
Human Breast Milk Cheese: Would You Order It If Served in a Restaurant?

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No matter what the city says, Lori Mason insists the breast milk she supplied her cheese-making husband is more wholesome than anything on the shelves at Whole Foods.

Her milk is 100 percent organic, free range, and foie gras-fed, she told The Post.

"I eat healthier than your average cow and I'm not pumped full of steroids!" Mason said.

When Mason's husband, Daniel Angerer, blogged about making some of his wife's excess breast milk into cheese, customers at his restaurant, Klee Brasserie on Ninth Avenue in Chelsea, began demanding to have a taste.

I consider myself a food adventurer and have tried some pretty strange things...but I would readily pass on this one.

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Dude i must be weird. Because i would order it.

one of the first things i asked when one of my friends had there first baby was. Dude did you try breast milk?

I mean can you think of any other food thats made just for us?

Now i just need to knock someone up to get a taste hmmmmmmmmmmmm yea i'll pass.. talk about the most expensive food ever LOL.
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>Would You Order It If Served in a Restaurant?

How about chicha? It's spit-based beer. (And yes, there's actually a reason for the spit; it's not just because they're mad at you.)

I had to look that one up...


In some cultures, instead of germinating the maize to release the starches therein, the maize is ground, moistened in the chicha maker's mouth, and formed into small balls which are then flattened and laid out to dry. Naturally occurring ptyalin enzymes in the maker's saliva catalyses the breakdown of starch in the maize into maltose. (This process of chewing grains or other starches was used in the production of alcoholic beverages in pre-modern cultures around the world, including, for example, sake in Japan.)


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I would give the chicha a try, as well as Luwak coffee, but I think I would draw the line somewhere well before human breast milk cheese. :P

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The irony is that most people wouldn't order human cheese, but have no issues with cow or goat cheese.

Don't get me wrong, I loves me a sharp cheddar or any one of a bajillion other cheeses, but for some reason the human cheese just sounds wrong even though it's the one milk in the entire world we're actually designed to consume.

So I'm also looking at it the other way too. I just don't know why human cheese kinda creeps me out, but cow or goat seems perfectly fine.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I don't like the idea of drinking the milk of carnivorous mammals. The risk of a malevolent protien or virus being passed through the milk puts me off the idea.
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Too much like cannabalism.

Does that mean that babies who breastfeed are like little cannibals?

To borrow on the words of Jules Winffeild: Hey, placentas may taste like pumpkin pie, but I'd never know 'cause I wouldn't eat the filthy motherfuckers.

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Dude i must be weird. Because i would order it.

one of the first things i asked when one of my friends had there first baby was. Dude did you try breast milk?

I mean can you think of any other food thats made just for us?

Now i just need to knock someone up to get a taste hmmmmmmmmmmmm yea i'll pass.. talk about the most expensive food ever LOL.

:D:DThat's great!
Speed Racer

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It's natural. I would probably have to have someone else order it for me without my knowledge. I would just want to make sure there weren't any chemical agents or crazy things in the breast milk that could be transferred. I'm sure all that would be clear during the cooking/fermentation process. It's just like placenta. There are some really great reasons to consume placenta or use it externally, especially if you are recovering from giving birth, but, I sure as hell wouldn't want to know that I was eating it... :S:S

If you disbelieve everything because we cannot certainly know all things, we shall do much-what as wisely as he would not use his legs, but sit still and perish because he had no wings to fly.-JL

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