
"Quit making things up." -- Sarah Palin

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The mothers, grandmothers, fathers, grandfathers, butchers, bakers, candle stick makers are being branded as "unAmerican" because they question their government. These are the voices of the silent majority who want answers.

No, they're not. Not by any reasonable person. Certainly not by Omaba or Pelosi no matter what you're hearing from the right wing talking heads.

What Pelosi specifically wrote in the op ed published yesterday was in reference to the organizers and the insurance company lobbying groups that are advocating the tactics of disruption of town hall meetings in an effort to shout down any conversation.

Did you actually read the op ed, or are you simply repeating what you heard some talking head say about it?

The most of the people you are talking about, the average Jane and Joe that pissed off, are pawns being used by insurance companies and whipped into a frothy frenzy by the right wing talking heads. They need to step away from the likes of Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh.

You need to step away from the lies and look at the facts. There is no truth to the idea that organizers and the insurance company lobbying groups are advocating the tactics of disruption of town hall meetings in an effort to shout down any conversation.
You want to know who has tried to shut down the conversation? Obama and Pilosi! Obama's meetings are purposefully stocked with people who are supporters only and the questions are staged!

"Pitney asked his question, as arranged. Reporters in the room looked at each other in amazement at the stagecraft they had just witnessed. White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel looked at the first row of TV correspondents and grinned.

Still, the private agreement — to call on a questioner under condition that he ask his question on a particular topic in a particular way — is very close to what the left justifiably deplored when there were accusations that the White House was pre-screening reporters and their questions before news conferences.

And Pitney was not the only “plant” at yesterday’s [sic] news conference. Later, Obama passed over the usual suspects to call on Macarena Vidal of the Spanish-language E.F.E. news agency. The White House called Vidal in advance to see if she was coming and arranged for her to sit in a seat usually assigned to a financial trade publication. “Okay, Macarena Vidal,” Obama called out, as the regulars adopted baffled expressions. She asked about Chile and Colombia."

They locked people out of town hall meetings and the only violence and racisms was from healthcare supporters against those who didn't support government healthcare! Look up what happened at the Carnahan town hall in south St. Louis!

And to claim anyone that doesn't agree with socialism and marxism are just "pawns being used" by whomever is rediculous! Shall I just call anyone who agrees with the government just a pawn of the leftist media, the government, and the massive corporations that are in bed with the government (GM, GE, T. Boone Pickens Company, ect.) and that you are incapable of thinking for yourself and simply follow them and thier lies like sheep?

The truth is if you haven't seen the lies of this administration (think back to when he was running for president versus now....) or you can see how "two faced" these people are then you never will no matter what facts are presented.

Your excuses are no different that the extreme conspiracy theorist who discount any facts or any information by claiming the presenter is just a "pawn" of the government or agency involved in the conspiracy (of course with no proof that is the case).

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You need to step away from the lies and look at the facts.

Physician! Heal thyself!

It's called "astroturfing" and it's been around for quite a while. The difference this time is that the media, especially the right wing ignorance peddlers, are really ratcheting up the rhetoric.

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There is no truth to the idea that organizers and the insurance company lobbying groups are advocating the tactics of disruption of town hall meetings in an effort to shout down any conversation.

Then you haven't been paying attention. Not only are insurance backed lobbying groups doing this, the groups are publicly admitting it.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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There is no truth to the idea that organizers and the insurance company lobbying groups are advocating the tactics of disruption of town hall meetings in an effort to shout down any conversation.

Then you haven't been paying attention. Not only are insurance backed lobbying groups doing this, the groups are publicly admitting it.

Yes, but why believe the liars?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Of course, one problem with tort reform is that medical malpractice does, in fact, exist. And while each of us thinks we're singularly unlikely to sue, that's mainly because we think doctors are singularly unlikely to make mistakes.

There is nothing could be done to prevent medical mistakes completely. They happen in every country around the world. Let's face it, medical mistakes are killing people, and it WILL happen.


Is each of the people here who's against higher prices in medicine willing to take the chance that their doctor will be wrong in a diagnosis, or will miss a drug interaction (happens all the time)? Especially since we're all taking more and more drugs these days.

