% of the population think, 5% think they think, and 90% would rather die than think." Taylor Caldwell

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Present tense?

The right wing lost it when it got G.W. Bush nominated for president.

Actually, the G.W. Bush who occupied the Oval Office was a far cry from the one to be found at the Governor's Mansion in Austin.

Once it became clear that he had gone around the bend, the consensus of people who assumed it was a bluff was WTF?

Blue skies,


Oh, was GWB a great governor? Hardly. I don't know his record well, but I think his presidency was a continuation of his governorship.

The key part of your observation with which I find fault is where you say "I think."

"5% of the population think, 5% think they think, and 90% would rather die than think." Taylor Caldwell

Alwasy count on a conservative to either ad hominem or get touchy feely,never address the issue. If you were more liberal in your approach you would contrast the failure president GWB from the, in your claim, success governor. I don't expect that will happen, or should I say I don't think that will happen.

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Present tense?

The right wing lost it when it got G.W. Bush nominated for president.

Actually, the G.W. Bush who occupied the Oval Office was a far cry from the one to be found at the Governor's Mansion in Austin.

Once it became clear that he had gone around the bend, the consensus of people who assumed it was a bluff was WTF?

Blue skies,


Oh, was GWB a great governor? Hardly. I don't know his record well, but I think his presidency was a continuation of his governorship.

The key part of your observation with which I find fault is where you say "I think."

"5% of the population think, 5% think they think, and 90% would rather die than think." Taylor Caldwell

Alwasy count on a conservative to either ad hominem or get touchy feely,never address the issue. If you were more liberal in your approach you would contrast the failure president GWB from the, in your claim, success governor. I don't expect that will happen, or should I say I don't think that will happen.

Dude, you are awful touchy

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Present tense?

The right wing lost it when it got G.W. Bush nominated for president.

Actually, the G.W. Bush who occupied the Oval Office was a far cry from the one to be found at the Governor's Mansion in Austin.

Once it became clear that he had gone around the bend, the consensus of people who assumed it was a bluff was WTF?

Blue skies,


Oh, was GWB a great governor? Hardly. I don't know his record well, but I think his presidency was a continuation of his governorship.

The key part of your observation with which I find fault is where you say "I think."

"5% of the population think, 5% think they think, and 90% would rather die than think." Taylor Caldwell

Alwasy count on a conservative to either ad hominem or get touchy feely,never address the issue. If you were more liberal in your approach you would contrast the failure president GWB from the, in your claim, success governor. I don't expect that will happen, or should I say I don't think that will happen.

Dude, you are awful touchy


It's not about that, it's about the approach to issues; the RW goes after the person or defers to emotions - LW dissects the issues. See, if you subscribe to the RW, no thinking is required, just follow the prescribed rules.

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Present tense?

The right wing lost it when it got G.W. Bush nominated for president.

Actually, the G.W. Bush who occupied the Oval Office was a far cry from the one to be found at the Governor's Mansion in Austin.

Once it became clear that he had gone around the bend, the consensus of people who assumed it was a bluff was WTF?

Blue skies,


Oh, was GWB a great governor? Hardly. I don't know his record well, but I think his presidency was a continuation of his governorship.

The key part of your observation with which I find fault is where you say "I think."

"5% of the population think, 5% think they think, and 90% would rather die than think." Taylor Caldwell

Alwasy count on a conservative to either ad hominem or get touchy feely,never address the issue. If you were more liberal in your approach you would contrast the failure president GWB from the, in your claim, success governor. I don't expect that will happen, or should I say I don't think that will happen.

Dude, you are awful touchy


It's not about that, it's about the approach to issues; the RW goes after the person or defers to emotions - LW dissects the issues. See, if you subscribe to the RW, no thinking is required, just follow the prescribed rules.

Wow, just fucking wow

You got all the answers and all you need do is ask yourself

Unfucking believable:S
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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the RW goes after the person or defers to emotions - LW dissects the issues. See, if you subscribe to the RW, no thinking is required, just follow the prescribed rules.

