
Secretary of State Clinton

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What do people think? Is she a good choice?
Personally I think she will be. She seems more hawkish than Obama, more Hawkish than her husband. This is a plus for a Dem president. The only real problem is with a Jewish CoS, adding a New York State senator at State might be seen to favour Isreal a bit too much to be helpful in the middle east.

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She might be a good choice, she's already well known and recognized around the world. And believe it or not, a lot of people around the world actually like her.

Attorney General could be a good choice too, especially for the axe flinging side of her personality. The problem with being a Supreme Court Justice is that first of all she has to wait around for someone to retire or die. Then we'd be stuck with her for LIFE, since she couldn't be fired. And she's not a judge, but then neither was Earl Warren.

She definitely has a lot on the ball to offer her country and could be a real asset now that she won't be running the show.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I think it's an interesting move.

As Secretary of State she's basically -supposed- to carry out the will of the President with no real original thought as to policy (at least not publicly). It's an extremely powerful position, but probably not so desirable for somebody that wants to make their own mark on policy.

I would think all of the people in this country that are afraid of her heading up something like healthcare reform or taking a seat on the Supreme Court would be ecstatic over the idea of her being Secretary of State.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Given how hard she fell on healthcare reform last time I would think it incredibly gutsy for Obama to give her that portfolio again.
Personally I think some bench time is a necessary qualification for SC, but then again I don't get to make that call.

I think she'd make a horrible Justice of the Supreme Court. I can't see how she could ever stay non-partisan.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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