Yes, and it could happen. Same as the pilot on your next flight could make a mistake, and everyone in the plane will die. Despite all the training and certifications for pilots, and all the engineering efforts towards making aviation safe, it is not completely safe.

What we could try to control is the amount of those mistakes happening. I believe once we got further into DNA research, it will help tremendously to detect potential drug interaction issues with this specific individual. Some could be avoided when technology improves - but not all of them.
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>Yes, but why believe the liars?
People who watch certain right wing news outlets have gotten sorta used to believing liars.

Forgive them for they know not what they are watching; especially if they're watching FoxNews.

This was made over 30 years ago. Amazingly prophetic.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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So the numerous people like me who show up on our own accord to attempt to have questions answered MUST be part of the "astro-turf". There is no other explanation? I also notice how everyone completely ignored the manipulation of these town hall meetings and such. Nice!

Who is really lying? Read the healthcare bill! for those that have a hard time understanding it maybe this will help.
We have been told over and over it will not ration healthcare. A lie.
We have been told over and over we will still have a choice but the truth is we will be punished for opting out with taxes and the bill is designed not to outlaw private insurance but to destroy it. More lies.
Do I really need to continue. How can you ignore thier blatant lies and thier blatant grab for power! They ingore the constitution and put aside what is best for the country and our freedoms for what will give them more power. They name call, lie, and alienate anyone opposed to them but if we raise our voice in freedom to ask a question we are ingored and labelled nazi's, racists, and extremists. They are the real extremist. Look at the Czars! The Green Job Czar is an admitted communist for a start! The Science czar believe its okay to kill babies up to the age of two and wanted to put something in the drinking water to sterilize people without them knowing! This is just the beginning. Educate yourself and research this stuff instead of ingoring, making excuses, and simply regurgitating the rediculous babble of the media!

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So the numerous people like me who show up on our own accord to attempt to have questions answered MUST be part of the "astro-turf". There is no other explanation? I also notice how everyone completely ignored the manipulation of these town hall meetings and such. Nice!

Who is really lying? Read the healthcare bill! for those that have a hard time understanding it maybe this will help.

NO - they should read the bill. Every interpreter of it has an agenda.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>We have been told over and over it will not ration healthcare. A lie.

It will not ration healthcare unless you want stuff for free. Then you get whatever they give you. If you want to pay for it, you can get whatever you want (just like now.)

>We have been told over and over we will still have a choice but the truth
>is we will be punished for opting out with taxes and the bill is designed
>not to outlaw private insurance but to destroy it. More lies.

The bill specifically includes an "insurance exchange" where private companies can compete for people's dollars.

> How can you ignore thier blatant lies and thier blatant grab for power!

It's easy when the most vocal of the detractors are well-paid liars themselves. The more intelligent people out there will read the bill and not fall for the above deceptions. The less intelligent people will just believe the lies fed to them by the right (and the left.)

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The less intelligent people will just believe the lies fed to them by the right (and the left.)

As proven in the post I reply to here
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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So the numerous people like me who show up on our own accord to attempt to have questions answered MUST be part of the "astro-turf". There is no other explanation? I also notice how everyone completely ignored the manipulation of these town hall meetings and such. Nice!

Who is really lying? Read the healthcare bill! for those that have a hard time understanding it maybe this will help.

NO - they should read the bill. Every interpreter of it has an agenda.

So "interpreters" have agendas but the writers don't......get real!

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... we are ingored and labelled nazi's,

See attachments. But I'm SURE that Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity etc. had NOTHING to do with this. It's simply freedom loving patriots asking simple insightful (inciteful) questions of their representatives.

Big difference between public officials making these accusation about the people who will be voting versus a hand full of people. On top of that look up how often bush was compared to nazi's when the reality is with the healthcare bill and all the extremist he is using as Czars he is getting as close to nazi's as leader of the country has. Look up Eugenics and the fact that germany got their ideas from the US and the sterilization that happened in the country. Look at the beliefs of his Czars such as the science and green job czars. Look at the socialist and marxist action obama has taken with healthcare, GM, etc. NAZI is short for Nationalist Socialist party in German.

Is this not what the current administration is preaching.....(I will answer that for you really quick. Yes it is. As you read this think about the fact that obama has said that doctors should not be concerned about what is best for the individual but what is best for the country....that we all must make sacrifices for what is best for society....etc.)

