
An Atheist Speaks

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It is a testament to the power of the human spirit. You can come to enlightenment by many roads; only a few of them go through Jesus.

And again, there is nothing wrong with that path, just as there is nothing wrong with the path others have chosen.

This is illogical. But then relativism always is. How can all paths (religions) be equally valid when they contradict each other (as to how salvation, or whatever, is attained)... which they most certainly do?

They're equally valid because the benefit is subjective, whether it be salvation, inner peace, enlightenment, or some sort of free pass through life. Whatever floats your boat.


Good answer, Linz! I've never heard it put that way before, but it's true, the benefit IS subjective.

For me, however, I want my subjective experience to be based on an objectively true philosophy of life because there are long-term ramifications.

I can understand how someone who doesn't believe in life after death would go for whichever philosophy gives them that subjective benefit you're talking about. I would pray that that person would wake up and smell the coffee, tho', and understand that this life is not all there is!
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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When someone who calls himself or herself a scientist ignores that evidence, yes, it most definitely damages his credibility.

Concur enthusiastically!


There is LOTS (to use the technical term ;)) of evidence indicating DESIGN in the universe. Or have you not discovered that aspect of the universe?

Would you direct us, i.e., specify links & citations, to the repeatable, reproducible, physical public evidence "indicating design in the universe" about which you write?

Or do you see physical processes that follow physical laws as evidence of design?

Thank you.


a living cell!
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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This is illogical. But then relativism always is. How can all paths (religions) be equally valid when they contradict each other (as to how salvation, or whatever, is attained)... which they most certainly do?

There are many paths up the mountain, but they all reach the same summit.

Be we aren't talking about mountains. We're talking about truth-- the truth about God, who he is or isn't, life, death, etc.
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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There is LOTS (to use the technical term ;)) of evidence indicating DESIGN in the universe.


a living cell!

How does a living cell indicate design?


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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This is illogical. But then relativism always is. How can all paths (religions) be equally valid when they contradict each other (as to how salvation, or whatever, is attained)... which they most certainly do?

You think that's illogical?! Each one of those religions has the same amount of evidence to back them up and each claim to be the one true religion and make promises that will only be fulfilled once you die.

That's what I'm saying. They contradict each other, therefore they can't all be true.


To top it off no one has ever returned from death to confirm that they actually received what was promised by their religion. Pretty raw deal!

One has returned from death. But you don't believe him.
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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Be we aren't talking about mountains. We're talking about truth-- the truth about God, who he is or isn't, life, death, etc.

It's a metaphor. The summit represents God. The different paths represent different religions or spiritual philosophies.
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One has returned from death. But you don't believe him.

There is no evidence that the story of Jesus being resurrected is true. In fact the only account is in the bible. For something so miraculous you would think there would be many more accounts written.

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One has returned from death. But you don't believe him.

There is no evidence that the story of Jesus being resurrected is true. In fact the only account is in the bible. For something so miraculous you would think there would be many more accounts written.

Hey, apparently a virgin birth was nothing special either - a couple of the gospel writers didn't even think it worth mentioning at all.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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You are a very peace loving person, I like to believe that I am as well, but I hope you are listening to my heart and not my head. I have said that there are those destined to walk their own path, and that has a purpose. Paths lead and they are also led by the guide of thier next destination right? While I belive in Heaven and Hell, There really is nothing in the bible to describe them as places. The words used are Fire and Paradise, so truthfully, how can I say that they exist as places? Truthfully, I cant. But, I can say that they exist as destinations. So with this I say that my guide is Jesus.

Why? God, as it he is revealed in the Old testament is just, slow to anger, abounding in love. This combinations showed us how he dealt with man all throughout the old testament. If they were truthful to him, he was fair and just, but still God. There was only the hope that he would relent and bring us the salvation he always spoke about. Then the salvation came, the spirit of Grace and supplication. Jesus gave us a spirit, not just words, but the heart of those words. Where the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law went wrong is they took the bible and learned from its writings, not the heart behind the writings. You are right, God said kill and they killed, but they were not truthful. They would punish someone for working on the sabbath, but they themselves would do the same thing....ect....

The point is that they were not truthful. Anyone who is truthful knows he is guilty of sin. that is why Jesus said "if any of you is without sin, cast the first stone", he knew we were all with sin and he was the only acceptable sin offering, so Jesus dying for the sin of mankind, is not the same as someone else dying to establish their religion. Please show me anyone in the history of the world who died for thier God so that they might be a sin offering for all those who believe in that God. Of course I know there are those who died for thier religions, but did any of them die in the self sacraficing manner so as to bring the love of something greater to us? Its just a question. Becasue I am only aware of Jesus doing that.

