
Separation of Church and State. NONSENSE!

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It's all pretty interesting stuff, but unfortunately, if a person really believes every word of the Bible is true, it's a little unsettling.

I had to question at least some of the language when I discoverd that in animal sacrifice, some of the best parts went to to the guys that wrote the rules of how to do it.

In modern politics we would call that a conflict of interest. ;)
Tom B

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I don't know how one can reconcile a belief that every word and verse is fact, since the apostles wrote slightly different versions of the same events.

Of course they are different, they were written 50 to 100 years after Jesus died and most of the apostles did not write anything.
What is so hard about worshipping your God in your house, your church or private school. Let a muslim group want to put up a display in the town center and see how many christians go to bat for their freedom. Better yet, lets see how the christians like it if instead of a manger I Put up a display from psalms 137:9 that says"happy is he who dashes the heads of infants against rocks"

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I was one of those kids raised by the village. The largest force in my life was an uncle who was a Methodist minister and civil rights worker. I still live to his view of the bible. He taught me to focus on the stories, the intent of the stories, and not get worked up over the language of individual verses. That worked pretty well, and generally lets you avoid a LOT misdirection and confusion.

I don't know how one can reconcile a belief that every word and verse is fact, since the apostles wrote slightly different versions of the same events.

So if he had been a mullah I guess you would believe the teachings of Mohammed.

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Really? People go to stores to spend incredible amounts of money and put gifts under a Hanukkah tree? I didn't know that. My Jewish best friend doesn't know that either I suspect.

This seems to be US-specific things. For example, in Russia people set up trees and put gifts under them on New Year's day; nobody sets up trees for Christmas. Has its own benefits though - I usually volunteered to be on-call on Dec 25 - the company gave two paid day-offs, and since I don't give shit about Christmas, it's not a problem to me.

Also Orthodox Christmas (Jan 7) was not even a holiday a few years ago, and Catholic Christmas (Dec 25) is not a holiday at all.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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If they put it up on government property, or use my tax money to erect it and support it, it not only pains me greatly every time I have to look at it, IT VIOLATES THE FIRST AMENDMENT!

No it doesn't.

Yes, it does:

Judge Crabb's main ruling that display or ownership of the Ten Commandments by a city is unconstitutional was not overturned, thus the bible edict remains on private property.

Another court case
Settled cases. Read from #4.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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If they put it up on government property, or use my tax money to erect it and support it, it not only pains me greatly every time I have to look at it, IT VIOLATES THE FIRST AMENDMENT!

No it doesn't.

Yes, it does:

Judge Crabb's main ruling that display or ownership of the Ten Commandments by a city is unconstitutional was not overturned, thus the bible edict remains on private property.

Another court case
Settled cases. Read from #4.

Fail - a nativity scene (you know - the part of my quoted reply that you snipped out?) is not a display of the 10 commandments.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Fail - a nativity scene (you know - the part of my quoted reply that you snipped out?) is not a display of the 10 commandments.

Read that.

Well, I guess the White House won't be putting up a Christmas tree this year, then will they?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Well, I guess the White House won't be putting up a Christmas tree this year, then will they?

I would say there is a significant difference between a tree and a "birth of Jesus Christ" scene. Don't you think so?

And they might call it differently than Christmas tree. Myself I gonna set up a tree for a New Year, and it is definitely not Christmas tree - it has nothing to do with Christmas, and I usually set it up on Dec 29 or so (they're also much cheaper after that). So not every tree set up in December is Christmas tree.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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I was one of those kids raised by the village. The largest force in my life was an uncle who was a Methodist minister and civil rights worker. I still live to his view of the bible. He taught me to focus on the stories, the intent of the stories, and not get worked up over the language of individual verses. That worked pretty well, and generally lets you avoid a LOT misdirection and confusion.

I don't know how one can reconcile a belief that every word and verse is fact, since the apostles wrote slightly different versions of the same events.

So if he had been a mullah I guess you would believe the teachings of Mohammed.

I am not sure how you made that leap, but I think you missed the point of my post. The "teaching" in this case was to stop worrying about the details, don't get lost in individual verses, and pay full attention to the greater story and its learning lessons. Trying to reconcile every small difference leads to one bad headache, and missing the bigger points.

But as for following the mullah... duh.
Probably one of the greatest correlation/causation factors in human life is picking up general religious customs of one's parents.
Tom B

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