
Anger Acceptable for Atheists

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I am sorry Marg if all ,so called, Christian folk look the same to you. They really aren't. People can take something good and corrupt it, using it to justify their own brand of evil. The Bible says those who have committed such an egregious sin are worse than those who have done it out of ignorance.

ad hominem & red herring flags>

Psalm 35:11 KJV

Not quite sure how your response connects to my request for clarification & counter-examples (?)

I'm also guessing you missed this post in this thread.


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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To review what social animals are capable just look back in history 60 years and thank somebody that you are not writing your statement in German.

Now, I’m thoroughly confused.
The reference to 60 yo & German implies that you are invoking reference to Hitler. (That's not usually a good signal in a discussion.)

You do realize that Adolf Hitler & the Nazi party vehemently opposed atheism and secularism, yes?
And that he proclaimed himself in *public* statements, both spoken and published, a Christian, yes?

Or are you meaning to use Adolf Hitler & the Nazi party as an illustrative example of: "People [who] can take something good and corrupt it, using it to justify their own brand of evil" ?

Or something else completely?


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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It is a strange one isn't it. He thinks that believing the universe is pointless and that we're here for no reason leads to evil behaviour, and to prove it references the actions of a man and people who believed that they were placed on the earth for one very specific reason.

Decipher that one.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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It is a strange one isn't it. He thinks that believing the universe is pointless and that we're here for no reason leads to evil behaviour, and to prove it references the actions of a man and people who believed that they were placed on the earth for one very specific reason.

Decipher that one.

We're all strange in our own strange ways. B|
Just like we're all unique in our own unique way. :P

I'm not making any judgements on anyone's personal religious beliefs. Period. That's too normative for me.

(Just to be explicit: how those or other professed religious beliefs, religious-motivated actions, or religiously-motivated policies might translate into imposition on my life, the civil and personal liberties I treasure, and the rule of law is separate issue completely.)

If that's your judgement, that's cool for you and suspect I can appreciate how you came to it. Not my business.

I'm trying to understand (a little) the underlying thinking & how that leads to/correlates with the posted statements and conclusions ... perhaps because they are so different from my cognitive processes & I can't decipher it. (?)


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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So you're saying that Judaism is a shit religion? Surprised to hear that coming from you.

See what happens when you label someone who you have no fucking clue about???

I still think its amusing how you lot have such a hardon for the jews.. just because they wanted you to leave after you buggered the whole region so badly after WW I

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Read your first sentance, then the second one, then the first again. Or are you as impervious to irony as Rush?

Seriously, I don't care about how the UK relinquished the middle east - to be honest, I don't even know much more than the bare bones of that time period and I'm certainly not put out that we don't control it any more - like most everywhere else we didn't have any business controlling it in the first place. My objection to Israeli tactics in the here and now is rooted in just that, Israeli tactics in the here and now.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I think that as societies have evolved, it has benefitted people to strike a balance between cooperation, intolerance of some things, and self-serving motives. It is certainly not beneficial to survival for everyone only to be out for number one. I think our moral code comes more from what has benefitted us in terms of survival than from God's dictum.

I would buy that, but I still have a healthy respect for the amount of mischief a self deified individual or group of them can cause. I don't think we will ever be free of our species genocidal behaviors. Just imagine what would happen if a major metropolitan area had its food, water and power supply cut off for any period of time. It would take no time for us to revert to our primitive natures.


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To review what social animals are capable just look back in history 60 years and thank somebody that you are not writing your statement in German.

Now, I’m thoroughly confused.
The reference to 60 yo & German implies that you are invoking reference to Hitler. (That's not usually a good signal in a discussion.)

Or are you meaning to use Adolf Hitler & the Nazi party as an illustrative example of: "People [who] can take something good and corrupt it, using it to justify their own brand of evil" ?

This one. This is an example of how we have not evolved into a higher life form. We still need a moral framework for civilization to work, and left to our own devices we will screw it up. And yes there have been plenty of very evil groups that have hidden behind a Christian banner. In the Bible when Jesus addressed these type of people He said " Depart from Me, for I know you not." They have no connection to the true Christian message.


