
Would you eat ice cream made from human milk?

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Ha HA!! I don't like shellfish so THERE!

I do mix meat and dairy on a regular basis, however. Good thing most Jewish people don't really believe in Hell. (not in the way Christians do, anyway...)

Bacon... Mmmm... Everything is better with bacon. Except beverages and ice cream (yes, I tried it.)

All beverages are better with vodka. Or were better when I could drink. My newly single kidney doesn't appreciate alcohol.

Ooh! I'm going to make my husband a bloody mary with bacon and see what he thinks.
If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

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why cows aren't fun

edited for unnecessary snarkiness.

Just so you know, I am fully aware of what goes on in the meat and dairy industries. I have actually been in a slaughter house. I used to live about half a mile from a rendering plant and the only way to get there was to go past where I lived.

I think that what happens in the majority of these places is absolutely attrocious. I don't drink milk but it's because I think it tastes disgusting. I don't like ice cream because ... I don't know why, actually. I don't hate it but I just don't like it enough to bother.

I eat meat. I do my best to eat meat that comes from small, family owned operations within close proximity to where I live. I choose this for a lot of reasons; one of them being the way they handle the animals. I have two dogs and a cat and they all eat raw meat that comes from the same places I get my food. I know WAY too much about the crap they put in pet food to do otherwise (that and dogs and cats can't cook).

I used to work in a medical research lab when I was in college and we experimented on animals. Chickens solely. They were never injured or mishandled in any way prior to being euthanised. I feel no guilt for what I did there. I hope that what I did will, in the future, make my life better. We were searching for causes of nerve deafness and, while I didn't know it at the time, I am losing my hearing due to the same thing we were working on.

My mother had a kidney transplant two years ago and would not be alive if it were not for animal research.

Whether or not one consumes animal products is a seperate issue from medical animal testing and seperate from animal testing of cosmetics or something like squirting orange soda in a bunny's eye to see if it stings. I eat animal products, I totally support medical testing, I do not in any way condone cosmetic testing.

And, if it makes you feel any better, the Cows With Guns song and videos are the thing that made my 8 year old niece decide to be a vegetarian a year ago.

I did not intend to get under anyone's skin with my comments or the video link and I am sorry if I've upset you or anyone else. Totally not my desire.

Group hug?
If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

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I have no personal issues with people who make informed decisions. I'm vegan but truly believe others need to decide for themselves.

In other words, have at it!

I defend PETA because I believe they have done much for bringing all of those issues you mentioned (buy locally, hormone-free, etc) to the mainstream. Maybe not directly, but certainly indirectly.

Medical testing is to cosmetic testing as eating vegan is to eating meat. :P


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I love you, man! If we ever meet, the facon is on me!*

*although it looks like those Beggin Strips they sell for dogs and it's made from wheat protien and I have Celiac-Sprue disease, but still...
If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

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oooh...you're buying the wrong one!

"Fakin Bacon" is made from smoky tempeh! I try to avoid buying from Lightlife (owned by ConAgra - factory farm hell) but MAN it's good. Heirloom tomato, leafy lettuce, whole grain toast and you guessed it...VEGENAISE! B|

A damned good FBLT.

You're on. x

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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As well, I'm a vegetarian, not a vegan, but if it comes to me or them it's me, fortunately we are far from there. So to say that a person that advocates PETA but uses animal products in emergency cases is a hypocrite is like saying a person who claims to love mankind but uses products brought to us via trucks, trucks kill people on teh roads everyday; hence that person is a hypocrite too. Survival is survival, eating theing because they taste good but cause pain is another thing.

You analogies are all fucked up.

PETA opposes using animals for research--period. They would have humankind simply leave animals alone to live "free." (Never mind that this would cause endless animal suffering. Even the abolition of hunting would actually engender a lot of animal suffering.)

It most certainly is hypocritical to support PETA and then also support things that PETA vehemently opposes. It's not the same as getting things delivered by truck when trucks accidentally cost lives. Not at all. It's like owning guns but supporting the Brady Center's efforts to ban them.
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All beverages are better with vodka. Or were better when I could drink. My newly single kidney doesn't appreciate alcohol.

You just reminded me of when Homer Simpson needed money, and said, "I know -- I'll sell one of my livers! I can get by with one..." :D
Spirits fly on dangerous missions
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Even if there is not any animal products used in her insulin now, she had no problem using them when it was her only option. that made her a hypocrite.
The fact that the insulin she now uses was tested on animals makes her a hypocrite.
Peta doctrine calls for returning any product to the manufacture that required animal testing.

They should try to model themselves more like Jehova's wittnesses who believe blood transfusions are wrong and are willing to die instead of have one.