:D:D:D:P:ph34r::D:D:):)Thanks for the laugh!
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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the RW goes after the person or defers to emotions - LW dissects the issues. See, if you subscribe to the RW, no thinking is required, just follow the prescribed rules.

:D:D:D:P:ph34r::D:D:):)Thanks for the laugh!

I dissent from the LW by being anti-affirmative action and pro gun. Tell me where you dissent from the RW and if any, probably not, but iff any could you state that as you were kicking around with you RW buddies? Bea real, if you do have any dissent from the RW rules, which I doubt, you couldn't bring that up around your friends. I'll give you your party's hero and his famous words that support my point: http://pachydermcoalition.com/

A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs, which must not be compromised to political expediency or simply to swell it's numbers.... And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these conservative principals, then let them go their own way.

Still. funny or just sad that the pachyderms, following each other, nose-to-ashole, can't think independently?

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the RW goes after the person or defers to emotions - LW dissects the issues. See, if you subscribe to the RW, no thinking is required, just follow the prescribed rules.

:D:D:D:P:ph34r::D:D:):)Thanks for the laugh!

I dissent from the LW by being anti-affirmative action and pro gun. Tell me where you dissent from the RW and if any, probably not, but iff any could you state that as you were kicking around with you RW buddies? Bea real, if you do have any dissent from the RW rules, which I doubt, you couldn't bring that up around your friends. I'll give you your party's hero and his famous words that support my point: http://pachydermcoalition.com/

A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs, which must not be compromised to political expediency or simply to swell it's numbers.... And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these conservative principals, then let them go their own way.

Still. funny or just sad that the pachyderms, following each other, nose-to-ashole, can't think independently?

dude, you need to get off that stove pipe cause the smoke being blown up your ass is coming out your ears in triple sizes

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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the RW goes after the person or defers to emotions - LW dissects the issues. See, if you subscribe to the RW, no thinking is required, just follow the prescribed rules.

:D:D:D:P:ph34r::D:D:):)Thanks for the laugh!

I dissent from the LW by being anti-affirmative action and pro gun. Tell me where you dissent from the RW and if any, probably not, but iff any could you state that as you were kicking around with you RW buddies? Bea real, if you do have any dissent from the RW rules, which I doubt, you couldn't bring that up around your friends. I'll give you your party's hero and his famous words that support my point: http://pachydermcoalition.com/

A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs, which must not be compromised to political expediency or simply to swell it's numbers.... And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these conservative principals, then let them go their own way.

Still. funny or just sad that the pachyderms, following each other, nose-to-ashole, can't think independently?

dude, you need to get off that stove pipe cause the smoke being blown up your ass is coming out your ears in triple sizes


So then, you support my point by doing exactly as I said. I would think you would do something differnt or just ignore. Perhaps you are unable to see how it really looks.

I dissent from the LW by being anti-affirmative action and pro gun. Tell me where you dissent from the RW and if any, probably not, but iff any could you state that as you were kicking around with you RW buddies? Bea real, if you do have any dissent from the RW rules, which I doubt, you couldn't bring that up around your friends. I'll give you your party's hero and his famous words that support my point: http://pachydermcoalition.com/

A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs, which must not be compromised to political expediency or simply to swell it's numbers.... And if there are those who cannot subscribe to these conservative principals, then let them go their own way.

Still. funny or just sad that the pachyderms, following each other, nose-to-ashole, can't think independently?

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I differ in that I think attempts to make abortion illegal at any stage should be abandoned.

I differ in that I think immigration reform is very important, to greatly increase the number of legal immigrants allowed.

I differ in that I think there should be much more done to enforce fair trading policies/laws as opposed to just pursuing free/open trade.

I give compliments to Clinton for going against his party to enact NAFTA (although it could be improved), and welfare reform.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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So as it boils down, the only area you differ from the crowd is on abortion. I'll explain why.


I differ in that I think immigration reform is very important, to greatly increase the number of legal immigrants allowed.

This was very Republican in 86 and I can't say they really want real immigration reform, as the R's love teh cheap labor so they can avoid union issues and worker's rights.


