
Atheist advert provokes complaint

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I do question the existence of God along with every thing else.

How can you come to any other conclusion then the non-existence????? I grew up in a Christian family, attended church on Sundays, however over time I did question the existence of god, and over time my faith eroded away as every question led to the same conclusion.


I just read an article that noted the observation of an unexplained interference in a quantum gravity wave detector in Germany, time and space may be even stranger that what we thought.

I agree, there is so much that is unknown about our universe, but in no way what so ever is this evidence of your god. This is also known as the “God of Gaps” theory.


A relationship with God is only meaningful when you spend your efforts addressing the personal needs God has provided answers for. In these areas, God is a powerful ally.

And back to more excuses for the failure of god


Looking for answers where none are available, just makes you crazy..

I’m looking for answers that should be available and there are not, therefore I conclude god does not exist.

How about just for once, you provide a single piece of evidence for the existence of your god and not more excuses??? Can you do this???


Faith that God is in control is all that is needed

Well quite clearly it is not, I just provided you will a long list of children that died as a DIRECT result of people who believed faith in god is all they needed. So perhaps some evidence to counter this conclusion, or are we gonna pull out some more excuses, like its all gods plans, or he moves in mysterious ways…???
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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How about just for once, you provide a single piece of evidence for the existence of your god and not more excuses??? Can you do this???

As you might of guessed, there is no way to measure or quantify God. If your reality is limited to the scientific method then He could as easily be there as not. If you wish to know God you can only know Him through your spirit. If you deny your spiritual perspicasity then God will always be unavailable for you. If that is your choice, may you be fit and multiply. Since you really have no other purpose here.


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As you might of guessed, there is no way to measure or quantify God. If your reality is limited to the scientific method then He could as easily be there as not. If you wish to know God you can only know Him through your spirit. If you deny your spiritual perspicasity then God will always be unavailable for you. If that is your choice, may you be fit and multiply. Since you really have no other purpose here.

First what other reality is there, second please provide evidence of this thing you call a spirit….

So to sum up what you are saying, god lives in ones imagination, through the “feeling” that god is there.

So round we go in circles, as I have quite clearly at categorically shown you the feeling that god exists is in its self evidence for his non-existence. So to repeat myself again to you, and maybe this time you will take note…

For the "feeling" that God exists. This is no different than the "feeling" I once had that the Tao governs the universe, or the "feeling" others have had that aliens visit them, the spirits of the dead talk to them, or several gods and nature spirits live all around them. People have "felt" the existence of so many contradictory things that we know "feeling" something is the poorest possible evidence we can have. Most people "feel" something completely different than we do, and since there is no way to tell whether your feeling is correct and theirs is wrong, it is just as likely that theirs is correct and yours is wrong. And since there are a million completely different "feelings" and only one can be true, it follows that the odds are worse than a million to one against your feeling being true. So "feeling" that God exists fails to meet even a minimal standard of evidence.

Also how do you explain non-resistant non-belief?
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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So to sum up what you are saying, god lives in ones imagination, through the “feeling” that god is there.

So round we go in circles, as I have quite clearly at categorically shown you the feeling that god exists is in its self evidence for his non-existence. So to repeat myself again to you, and maybe this time you will take note…

Apart from our feelings about what constitutes reality, what do any of us really have. You feel God doesn't exist, I feel that He does exist. You have no more proof to back up your feelings than I do. My feelings are based on a body of knowledge that claims God as its author and has real time benefits for its adherents. I have experienced those benefits which is the basis for my feelings that God exists. What is the basis for your feelings? Do your feelings of a nonexsistant god allow you to reach your highest potential? If it does, then you have found the keys to the meaning of the mystery of life. If it doesn't, you need to keep looking. As for me, I have found the keys.


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If your reality is limited to the scientific method

There is no other reality.

Spiritualism that you speak of has "no way to measure or quantify". Just like you describe your god.

It's all in your imagination.

It sounds like you are starting to get it. There is true reality which for the most part remains hidden. And then there is the holographic projection of reality we create in our imaginations based on the input of our senses. I feel much safer with Gods take on reality than some human contrived substitute.


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Your making all of this up. You have nothing to back up any of what you believe. There is no evidence of your god or spiritualism. Show me any tangible evidence to the contrary.

And yes the burden of proof is on you. You are the one claiming something exists. Why should I believe you if you can't produce any tangible testable evidence?

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If your reality is limited to the scientific method

There is no other reality.

Spiritualism that you speak of has "no way to measure or quantify". Just like you describe your god.