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As well, I'm a vegetarian, not a vegan, but if it comes to me or them it's me, fortunately we are far from there. So to say that a person that advocates PETA but uses animal products in emergency cases is a hypocrite is like saying a person who claims to love mankind but uses products brought to us via trucks, trucks kill people on teh roads everyday; hence that person is a hypocrite too. Survival is survival, eating theing because they taste good but cause pain is another thing.

You analogies are all fucked up.

PETA opposes using animals for research--period. They would have humankind simply leave animals alone to live "free." (Never mind that this would cause endless animal suffering. Even the abolition of hunting would actually engender a lot of animal suffering.)

It most certainly is hypocritical to support PETA and then also support things that PETA vehemently opposes. It's not the same as getting things delivered by truck when trucks accidentally cost lives. Not at all. It's like owning guns but supporting the Brady Center's efforts to ban them.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>You analogies are all fucked up.

What's the matter, you don't like the analogy so you have to PA? Or is it close to home? See, everyone likes to consider themselves, "animal lovers" when in reality they are pet lovers. SO when somone deflates their animal love the reaction is to get pissed.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PETA opposes using animals for research--period.

Where did I say otherwise?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>They would have humankind simply leave animals alone to live "free."


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(Never mind that this would cause endless animal suffering. Even the abolition of hunting would actually engender a lot of animal suffering.)

Yea, that's what Dahmer and Bundy must have thought, and they were kind people too that didn't want more human suffering, so they just killed em. Amazing how these non-human animals figured it out before human animals, yet we think we have the key to all life. Wer certainly aren't intelligent considering we overpopulate ourselves into extniction. The carrying capacity of earth is about 9.5 billion, that number projection keeps getting closer as the population exponentially explodes, then what, startvation? That's ok, as long as it isn;t here. How many species will we do a favor for and extinct as we try to maimtain 9.5+B people. Boy, teh animals of the world are sure lucky to have us here.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>It most certainly is hypocritical to support PETA and then also support things that PETA vehemently opposes.

Yes and it's hypocritical to advocate anything and then engage in that behavior, like:

1) Advocating human welfare and then buying things delivered by trucks, aircraft, etc. Hell, skydiving kills people, so to advocate that is to not love mankind.

2) Advocating a healthy fiscal economy and then voting Republican when they have blatantly shown they cannot do this well and will devastate the US economy as long as people continue to vote for them.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>It's not the same as getting things delivered by truck when trucks accidentally cost lives.

Yes it is as it's obvious and calculable what the average number of fatalities will be.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Not at all. It's like owning guns but supporting the Brady Center's efforts to ban them.

That would be hypocritical, I do own gns and I oppose the Brady Law, the Bracdy Center and the Brady Bunch. :D

This is a very emotional issue, as we all like to think that we are humanitarians and eating animals whether hunted or factory farmed is not doing them a favor.

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Even if there is not any animal products used in her insulin now, she had no problem using them when it was her only option. that made her a hypocrite.
The fact that the insulin she now uses was tested on animals makes her a hypocrite.
Peta doctrine calls for returning any product to the manufacture that required animal testing.

They should try to model themselves more like Jehova's wittnesses who believe blood transfusions are wrong and are willing to die instead of have one.

>>>>>>>>>>>>Even if there is not any animal products used in her insulin now, she had no problem using them when it was her only option. that made her a hypocrite.

So you're saying that she was a hypocrite but she is no longer since insuline is bacteria-based? OK, newsflash; WE'RE ALL HYPOCRITES at one time or another. The ones who deny it are usually the biggest ones. We're here today, we can use technology gained frrom former animal torture, just not advocate the use of it today. As well, most people believe that if the technology is there, however it got there, they're going to use it and that does not make them a hypocrite. That's like saying you don't want to use non-toxic paint for your house because we accidentally tested lead-based paint on humans, changed our technology and now use non-lead paints.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The fact that the insulin she now uses was tested on animals makes her a hypocrite.

WAS. She didn't advocate it, nd even protested it, but she is using what is there, not is hypocritical as she was actively tryijng to stop it at the time and I'm sure testing for current insulin is done. They may be testing for future insulin, and that's teh kind of stuff they protest.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Where does it state that?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>They should try to model themselves more like Jehova's wittnesses who believe blood transfusions are wrong and are willing to die instead of have one.

PETA members aren't martyrs, they simply want to end animal suffering. Others who are offended by PETA's agenda for several personal reasons try to hold these people to unusually high standards.

As for her or anyone being a hypocrite; so what? WE ALL ARE HYPOCRITES and those who deny are usually the biggest ones. Their mission is simple, end animal suffering. I'm sure you think I'm a hypocrite for being vegetarian, supporting PETA and wearing leather shoes. I couldn't care less. I don;t walk around preaching PETA, don't have a bumper sticker or newsletters, just support what they do. It IS cruel to test on animals, to factory farm, etc....

To hold them to a standard of extremism to die before anything animal related is to reveal something about ourselves.

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The bottom line is I love animals.------ Thier delicious.

