
Muslim Suicide Bomber Kills 55

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Many holy books contain shite that can easily be interpreted as justification for violence and people do just that. You may not like that interpretation (I don't) and you may blame a person for acting on it (I do). . .

But Jack! You said earlier you can't blame the person for acting on it - and now you say you do!:S

'Just say NO!';)

Mr Vortexring, please read my post again, you have misunderstood.

Now the question is do I blame you for misunderstanding or me for being a crap writer? Let me think...




'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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Well the thread was up to that point filled with the usual irrational Islam bashing twaddle then you posted a rational, factual post and went and changed it all. :P
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Hey John, you're a buddy of mine, and I respect your opinions.

I work for a global company, so needless to say that I work around a lot of Muslim people.

You simply can't blanket ALL Muslims as being bad, dude. There are some really good people that are Muslim. That's like branding all hardcore right-wingers as meth-addicts that get sex from male hookers (Ted Haggard), or rallying behind the local abortion clinic bombers (Dan Gayman , I.E. Eric Rudolph fame) .

Hate the terrorist groups. Hate them for good reason. They deserve it. Killing innocent people (or anyone in my opinion, and according to the Bible) is definately the quickest way to eternal damnation.

The person I'm scared of most at work? A viet Nam Vet, worked for the Signal Corps in the Army. When my buddy asked him if he accidentally ever called in wrong coordinates in an air strike, his exact words were: "Fuck the civillians, Kill 'em all, and let God sort 'em out".

Hmmmm..... Seems to me like the terrorists feel the same way.

Goes both ways. Hardcore military on our side does the same stuff.

Just sayin'....

A closed mind is definately a dangerous thing.
"Get these balls!"

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Come on, do you really think this has anything to do with being a Muslim?

I'm not saying it does or doesn't, but if this was a politically motivated bombing and not a religiously motivated bombing, I'm pretty sure they could come up with other methods to employ that wouldn't involve blowing yourself up.

I'm not one to lump all muslims into this category, but I don't think its very disputed that there is a branch of them that like the suicide approach for specific religious reasons.

Now if he/she had just planted a bomb or gunned down a bunch of people, then I would be a little more inclinced to believe that this wasn't religiously motivated.

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"in the name of" doesnt mean the "name" really wants that done. It only means you are using it to suit your needs.

I don't really disagree, but I think many of them probably think that they are doing what the "name" wants them to do. Sure some use it to suit their own needs as well, but it would take one strange individual to blow themselves up for their "own needs" if they are not gonna be around to reap the benefits.

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Religion itself is pure bullshit ***

there, fixed it for ya :D:P

muslim has only recently become a religion of peace - well... some of them, the religion has always preached killing the infidel. hell, those insane fuckers kill each other for not being extreme enough... what everyone calls the radical islamic is merely the wackjobs that have been present since the crackpot of a prophet spewed out his hatred and for some reason.... weak minded morons thought he was something special...


They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Well the thread was up to that point filled with the usual irrational Islam bashing twaddle then you posted a rational, factual post and went and changed it all. :P

Makes a change, eh? Still, it was Eid.:)

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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