It's all in your imagination.

It sounds like you are starting to get it. There is true reality which for the most part remains hidden. And then there is the holographic projection of reality we create in our imaginations based on the input of our senses. I feel much safer with Gods take on reality than some human contrived substitute.


Please understand this is not intended as a personal attack but my comments are out of concern....

You cleary are not able to repsond to any post in an intelliable way???

So i conclude either you are just trolling or you are in need of help, if the later is the case then im sure there are plenty of people here who will point you in the right direction or indeed provide you with support and the help that you need.

You seem extremely delusional and incable of grasping reality, please seek help if you need it before you harm yourself or others.

I and others have tried to have an intelligent debate with you, but enough is enough.

This is my last post in this thread... good luck and I hope you recover.
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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In a way Maadmax is right dude, only without the GOD bit.

Bohr was wrong, atoms and people are not different, there is NO macro world. We are just all part of the micro world, and we all all just WAVES. we are all in a way an illusion, when we look into the mirror we see the sum of many waves some of which are breaking away and travelling to the other side of the universe, most of which though represent her "illusion" of reality. So due to quantum mechanics we are somewhat of an illusion.

Still no reason to believe in the big sandal wearing hippie on a cloud though....................

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We are just all part of the micro world, and we all all just WAVES. we are all in a way an illusion, when we look into the mirror we see the sum of many waves some of which are breaking away and travelling to the other side of the universe, most of which though represent her "illusion" of reality. So due to quantum mechanics we are somewhat of an illusion.

Only if you define illusion to mean real. An electron may be described by a wavefunction and have wave-like properties (under certain circumstances) but it is still as real as real can be. To say that everything is just waves and therefore an illusion is to misunderstand quantum mechanics.

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Only if you define illusion to mean real. An electron may be described by a wavefunction and have wave-like properties (under certain circumstances) but it is still as real as real can be. To say that everything is just waves and therefore an illusion is to misunderstand quantum mechanics.

The other problem is what is really happening and what we think is happening when we try to measure what we are observing.


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Please understand this is not intended as a personal attack but my comments are out of concern....

You cleary are not able to repsond to any post in an intelliable way???

You seem extremely delusional and incable of grasping reality, please seek help if you need it before you harm yourself or others.

This is my last post in this thread... good luck and I hope you recover.

I agree trading personal attacks will accomplish nothing. But honestly, it sound like the main obstacle we are encountering is that the boundaries of reality are a lot bigger than you have made allocations for in your personal construction of what you think is real

And I guess we will just have to wait and see it that was really your last word. Hopefully not, I enjoy conversing with you.


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Your making all of this up. You have nothing to back up any of what you believe. There is no evidence of your god or spiritualism. Show me any tangible evidence to the contrary.

And yes the burden of proof is on you. You are the one claiming something exists. Why should I believe you if you can't produce any tangible testable evidence?

I am nothing and likewise have nothing to prove. I base my case on the Living Word of God. "If you can't see God in His Words, then even if He raised someone from the dead you would still not believe."
Luke 16:31


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Right, you have nothing but an old book that is only evidence that people were able to write.

There is nothing to back up any claims of any supernatural events or beings. No evidence of spiritualism or any deity. You can quote the bible all you want.

You have a really convoluted view of the world more delusional then anything.

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The other problem is what is really happening and what we think is happening when we try to measure what we are observing.


You see, people hear phrases like uncertainty principle, wave-particle duality and probablistic, and they think that quantum mechanics means you can't prove anything so there is enough wiggle room for any old crap to be true. QM has to be the single most misunderstood subject on the face of the planet. It's a crying shame.

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I will say the same thing the preacher says.. GO READ THE BOOK


Only if you can explain why Heinlein is less wrong in that book than he is in Starship Troopers.

Because it is interesting.. and I think you would find it....interesting;)

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Right, you have nothing but an old book that is only evidence that people were able to write.

There is nothing to back up any claims of any supernatural events or beings. No evidence of spiritualism or any deity. You can quote the bible all you want.

You have a really convoluted view of the world more delusional then anything.

We shall see.


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You see, people hear phrases like uncertainty principle, wave-particle duality and probablistic, and they think that quantum mechanics means you can't prove anything so there is enough wiggle room for any old crap to be true. QM has to be the single most misunderstood subject on the face of the planet. It's a crying shame.

Even so, the illusion of certainty that causes one to close the door on a relationship with God based on an incomplete understanding of science, is the biggest crying shame.


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