
Obama wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize

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Ahhhh, I get it now! The nobel peace prize is there to raise taxes on the wealthy in america and redistribute it in America, and also to promote universal healthcare in America. Of course! How could we have missed something so obvious? forget the rest of the world, they did it to encourage the left's agenda strictly inside the United States.

And the award for most irrelevant post goes to...
So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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Ahhhh, I get it now! The nobel peace prize is there to raise taxes on the wealthy in america and redistribute it in America, and also to promote universal healthcare in America. Of course! How could we have missed something so obvious? forget the rest of the world, they did it to encourage the left's agenda strictly inside the United States.

And the award for most irrelevant post goes to...


And the award for most irrelevant post goes to

you for parroting me.

I don't think Americans get how sick the rest of the world is of us. You have the US at 4% of the world, 2% are conservatives, so that measn 98% of the world disagrees with conservative US Americans with the exception of a few Britts and others. I think it's easily 90% of the world disagrees with that the US has been doing and wants a change. Obama is that change and they are encouraging the US by promoting Obama via Nobel.

Questioning it and calling it stupid makes as much sense as wondering why the R's chose Palin.

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This whole thing feels like a makeup call for the IOC snub.

or an attempt to influence the White House on the eve of a confrontation with Iran.

Hmm. The Nobel Peace Prize committee hoping to influence the commander in chief of the most powerful military force on the planet to avoid making war. (I hear the Pope sometimes does that kind of shit, too.) How fucked up is that??

They know "the commander in chief of the most powerful military force on the planet" can be dazzled by Hugo and Fidel, and they know a muslim president would not listen to the Pope even for free pizza and a set of Mickey Mouse ears.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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Mr. Kallend, my question to you still stands:

Who would be your pick from that list of individuals and why?

None of the above


If you could choose from any person (or organization) in the world, regardless of whether or not they were nominated, who do you feel deserved a prize like this the most and why?

I don't know everyone in the world. What a stupid question.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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They know "the commander in chief of the most powerful military force on the planet" can be dazzled by Hugo and Fidel, and they know a muslim president would not listen to the Pope even for free pizza and a set of Mickey Mouse ears.

Wow. You still believe Obama is a muslim? Is he even an American in your world? Probably a Kenyan, huh? Sorry I asked.

- Dan G

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> I've got a long list of people who deserve it equally as much as
>Obama: me, you, Clint Eastwood, whoever came up with the design for
>these New Balance shoes I'm wearing, Chicken McNuggets, etc.

A good commentary from Huckabee this morning:

"There will be an outcry from those on the right who will say that Obama's nomination, made two weeks into his presidency, is impossible to justify, but I think such an outcry will sound like right-wing whining."


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Mr. Kallend, my question to you still stands:

Who would be your pick from that list of individuals and why?

None of the above


If you could choose from any person (or organization) in the world, regardless of whether or not they were nominated, who do you feel deserved a prize like this the most and why?

I don't know everyone in the world. What a stupid question.

Mr. Kallend, Obama was on that list. You responded 'none of the above.' You would not have picked him? Why not?

Question to your second response, there is not one living person in the world you have met, read of, heard of, etc that you feel deserved the Novel Peace Prize? If so, why not?

If the choice was up to you, you could not think of one person you think deserves it the most of the people you are aware of?
108 way head down world record!!!
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Lucky, how come you want change here, but not back home in Zimbabwe? There are a lot of Zimbabwes in the world that are part of that 90% that are against us. You sure you want to count them?
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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The only opinion that counts is that of the Nobel committee. Yours is irrelevant.

Oh yeah? Well who died and put them in charge? huh?

Why, it was Alfred Nobel himself. His last will and testament left the bulk of his estate to set up the Nobel prizes.

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They know "the commander in chief of the most powerful military force on the planet" can be dazzled by Hugo and Fidel, and they know a muslim president would not listen to the Pope even for free pizza and a set of Mickey Mouse ears.

Wow. You still believe Obama is a muslim? Is he even an American in your world? Probably a Kenyan, huh? Sorry I asked.

You left out Indonesian.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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You left out Indonesian.

You must live an a dark world. The US is run by a Kenyan/Indonesian Communist Black Muslim who pals around with terrorists and hates America. When will your nightmare end?

For the record, I disagree with the Nobel Committee's choice, although I think in the long run it could be a positive for America.

- Dan G

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Can anyone, please, explain how Obama is more deserving than Tsvangirai?


Because the Nobel committee chose him.

Well that explains it. Thank you for your in depth explanation.

Indeed it does explain it.:P

If you want more detail the Nobel Commitee already provided it for those who are TRULY interested and don't just want to rant:


"The Norwegian Nobel committee has decided that the Nobel peace prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.