Cool, ask you colon, it doesn't love all animals as much.

we,re omnivorous, biologically, meat is meant to be a part of our diet, not the, bulk but definitely a part saying anything else is a personal moral stance, and not grounded in science.
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What part of Peta saying that ANY product enhanced in ANY way by animal research is to be avoided completely?
There are levels of hypocracy, have I ever been a hypocrite? You bet.

I work with very sick children, I am at work right now. I guess Peta would like me to go tell some of these kids with spinal fractures that you will never have the chance to have the use of your arms or legs again because some people dont wanna hurt the little fuzzy mice or bunny rabbits.
I would personaly rip the heads off every fucking mouse or bunny if I could see one of these kids walk again. Thats just me, call me mean or crazy but I really like humans more than animals. Not to say I dont like animals. The fact is I distain any unnessecary suffering of anything.
Their are many noble animal rights groups that do great things. Peta or ALF is not one of them.

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That's what PETA is asking Ben & Jerry's to do.

Not that I can see it happening, but that would be 1 way to make sure that I never ate ice cream again. :S

Talk about Laughing Stock. What a lot of bull!

I think PETA's got Mad Cow disease again.

Truly, they need to *steer* themselves towards something more *moo*ving than this.

"I wonder who the first guy was who looked at a cow and said 'Ya know what? I'm gonna yank on these dangly things and drink whatever comes out.'"


"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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"I wonder who the first guy was who looked at a cow and said 'Ya know what? I'm gonna yank on these dangly things and drink whatever comes out.'"

I wonder who the first person was that ate an egg.

"Hey Bubba!" (because, in my makebelieve world, cavemen are named 'Bubba') "C'mere and check this out. You ain't never gonna believe it. Something just fell outta that there chicken's ass."

"Wanna eat it?"
If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

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The bottom line is I love animals.------ Thier delicious.

Cool, ask you colon, it doesn't love all animals as much.

we,re omnivorous, biologically, meat is meant to be a part of our diet, not the, bulk but definitely a part saying anything else is a personal moral stance, and not grounded in science.

Uh, sorry, this was recently thrown around here and no, we are biologically herivoires. The closest you can come is to bring up B-12, which was defunct as that is not originated from animals but from roots, I believe a bacteria grows on there that is the derivative of B-12.

Perhaps you can explain how people live their entire lives as vegans. Physiologial evidence is:

- Compound jaw

- digestive enzymes not great for breaking down red meat

- Small throat diameter, not good for eating meat

- Teeth structure, molars and incisors - good for grinding vegetation.

Sorry, the morality is to be a carnivoire, Jebus would want it that way.

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>What part of Peta saying that ANY product enhanced in ANY way by animal research is to be avoided completely?

So your interpretation is that if an animal experiment from the 1960's was used to develop a product today that PETA members should not use it? Nice, instead of talking about veal production and the gross cruelty associated, you create a box for all PETA members so they cannot have their opinions and continue to live. Look, it's not that difficult, 'quit expoiting animals,' being their message.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>There are levels of hypocracy, have I ever been a hypocrite? You bet.

Right, and there are levels of vegetarianism, as there are levels of most things. WHat PETA wants is to quit killing animals for food, food that we were not designed to injest anyway, at least as far as nature would have it. Stop using animl furs, stop the obvious exploits to animals.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I work with very sick children, I am at work right now. I guess Peta would like me to go tell some of these kids with spinal fractures that you will never have the chance to have the use of your arms or legs again because some people dont wanna hurt the little fuzzy mice or bunny rabbits.

Yea, and tell your local bible thumper and any Bush voter the same thing, as he refusde to sign for more embryonic research, even in discord with most Republicans and the then Republican Congress....that was his first veto in 5.5 years. We could gain far more from human embryonic research than we could from animal research, yet your guy won't allow it.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I would personaly rip the heads off every fucking mouse or bunny if I could see one of these kids walk again.

Or.... we could simply allow for aborted embryos to be researched with fed funding.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Thats just me, call me mean or crazy but I really like humans more than animals. Not to say I dont like animals. The fact is I distain any unnessecary suffering of anything.

I like then both equally and the fact that we are humans is only by chance; we could be one of the bunnies you would be willing to rip the head from.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Their are many noble animal rights groups that do great things. Peta or ALF is not one of them.

Which do you think is/are noble and why? Why is PETA not noble?

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"Hey Bubba!" (because, in my makebelieve world, cavemen are named 'Bubba')

That's funny, because in the make-believe world of the anti-gunners, anyone who owns a gun and stands firm on his right to do so is also named "Bubba"! :D Wears overalls or suspenders, keeps a stalk of grass between his teeth, never got past 8th grade, mates with his cousins...

Nope. No doctors, lawyers, engineers, er, proofreaders own guns! No college degrees allowed! It's one of the prohibited conditions there on the 4473! >:(
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