Jesus' very message was for the gentiles, the pagans, and the sinners, it was for everyone, so I cant believe that he would be against any other religion. He himself came to "testify to the truth" not to force people to believe it, but so that those who heard it and belived it might be saved. I am not irrational, I live amongst the Muslims and I have great respect for them and thier culture, but just as they believe my guide is wrong, I believe theirs is wrong, but together we do co-exist peacefully. Some are more radical than others, but still, for the most part, they accept me and I accept them. It is this way with everyone I meet, in any faith or religion.

I am not a judge, I am a testifier to the truth. The truth is a spot in your heart that says this is right and this is wrong. It is a sword of justice on the earth and in the heart. How can I believe it is truthful for me to expect others who have grown up in places like India, Iraq, or Asia to just abandon what they believe to be the truth? Of course I cant, but Jesus says that no one can come to me unless the Father enables him, so, its in Gods hands. Even though I believe your right about the bible contradicting itself, the spirit behind the bible does not.

And it goes on to say that God "harvests where he has not sown, and gathers where he has not scattered seed" and again it says "God is the savior of all men, but especially of those who believe". So it seems to me that even in our new testament, the spirit has the souls of everyone in his hand and he is the judge, not us. I have met MANY other spiritual people much much more spiritual than myself, they are full of a love and compassion I can only pray for, I believe it is biblical to believe that God is their guide as well. But still, there is a truth somewhere, I believe whole heartedly that it is Jesus.

If I am coming off as arrogant, I apologize, but God is good, whatever our greatest concept of that is the only way we ourselves can percieve him, be it a Scholor or not, personally, I see more of God outside of Theology and inside the hearts and souls of those living without him, or those living with him in extrememly humble circumstances. I see God in your humbleness and love of peace, and in your spirit of justice.

I would be arrogant as well if I said that I knew God better! What makes us so awsome is that all of us, eveyone in the entire world, all see the world through our own eyes, hearts, through our own perception, no ones view is right or wrong, we all see the way we see, no ones is better, just different, it is in these individual, unique and creative perceptions that God reveals himself, to us all and trhough us all. But just because we all see diferently, doesnt mean what we are seeing has changed, there still is a truth.

Its like looking at an American Flag, we both see the same flag, but because of our unique design, our perception of that flag is different, not necessarily what it stands for, but, just the way we see it, in the heart and through the eyes. I belive this uniqueness of perception all different and sacred in our own individual way has something to do with the definition of the Soul. This lines up with what you said "a different aspect of the same whole"

I agree with you whole heartedly about the religious sects nonsense, whole heartedly I agree. In fact it is the church that drove me away becasue of its unseen hypocrisy (not all churches, but most) If someone looks for the spirit in our churches today, I would hope they at least read a gospel before they go in there! But thats just me. The spirit connects with the heart, it goes through the mind, but it touches the heart. There are those who only look with the mind, and there alot of them.

I hope this clarified a little more that I do understand that others have found a different path, but just as their path cant denounce its guide, I cant mine. I think we are pretty much saying the same thing, with a few minor differences.:)

"We didn't start the fire"

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>Right. And Christians have no innate morality. They do whatever the Bible says because they don't want to be punished in a fire-filled cavern; if a priest told them to kill someone they would as long as they thought they would get their heavenly reward.

Do you really believe this? Fear is only a vehicle to lead us to trust. The one who trusts is the one who loves. In this world both trust and love need faith, if a preist told me to kill someone, I would call him a false prophet, one that goes against the very spirit I will die for. I would expose him as a hypocrite and a man not of truth. I would warn him that he is very close to hell himself and I would pray that Gods justice be revealed in him.

I would hope that others, especially non believers would see that is wrong. We do not follow the letter, we follow the spirit of Gods Love. Our desire is to share love, not to destroy, or confuse everyone. Jesus said that there will be MANY false prophets to decieve even those who believe. This is fundamental Christianity. You should be able whether your a christian or not to hear the truth and to discern from what is right and what is wrong. We all have designed into us a spirit of justice.
"We didn't start the fire"

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>How does a living cell indicate design?


Im not an educated man. I deeply respect all those who follow their desire in them, but isnt it true that eveything created has a purpose, even if its just expression? I really am not aware of anything that does not have purpose, especially a cell.

And again, Bill talked about life conforming to the enviornment, I thought that was a brilliant statement myself. We evolve as the earth evolves, to me this just shows the wisdom of life which seems to be perfectly self sustaining. Are we to assume, (this is a serious question) that life will be completely destroyed when the earth is gone? Is that sciences stance?