I differ in that I think there should be much more done to enforce fair trading policies/laws as opposed to just pursuing free/open trade.

That's vague that I don't see it as left or right.


I give compliments to Clinton for going against his party to enact NAFTA (although it could be improved), and welfare reform.

So you're pro-NAFTA, that's a RW perspective, not sure what your argument is there.

See, you've made the assumprion that Clinton was uber liberal when in fact he was very moderate like GHWB.

- The Marriage defense act
- Welfare reform / workfare / limits on welfare
- Pardoning Symington

Just a few off the top of my head; Clinton is not a liberal standard of leftiness by which you should measure yourself. So you're not pro-life, that is one area where you don't march to the RW beat, I wonder how you would eminate that in certain groups? Either way, it's one, don't kid yourself that it's more.

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I would take Clinton (either one of them) today as opposed to what we now have

I'm going to have to bookmark that, just so I can pull it up in 7 years. :D

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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One reason, perhaps, that some republicans are anti-education; it costs them votes.

DAMN Bill PLEASE tell me that you really were joking here....is this the level of debate that you have come to??????
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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So as it boils down, the only area you differ from the crowd is on abortion. I'll explain why.


I differ in that I think immigration reform is very important, to greatly increase the number of legal immigrants allowed.

This was very Republican in 86 and I can't say they really want real immigration reform, as the R's love the cheap labor so they can avoid union issues and worker's rights.

Libs typically complain about cons wanting all illegal aliens deported.

Libs are OK with law enforcement ignoring federal laws, and encouraging illegals to come here for work. This has the effect of making a permanent underclass of workers that are victimized with no ability to do anything about it. Country club cons might want the same thing, but don't pretend dems aren't in favor of it also.



I differ in that I think there should be much more done to enforce fair trading policies/laws as opposed to just pursuing free/open trade.

That's vague that I don't see it as left or right.

No, it is always dems that are speaking out about "fair trade, not just free trade". I think it was Obama that used that sort of line often during the campaign. The traditional cons take a Milton Freedman sort of view that market forces should be left to rule.



I give compliments to Clinton for going against his party to enact NAFTA (although it could be improved), and welfare reform.

So you're pro-NAFTA, that's a RW perspective, not sure what your argument is there.

See, you've made the assumprion that Clinton was uber liberal when in fact he was very moderate like GHWB.

I'm just showing that I can praise the actions of a dem pres (against great opposition from his party). Can you do the same? Isn't there anything a repub pres did that you support? Obama certainly is continuing a lot of Bush policies, so he is in effect agreeing with them.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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I would take Clinton (either one of them) today as opposed to what we now have[:/]

And you would say the opposite if another D candiate won. Grass greener, meet Rush.

Tell me, what do you think any other president would do with a:

- Failed banking system

- Mortgage mess worst ever

- Unemp driving 3.4% the year before he took office

- GDP 4 of 5 Q's negative, current Q -6.4%

- 2 big wars in process, entered under false pretense, a total mess VN in the making

- Deficit at record levels

- Debt at record levels

And so on..... and you can chide anyone in that position? Bizzare.

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One reason, perhaps, that some republicans are anti-education; it costs them votes.

DAMN Bill PLEASE tell me that you really were joking here....is this the level of debate that you have come to??????

What's your theory for it, then?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I would take Clinton (either one of them) today as opposed to what we now have

I'm going to have to bookmark that, just so I can pull it up in 7 years. :D


Thats cool cause the guy we got now makes them look like extreme right wingers

But context dont mean shit to you does it.......
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I would take Clinton (either one of them) today as opposed to what we now have[:/]

And you would say the opposite if another D candiate won. Grass greener, meet Rush.

Tell me, what do you think any other president would do with a:

- Failed banking system

- Mortgage mess worst ever

- Unemp driving 3.4% the year before he took office

- GDP 4 of 5 Q's negative, current Q -6.4%

- 2 big wars in process, entered under false pretense, a total mess VN in the making

- Deficit at record levels

- Debt at record levels

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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