
A Nit-Pick Question...

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Perhaps you can show me where Obama bowed to Queen Elizabeth or any of the other G20 heads - I seem to have missed that footage somehow.

Never said he did.


There is quite a difference between a bow between equals (a 'head bow', as mentioned up-thread) and a full bow-and-scrape as a subject renders to their sovereign. You may wish to peruse the information provided on display of the US Flag in relation to other countries' flags for an idea of what is going on, here.

I know plenty about protocol. I've always thought it was rather silly. Maybe you can explain to us why you think this particular bow is so damaging to US interests? You can huff and puff all day, but until you can explain the damage done, I'll just see it as more partisan exaggeration.

What is the protocol in displaying the US flag with flags of other countries? What does the US flag represent and what does the office of the President represent to other countries?

If you cannot draw the parallels between the two, then you do not know as much about protocol as you think you do.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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You didn't explain anything. You stated it was a protocol violation. Agreed. When asked why it is such a big fucking deal, you responded by saying it was a protocol violation.

Maybe your understanding of the word "explain" is different than mine.

Like I said before, your outrage is just more partisan exaggeration, nothing more.

- Dan G

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Like I said before, your outrage is just more partisan exaggeration, nothing more.

Quite honestly, I think the whole issue is partisan exaggeration. And I don't think the blame lies solely on either the Republicans or the Democrats.

Let's stop worrying about stupid little things.

We've got Trillions of dollars of _real_ problems that ought to take precedence over this. For both those looking to criticize the president, and those white house staffers who are wasting their time (which we pay for) crafting elaborate (and ridiculous) explanations.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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There's really no damage done. However, we just FINALLY completed 8 years of Bush making a fool out of the Oval Office and the American people....Obama was suppose to different, smarter, represent and bring hope and change and all that bs we bought into. DVDs, iPods, Red buttons with misinterpretrations, bowing to the oil king, touching the queen....we're a fucking joke.

Don't feel to bad, non Americans make allowances for y'all:P
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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You didn't explain anything. You stated it was a protocol violation. Agreed. When asked why it is such a big fucking deal, you responded by saying it was a protocol violation.

Maybe your understanding of the word "explain" is different than mine.

Like I said before, your outrage is just more partisan exaggeration, nothing more.

Then you didn't read my OTHER posts in the thread, and your understanding of protocol, even with the hints I gave you on TOP of my other posts, is nil.

As I said - your willful refusal to comprehend is NOT my problem.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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What is the protocol in displaying the US flag with flags of other countries?

That depends on where the flag is at the time.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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There's really no damage done. However, we just FINALLY completed 8 years of Bush making a fool out of the Oval Office and the American people....Obama was suppose to different, smarter, represent and bring hope and change and all that bs we bought into. DVDs, iPods, Red buttons with misinterpretrations, bowing to the oil king, touching the queen....we're a fucking joke.

Don't feel to bad, non Americans make allowances for y'all:P

Yup...we're the Forrest Gump of the world. :D

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You didn't explain anything. You stated it was a protocol violation. Agreed. When asked why it is such a big fucking deal, you responded by saying it was a protocol violation.

Maybe your understanding of the word "explain" is different than mine.

Like I said before, your outrage is just more partisan exaggeration, nothing more.

It's simple -- it's the same kind of fake outrage over the attached picture during the campaign.

Anything to take a jab at a democrat in power.

You can bet your bank account that if Bush had made this gesture to the Saudi king that you'd hear nothing about it from the same folks making a big deal out of this in this thread.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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I love that film, the world would be a better place if we were all a little more like Forrest.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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And you are doing the same for your guy. Par for the course.

Personally, I expect our country's leadership to be smarter than that regardless of their political affiliation. The deomocrats AND republicans will be the downfall of our nation. I think its time we dump them.

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And you are doing the same for your guy. Par for the course.

1. He's not "my guy" -- I didn't vote for him. In fact I am appalled at his wreckless spending, which his predecessor initiated.

2. I'm not doing anything for "my guy" -- certainly not defending him. I simply don't give a shit because this controversy is utterly meaningless. His bow will not affect anything in our everyday lives.


Personally, I expect our country's leadership to be smarter than that regardless of their political affiliation.

I expected him to be smarter than to give a bullshit explanation for what looked like an obvious bow. But again, I simply don't care about his gesture to the king.

However, I still think that he's heaps smarter than the last guy. Still doesn't mean he's "my guy."


The deomocrats AND republicans will be the downfall of our nation. I think its time we dump them.

I agree wholeheartedly with that, and I've been voting third party for as long as I've been voting. Unfortunately, the rest of the nation hasn't followed suit and it looks like they won't for a very long time.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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Quite honestly, I think the whole issue is partisan exaggeration. And I don't think the blame lies solely on either the Republicans or the Democrats.

Let's stop worrying about stupid little things.

We've got Trillions of dollars of _real_ problems that ought to take precedence over this. For both those looking to criticize the president, and those white house staffers who are wasting their time (which we pay for) crafting elaborate (and ridiculous) explanations.

Agree 100%.

- Dan G

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It's because, in some people's view, the proper posture is to lean slightly backward while pushing the hips slightly forward, so as to facilitate the rest of the world sucking our big bad American dicks. Kind of like the spectacularly successful foreign plicy of the previous administration. If you're going to show respect to foreign leaders, then how can you expect them to figure out their proper place in the world?

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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Bowing is universally recognized as a sign of respect. Nothing more, nothing less. To see it otherwise truly is nitpicking as the original poster said. "Protocol" is old, tired, obsolete, and irrelevant. No, I am not a liberal ;)

Ah. Common sense and a level head. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. What an approach.

As someone else said, don't we have bigger concerns?

"And that's all I have to say about that."
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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It's because, in some people's view, the proper posture is to lean slightly backward while pushing the hips slightly forward, so as to facilitate the rest of the world sucking our big bad American dicks.

And sometimes presenting your big dick to the world is just presenting your big dick to the world.

Nothing more, nothing less. Well, hopefully not much less.

We've got to be able to move past this kind of petty stuff and move on to the topic of hot lesbian 3-ways.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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And you are doing the same for your guy. Par for the course.

1. He's not "my guy" -- I didn't vote for him. In fact I am appalled at his wreckless spending, which his predecessor initiated.

2. I'm not doing anything for "my guy" -- certainly not defending him. I simply don't give a shit because this controversy is utterly meaningless. His bow will not affect anything in our everyday lives.


Personally, I expect our country's leadership to be smarter than that regardless of their political affiliation.

I expected him to be smarter than to give a bullshit explanation for what looked like an obvious bow. But again, I simply don't care about his gesture to the king.

However, I still think that he's heaps smarter than the last guy. Still doesn't mean he's "my guy."


The deomocrats AND republicans will be the downfall of our nation. I think its time we dump them.

I agree wholeheartedly with that, and I've been voting third party for as long as I've been voting. Unfortunately, the rest of the nation hasn't followed suit and it looks like they won't for a very long time.

Perhaps I only notice when you defend him as this is the first time I've seen you unhappy with anything Obama has done. Hence why I called him "your guy."

I also do not care about the bow but it is part of what appears to be a developing pattern. Its only been 2 months and he's (or his Administration) already gaffed internationally quite a bit. And let's not forget he put a crook in charge of our treasury.

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