
Kucinich Offers Impeachment Articles Against Bush

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He was on the floor for 4 hours and 40 minutes and introduced a total of 35 articles


"The House is not in order," said Kucinich to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), upon which Pelosi pounded her gavel.

"Resolved," Kucinich then began, "that President George W. Bush be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, and that the following articles of impeachment be exhibited to the United States Senate. ...

"In his conduct while President of the United States, George W. Bush, in violation of his constitutional oath to faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and to the best of his ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has committed the following abuses of power..."

The first article Kucinich presented, and many that followed, regarded the war in Iraq: "Article 1 - Creating a secret propaganda campaign to manufacture a false case for war against Iraq."

you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
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I was going to start the same thread. But you beat me to it.

He needs so badly to be impeached and I am glad someone finally has the guts to request it..

I know that people can go to vote to impeach him online if they want. The more the better.

If Clinton can get impeached for a BJ, than Bush can get impeached being responsible for the death of over 4000 soldiers.
I love and Miss you so much Honey!
Orfun #3 ~ Darla

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Congressman Wexler's been after Cheney for quite a while and now that McClellan is going to testify under oath to the Judiciary Committee his campaign is gaining steam. This could/should be interesting. Wexler's certainly got some ammo. These are the questions he wants to ask McClellan:

1. What role did President Bush, Vice President Cheney , and key administration officials take in the effort to reveal the identity of covert CIA agent Valeria Plame Wilson – thus destroying her network and putting lives in jeopardy?
2. What role did President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and key administration officials take regarding the firing of U.S. Attorneys or political reasons?
3. What role did President Bush, Vice President Cheney, key administration officials take in conspiring to blatantly break U.S. and International laws prohibiting the use of torture?

Impeachment seems like a touchy subject for the Democrats right now. While it might be justifiable I don't know if it's the best strategy for the party this fall. They stand to win big at the moment in both the executive and legislative branches. While I think that getting rid of the current executives has value I think that being able to appoint three or so SC Justices who are not in the "Scalia mold" has greater value. Sometimes it's best to know how to pick your battles.

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If Clinton can get impeached for a BJ, than Bush can get impeached being responsible for the death of over 4000 soldiers.

I wish the rest of the country had your sense of priority.
I just checked the CNN headlines and was the Kucinich story there? Nope, but this one is.
Damned "liberal media".

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He also introduced HR #333 for impeachment vs Cheny:

The first time he did it there were no co-sponsors. This one is sitting in front of two subcommittees with no scheduled hearing.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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>He needs so badly to be impeached . . .

No, he doesn't. People _want_ him impeached, but what the country really needs is for him to be replaced - and that's happening in six months anyway. We'd all be better off working on how to fix what he's broken after he leaves office than trying to get him out a few months early.

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The Rockefeller Intelligence Committee may help any impeachment articles go nowhere.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Impeachment seems like a touchy subject for the Democrats right now. While it might be justifiable I don't know if it's the best strategy for the party this fall. They stand to win big at the moment in both the executive and legislative branches.

Why would an impeachment be harmful to the democrats this fall?

. . =(_8^(1)

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They stand to win big at the moment in both the executive and legislative branches.

why would we want the same party in power in both branches

that never works out favorable for the people. only for certain people

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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>why would we want the same party in power in both branches

It'll swing back; it always does.

ok, as long as we get to impeach someone about twice a decade I'm happy

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Impeachment seems like a touchy subject for the Democrats right now. While it might be justifiable I don't know if it's the best strategy for the party this fall. They stand to win big at the moment in both the executive and legislative branches.

Why would an impeachment be harmful to the democrats this fall?

I think that by pursuing impeachment before the election the Democrats would be giving the Republicans a political stick with which to beat the Democratic candidates. They have nothing to gain politically but much to lose. If they want to do it after the election for accountability reasons then it probably wouldn't be a problem. Of course they'd run out of time.
Personally I think that they should continue with the Congressional investigations in order to continue to expose the extent of the malfeasance but I don't see it going all the way through an impeachment by the end of this year. I do think that some sort of formal reprimand would be in order.

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They stand to win big at the moment in both the executive and legislative branches.

why would we want the same party in power in both branches

that never works out favorable for the people. only for certain people

I don't know that it's a good idea but the Republicans need to get smacked around a bit until they figure out what the hell their platform is.
Then again I consider both parties to be kissing cousins in the "business party" so it really doesn't make too much difference. One good thing is that we're not debating about forcibly keeping brain dead people alive any more. Now it's all about important stuff like professional sports doping.

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>He needs so badly to be impeached . . .

No, he doesn't. People _want_ him impeached, but what the country really needs is for him to be replaced - and that's happening in six months anyway. We'd all be better off working on how to fix what he's broken after he leaves office than trying to get him out a few months early.

I agree with what you are saying, but I guess I really want it to go on record that they were impeached. If they leave office getting away with all this, they will think that they are invinsible.
I love and Miss you so much Honey!
Orfun #3 ~ Darla

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the Republicans need to get smacked around a bit until they figure out what the hell their platform is.

that hilarious

the Dems have no idea who they are - they run on the "we're not the Reps, in a very fractured and splintered way" platform

while the Reps have no clue either and are running on the "we're not the Dems, but like to spend like them or worse, just on other things" platform

how does each know who they are not when neither knows who they are in the first place?

or are they just running on the "we're not the terribly inaccurate stereotype of what we tell people the other party is" platform

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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>If they leave office getting away with all this, they will think that they are invinsible.

Invincible or invisible?

a) Who cares what they think?

b) Keep in mind that impeachment is not the only legal means to punish someone for crimes they've committed.

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I guess Kucinich wanted his name in the news again.

A resolution asking for impeachment now is about as helpful as a 'stop global warming now' sign in the Sahara. The barn is empty, too late to go looking inside. The time for this was 2 years ago.

The move is political only - there is no chance of a conviction, no chance it would even be concluded before Congress adjourns for the term.

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Personally I think that they should continue with the Congressional investigations in order to continue to expose the extent of the malfeasance but I don't see it going all the way through an impeachment by the end of this year. I do think that some sort of formal reprimand would be in order.

This is not a crime that applies only to our country specifically. It is one that has affected the entire world and needs to be treated as such. We the American people should NOT have to be complicit in hiding these people from prosecution in the World Court...... for we ARE being judged by the rest of the world and it will affect Americans for generations to come.

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what the country really needs is for him to be replaced - and that's happening in six months anyway. We'd all be better off working on how to fix what he's broken after he leaves office than trying to get him out a few months early.

I disagree. If someone has committed high crimes against the citizens of the US, violated and dismantled the Constitution and rebuilt it to suit him, [B]ILLEGALLY invaded another country using off the shelf plans- based on proven manipulation of information, then impeachment and trial cannot come soon enough. ESPECIALLY before the 'on the table' attack on Iran takes place, or another 'terrorist' attack occurs on US soil which will allow further implement Executive Orders already on the books which authorizes the 'Decider' to suspend the Constitution, elections and anything else, until such time he determines the threat has left.

What the heck happened to Congress declaring war, rather than the Executive Office?

He needs to be impeached as soon as possible and any delay or disagreement seems to me to be the whole friggen problem in this country anyway and puts that congressmen or whoever in the same light.

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What I find it interesting is that there are 4.5% believe he has done absolutely nothing wrong and another 4.2% who believe he has just made a few"missteps"..amazing that we have that many dead enders here that will excuse him for all he and his henchmen have done. I wonder how much they have benefitted financially by being eternal Friends of the Administration.

American Baathists at their finest:S

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