Obama has as president created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama's initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.

Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.

For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world's leading spokesman. The committee endorses Obama's appeal that 'Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges'."

Oslo, 9 October, 2009

and for cut/pasting that, I'd like to nominate you for the Nobel prize.

I still wonder who nominated Obama and what they thought he'd done that he deserved the nomination.

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It's a bad, bad day for people with ODS. I imagine ER rooms must be filling up as we speak.

It's a bad, bad day for people that actually deserved the award.

The only opinion that counts is that of the Nobel committee. Yours is irrelevant.

as is yours.

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Mr. Kallend, let's assume for a moment we were in a parallel universe and instead of a committee, in this particular case, you alone were the decider of who receives the award. Would you have chosen Obama as the recipient over the list of other nominees for the award? Why or why not?

I haven't seen the list of nominees.

In a parallel universe, the nominee list is going to be different anyway. Maybe Jesse Jackson is President of the USA:P

and the judge awards 2 points for the question dodge.

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> Maybe all one needs to do is TALK, to win a million dollar award.

There are a great many people throughout history who have effected a lot of change for the good just by talking.

Isn't it clear to everyone? They chose him becaue as the sitting president, he couldn't accept the money. They're having a party with strippers and booze at this very moment.

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The only opinion that counts is that of the Nobel committee. Yours is irrelevant.

Oh yeah? Well who died and put them in charge? huh?

Why, it was Alfred Nobel himself. His last will and testament left the bulk of his estate to set up the Nobel prizes.

Alas, poor humor! I knew him.

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Can anyone actually defend this complete load of horse shit?

It's their million bucks, they can spend it how they want.

Where did all the libertarians go?


how much will it cost the tax payers to fly airforce one over there so Obama can collect his million dollars. it would probably be cheaper for us to give him a million and leave the plane on the ground

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> I've got a long list of people who deserve it equally as much as
>Obama: me, you, Clint Eastwood, whoever came up with the design for
>these New Balance shoes I'm wearing, Chicken McNuggets, etc.

A good commentary from Huckabee this morning:

"There will be an outcry from those on the right who will say that Obama's nomination, made two weeks into his presidency, is impossible to justify, but I think such an outcry will sound like right-wing whining."


Certain RW politicians are understanding this slander rhetoric only emboldens Dems, and these R politicians are smart enough to end the rhetoric.

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Lucky, how come you want change here, but not back home in Zimbabwe? There are a lot of Zimbabwes in the world that are part of that 90% that are against us. You sure you want to count them?

To address your ad hominem, since it must be about me, my profile is for fun, nothing in there is actual, other than I am a nappy-headed ho.

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The only opinion that counts is that of the Nobel committee. Yours is irrelevant.

Oh yeah? Well who died and put them in charge? huh?

Why, it was Alfred Nobel himself. His last will and testament left the bulk of his estate to set up the Nobel prizes.

Right, from the party who demands zero inheritance tax or other control of such funds, we give you the American Republican who feels the Nobel prize s/b controlled.

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> I've got a long list of people who deserve it equally as much as
>Obama: me, you, Clint Eastwood, whoever came up with the design for
>these New Balance shoes I'm wearing, Chicken McNuggets, etc.

A good commentary from Huckabee this morning:

"There will be an outcry from those on the right who will say that Obama's nomination, made two weeks into his presidency, is impossible to justify, but I think such an outcry will sound like right-wing whining."


I'm not concerned one bit with the particulars of his nomination. Almost anyone can be nominated, as has been pointed out.
Provoking a reaction isn't the same thing as saying something meaningful.

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The only opinion that counts is that of the Nobel committee. Yours is irrelevant.

Oh yeah? Well who died and put them in charge? huh?

Why, it was Alfred Nobel himself. His last will and testament left the bulk of his estate to set up the Nobel prizes.

Right, from the party who demands zero inheritance tax or other control of such funds, we give you the American Republican who feels the Nobel prize s/b controlled.

versus those that advocate completely taking away all inheritance as "property of the gov'ment" and thus the Nobel prize would not exist and, thus, Obama would not have won anything - how racist

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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The only opinion that counts is that of the Nobel committee. Yours is irrelevant.

Oh yeah? Well who died and put them in charge? huh?

Why, it was Alfred Nobel himself. His last will and testament left the bulk of his estate to set up the Nobel prizes.

Right, from the party who demands zero inheritance tax or other control of such funds, we give you the American Republican who feels the Nobel prize s/b controlled.

versus those that advocate completely taking away all inheritance as "property of the gov'ment" and thus the Nobel prize would not exist and, thus, Obama would not have won anything - how racist

How is there a racial component? Never has race been an issue in our conversation, just inheritance / tax.

Just as you have no rights after you die, your money is subject to the gubbment too.

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