Because it seems to me that if life has the wisdom to evolve, doesnt that mean that life has wisdom? And what scientist can believe that wisdom does not have purpose, that statement would contradict almost every scientist I have met.
"We didn't start the fire"

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As soon as someone, anyone produces evidence of any deity then yes you would have a valid argument. To date that has never happened. The "evidence" that you and others have pointed to does not qualify as evidence by anyones definition of the word evidence.

How about Simon Greenleaf's definition?

Why can't you guys just say, "I don't accept what you point to as evidence--- even the eyewitness testimony of the gospel writers-- because I have a philosphical bias against the existence of a supernatural being"?
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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>This is illogical. But then relativism always is.

We are all relativists.

>How can all paths (religions) be equally valid when they contradict each other . . .

The Bible contradicts _itself._ That doesn't mean it's not valid.

The validity of a religion is akin to the validity of a country. Is there only one "true" country? After all, they all have slightly different governing/economic/military policies. Does that mean that they are all wrong except for one?

I don't think so. I think a country with policies that work is as valid as a country with another set of policies that work.

A very poor analogy, Bill.

And as for the old canard about the bible contradicting itself, baloney. Maybe you just need help in reading it.
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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Be we aren't talking about mountains. We're talking about truth-- the truth about God, who he is or isn't, life, death, etc.

It's a metaphor. The summit represents God. The different paths represent different religions or spiritual philosophies.

Well then, it's not a fitting metaphor. How do you know that your summit represents the same God for all religions? If they directly contradict one another, they can't all be "right paths."
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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>Do you really believe this?

Not at all. The statement "christians have no innate morality" is as silly as saying "atheists have no reason to have a morality."

>We do not follow the letter, we follow the spirit of Gods Love.

I think if more people followed such a path there would be far less strife on this planet.

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>How do you know that your summit represents the same God for all

I have this image of two people standing on the summit of Everest, one saying "you're not on the REAL summit, I am."

>If they directly contradict one another, they can't all be "right paths."

The Bible directly contradicts itself, but you believe it is part of the "right path."

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>How do you know that your summit represents the same God for all

I have this image of two people standing on the summit of Everest, one saying "you're not on the REAL summit, I am."

>If they directly contradict one another, they can't all be "right paths."

The Bible directly contradicts itself, but you believe it is part of the "right path."

That's good, Bill. I hope it made you smile.

You're right, I do believe the Bible is part of the right path. It shows us the right path. As David wrote: "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."

There's nothing wrong with the Bible. The problem is with people who treat it like it's not literature but who hold it to unreasonable standards; for example, not allowing it to contain literary devices like figures of speech. That's a terribly amateur strategy for trying to make it look untrustworthy.

But yes, I do believe it is an integral part of the right path, Bill.
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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but isnt it true that...

No. seriously, everytime you use that phrase, the answer is going to be no.


Are we to assume, (this is a serious question) that life will be completely destroyed when the earth is gone? Is that sciences stance?

Maybe, maybe not. Who knows what's out there? 'Science' hasn't seen what's on the surface of every planet circling every sun in every galaxy, so why would 'science' know whether other life exists or not?


Because it seems to me that if life has the wisdom to evolve, doesnt that mean that life has wisdom? And what scientist can believe that wisdom does not have purpose, that statement would contradict almost every scientist I have met.

Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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There is no evidence that the story of Jesus being resurrected is true.

This is an important point.

The Gospels are eye witness accounts of the life of Jesus. They record that Jesus:

- Claimed to be God
- Supported he was God by performing miracles
- Called on all who have done wrong (that would be all of us) to turn away from wrong doing
- Proclaimed the only way to the Father is by belief in him
- Lived a sinless life
- Offered his life as a sacrifice for others
- Died & rose again before ascending to heaven
- Announced he is returning again

Today, on the basis of eye witness accounts, people are found guilty and sent to the electric chair. This is classed as evidence.

The evidence of eye witness accounts in the Bible you can accept, or not accept, for yourself. But to say there is no evidence to me is not correct.

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The evidence of eye witness accounts in the Bible you can accept, or not accept, for yourself. But to say there is no evidence to me is not correct.

This is incorrect. The accounts presented in the Bible are generally considered to have been written several decades after the fact. In some cases, hundreds of years after the fact so there is no way the author could have witnessed the event. But since no original examples of the text exist, we must assume that they are faithful reproductions of the original. Further than that, all extant copies are translations of the originals, so we have to assume that they are faithful translations.