We ask that the government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living. The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but must take place within its confines and be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand: … an end to the power of the financial interests. We demand profit sharing in big business. We demand a broad extension of care for the aged. We demand … the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of national, state, and municipal governments. In order to make possible to every capable and industrious [citizen] the attainment of higher education and thus the achievement of a post of leadership, the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our entire system of public education … We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents … The government must undertake the improvement of public health – by protecting mother and child, by prohibiting child labor … by the greatest possible support for all clubs concerned with the physical education=2 0of youth. We combat the … materialistic spirit within and without us, and are convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of the common good before the individual good.

– From the political program of the Nazi Party, adopted in Munich, February 24, 1920

To ignore the masses of this country and label them such things because of a small group is pregidous!

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NAZI is short for Nationalist Socialist party in German.

Oh please tell me about Nazis! That makes you sound so much more rational.


To ignore the masses of this country and label them such things because of a small group is pregidous!

Is what? I'm sorry, I have no idea what word you're trying to use there.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Can you not see how two faced it is to praise those who protested and made the past administration out as nazi's (even though those doing the praising voted for what that administration was doing) saying they were true patriots, or in order to get elected people are told to speak up and "get in their faces". But when people do speek up, when people do the very thing they were once praised for, if its against the people who once said these things, its wrong and you must shut up. They will lock you out of meetings, stage questions, and call you unamerican and other such thing. Can you not see how decieving they are? Can you not see how manipulative they are?
I will never align myself with the democrats......or the republican....or the socialist or marxist or communists..... or any other party that does not stand for Freedom and the Constitution!

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So the numerous people like me who show up on our own accord to attempt to have questions answered MUST be part of the "astro-turf". There is no other explanation? I also notice how everyone completely ignored the manipulation of these town hall meetings and such. Nice!

Who is really lying? Read the healthcare bill! for those that have a hard time understanding it maybe this will help.

NO - they should read the bill. Every interpreter of it has an agenda.

So "interpreters" have agendas but the writers don't......get real!

Get a clue, will you.

The writers' agenda IS the Bill - the Bill cannot lie about itself. The liars are those who misrepresent the Bill, including many posters right here (feel free to include yourself in that set).

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Can you not see how two faced it is to praise those who protested and made the past administration out as nazi's (even though those doing the praising voted for what that administration was doing) saying they were true patriots, or in order to get elected people are told to speak up and "get in their faces". But when people do speek up, when people do the very thing they were once praised for, if its against the people who once said these things, its wrong and you must shut up. They will lock you out of meetings, stage questions, and call you unamerican and other such thing. Can you not see how decieving they are? Can you not see how manipulative they are?
I will never align myself with the democrats......or the republican....or the socialist or marxist or communists..... or any other party that does not stand for Freedom and the Constitution!

To your point!

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Big difference between public officials making these accusation about the people who will be voting versus a hand full of people.

A handful of people? You mean the de facto leader of the Republican party and his minister of propaganda, Beck? You think they have less influence? The rest of you post makes my point.
I don't know if I should address it or ignore it. To address it would give credence.

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I thought Hillary said "dissent is the highest form of patriotism"?

Oh, I forgot...that's only when its the liberals protesting against a conservative, isn't it?

No. Dissent is fine. But when it gets to the point that it becomes a (literally) threatening mob, as being orchestrated by major media propagandists who joke about poisoning legislators, then yea, it's a problem.
I dont' have a double standard. I don't think that the protesters should be roped into "free speech zones" a few blocks away from our elected leaders. Do you? Did you?

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I thought Hillary said "dissent is the highest form of patriotism"?

Oh, I forgot...that's only when its the liberals protesting against a conservative, isn't it?

No. Dissent is fine. But when it gets to the point that it becomes a (literally) threatening mob, as being orchestrated by major media propagandists who joke about poisoning legislators, then yea, it's a problem.
I dont' have a double standard. I don't think that the protesters should be roped into "free speech zones" a few blocks away from our elected leaders. Do you? Did you?

You *DO* recall that the 'free speech zone' thing started with 42, correct?

Quiz: WHICH President made a statement saying "my administration is the only thing between you and the lynch mob"?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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