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>This is an example of how we have not evolved into a higher life form.

Physical evolution, where heritable changes makes an organism more suited to reproduce in a given environment, has nothing to do with morality. If a mutation allows a male tiger to kill every other male tiger and thus spread his genome with all the other female tigers, he is a tremendous success in terms of evolution. Likewise, from a purely genetic standpoint, Genghis Khan was the most successful human male, ever.

Morality is a different issue. We may well decide that those behaviors are not ones we wish to emulate, and thus decide to discourage/punish those people. That's a societal decision, not the physical result of the processes of natural selection or genetic inheritance at the individual level (although we can certainly _force_ one to influence the other if we wish.)

>In the Bible when Jesus addressed these type of people He
>said " Depart from Me, for I know you not." They have no connection to
>the true Christian message.

Ah, but THEY thought they did - and could quote as many passages as anyone else to "prove" they were right.

Matthew 10:34 - "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword."

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Morality is a different issue. We may well decide that those behaviors are not ones we wish to emulate, and thus decide to discourage/punish those people. That's a societal decision, not the physical result of the processes of natural selection or genetic inheritance at the individual level (although we can certainly _force_ one to influence the other if we wish.)

What is a moral atheist? It seems that if evolutionary principles are all that drives the universe, you would file them away in the absolute truth column and see that they were part of the culture you lived in. Instead I hear you all saying NO!!, WE MUST DO UNTO OTHERS AS WE WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO US, WE FEEL THAT THERE IS A CLEAR DISTINCTION BETWEEN RIGHT AND WRONG AND WRONG MUST NOT PREVAIL, TRUTH AND JUSTICE ARE CHERISHED IDEALS, and on and on. No where in nature, apart from our own struggle, are any of the concepts of any consideration. On a purely evolutionary basis, why are we destroying the planet to up hold them?


>In the Bible when Jesus addressed these type of people He
>said " Depart from Me, for I know you not." They have no connection to
>the true Christian message.

Ah, but THEY thought they did - and could quote as many passages as anyone else to "prove" they were right.

Matthew 10:34 - "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword .

I am glad that you can see the distinction. Welcome to the epic struggle between Good and Evil.


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It is a strange one isn't it. He thinks that believing the universe is pointless and that we're here for no reason leads to evil behaviour, and to prove it references the actions of a man and people who believed that they were placed on the earth for one very specific reason.

Decipher that one.***

Good job! You are a winner! You got my point!
A self deified individual , who dictates reality for God or who dictates reality in the absence of God is a dangerous animal. He can selfrighteously exercise what ever brand of evil he can come up with, either in the name of God, or because God does not exist.

"The heart of man is desperately wicked, who can know it?"


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Good job! You are a winner! You got my point!
A self deified individual , who dictates reality for God or who dictates reality in the absence of God is a dangerous animal. He can selfrighteously exercise what ever brand of evil he can come up with, either in the name of God, or because God does not exist.

Help me out here....is this supposed to substantiate your earlier point that God must exist b/c if there were no God, there would be no moral authority, and as a result society would not know good from bad? Or are you making another point entirely?

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Good job! You are a winner! You got my point!
A self deified individual , who dictates reality for God or who dictates reality in the absence of God is a dangerous animal. He can selfrighteously exercise what ever brand of evil he can come up with, either in the name of God, or because God does not exist.

Help me out here....is this supposed to substantiate your earlier point that God must exist b/c if there were no God, there would be no moral authority, and as a result society would not know good from bad? Or are you making another point entirely?


"Another point entirely" The twists and turns of this thread are hard to follow. My comment was in response to the depravity of man when he has constructed a self deified reality. Self deification is the default position one finds themself when they either rewrite what God has said or take God out of the picture entirely and create reality as they see fit.


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A self deified individual , who dictates reality for God or who dictates reality in the absence of God is a dangerous animal.

Would you consider Christ to have been such an individual?
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