So we have:
1) not written at the time
2) not written by an eye witness
3) no original copies exist
4) all extant copies are translations

This is not evidence, it's hearsay and conjecture. Neither of those things would get you convicted of so much as a parking ticket.

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This is incorrect. The accounts presented in the Bible are generally considered to have been written several decades after the fact. In some cases, hundreds of years after the fact so there is no way the author could have witnessed the event. But since no original examples of the text exist, we must assume that they are faithful reproductions of the original. Further than that, all extant copies are translations of the originals, so we have to assume that they are faithful translations.

So we have:
1) not written at the time
2) not written by an eye witness
3) no original copies exist
4) all extant copies are translations

This is not evidence, it's hearsay and conjecture. Neither of those things would get you convicted of so much as a parking ticket.

If you read what I wrote, I said the Gospels record eye witness accounts of the life of Jesus. I did not go into whether or not the writers were the eye witnesses themselves.

What is important is are the accounts faithful? Did people actually see a risen Christ? Who wrote the Gospels and when can be subject to endless debates, and in some ways a distraction. Your points 1-4 do not disprove the eye witness accounts as presented by the writers are not faithful. This being the case the life of Christ bears further investigation for oneself, and you never know, you may hear the voice of God by doing so.

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As soon as someone, anyone produces evidence of any deity then yes you would have a valid argument. To date that has never happened. The "evidence" that you and others have pointed to does not qualify as evidence by anyones definition of the word evidence.

How about Simon Greenleaf's definition?

Why can't you guys just say, "I don't accept what you point to as evidence--- even the eyewitness testimony of the gospel writers-- because I have a philosphical bias against the existence of a supernatural being"?

Why??? Becuase what you point out as being eyewitness testimony does not in any way shape or form qualify as eyewitness testimony. You don't have any evidence. If you were to take a book into court and try to submit it as eyewitness testimony the judge would dismiss the book and ask you where your eyewitness is. An eyewitness is a person not a book. You can't question a book and get an answer.

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This is incorrect. The accounts presented in the Bible are generally considered to have been written several decades after the fact. In some cases, hundreds of years after the fact so there is no way the author could have witnessed the event. But since no original examples of the text exist, we must assume that they are faithful reproductions of the original. Further than that, all extant copies are translations of the originals, so we have to assume that they are faithful translations.

So we have:
1) not written at the time
2) not written by an eye witness
3) no original copies exist
4) all extant copies are translations

This is not evidence, it's hearsay and conjecture. Neither of those things would get you convicted of so much as a parking ticket.

If you read what I wrote, I said the Gospels record eye witness accounts of the life of Jesus. I did not go into whether or not the writers were the eye witnesses themselves.

What is important is are the accounts faithful? Did people actually see a risen Christ? Who wrote the Gospels and when can be subject to endless debates, and in some ways a distraction. Your points 1-4 do not disprove the eye witness accounts as presented by the writers are not faithful. This being the case the life of Christ bears further investigation for oneself, and you never know, you may hear the voice of God by doing so.

He did read what you wrote and what you claim are eyewitness accounts are not. Read what JackC wrote and you will find a list showing why they are not eyewitness accounts.

There is absolutely no way for you to know if the accounts are faithul or not.

Did people actually see a risen Christ?

You can't answer this question with a yes. You don't know if anyone saw Jesus rise from the dead. All you know is what is written in the Bible. There is nothing else written anywere that supports the accounts of Jesus rising from the dead.

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How does a living cell indicate design?


Im not an educated man. I deeply respect all those who follow their desire in them, but isnt it true that eveything created has a purpose, even if its just expression? I really am not aware of anything that does not have purpose, especially a cell.

What do you mean by "purpose"?
What do you mean by "expression"?

What is the purpose of Hemorrhagic fever filoviruses, like Ebola & Marburg?

By "purpose" do you mean shift down a proton gradient to a more favorable energy state? Or more favorable pH?
Or by "purpose" do you mean hydrophobicity, i.e., the spontaneous process that drives liposomes (like cell walls) to form in water?

When I look at cells -- from genetic though protein through structural levels -- there's lots of evidence for evolution and zero repeatable, public evidence of intentional design. If you [or Mockingbird] can provide some that would be fantastic!

Evidence of evolution includes similarities & differences in DNA sequences across species, examples of gene regulation (including at least one in humans) by DNA derived from an endogenous retrovirus (ERV), mutation rates, protein structures, and larger cellular structures (such as mitochondria).


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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And as for the old canard about the bible contradicting itself, baloney. Maybe you just need help in reading it.

Translation: we can redefine words and manipulate context in such a way so that the embarrassing contradictions in the Bible can be explained away.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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