
England: Replica Guns Seized

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Replica guns seized from collector

Armed police swooped on the flat of a 54-year-old replica pistol collector. They seized 17 replica guns but police admit the man posed no threat to the community. "This action was taken to pro-actively reduce the threat of firearm incidents in the borough and to prevent any possible tragic consequences should they have made their way into the wrong hands," Insp. Phelps said. The firearms that had been identified by officers as susceptible to conversion were retained as a precautionary measure" and will be destroyed.
Source: This is Hertfordshire

Apparently even fake display guns can no longer be owned in England...

Questions: If replica guns are illegal, then why wasn't he arrested? If replica guns are not illegal, then why were they confiscated? Will he be compensated for the value of his confiscated property?

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Seized? Don't you just hate it when people dont clean and oil their kit?

On high mileage vehicles where a seized engine is a possibility, I try to turn the engine by hand by putting a socket and long breaker bar on the crankshaft bolt and turn the engine by hand a couple of full revolutions to be sure the engine is free.
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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I wonder how many real guns are on the streets of London. Maybe someone from the UK can answer that. Is there gun crime? If so, you can see how disarming the law abiding citizen doesn't help. It's all about criminal control not gun control. Illegal drugs are a real problem. But the laws about having and or using them do not seem to work very well do they? Why should firearms be any different.

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Noone could answer that question. Hand guns are illegal in the U.K. therefore not registered and thus cann't be counted...... Hand Up everyone that has a gun.... come on fess up:)

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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I wonder how many real guns are on the streets of London. Maybe someone from the UK can answer that. Is there gun crime? If so, you can see how disarming the law abiding citizen doesn't help. It's all about criminal control not gun control. Illegal drugs are a real problem. But the laws about having and or using them do not seem to work very well do they? Why should firearms be any different.

All i can say is that in the 30 years i lived there i never did see a single gun, or did I know anyone who had ever been shot, shot at or seen a gun fired..

I can honestly say that at no point whilst living in London did I ever need a gun..

Dont get me wrong, Im a big fan of shooting guns, and I was in the military for 6 years.. and if guns were legal I would buy one...
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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Strange, I didn't think there was anything illegal about owning replica firearms. Like another poster pointed out it helps the local constabulary keep up their crime figures without really doing anything to prevent gun crime. Pathetic.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Strange, I didn't think there was anything illegal about owning replica firearms.

I found this article from the BBC about replica firearms. Quotes:
"replica firearms are readily available as they can be purchased legally."

"...under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 to curb the use of replica guns. This effectively bans individuals from possessing replica firearms in public."
So, in other words, it's not against the law to buy and keep replica guns in your own home. You just can't carry them around in public.

This replica firearm collector appears to have had his property confiscated illegally by police, without any authority for them to do so under the law.

He deserves to have his replica firearms returned to him, along with an apology from the police.

What's next? Are the police going to start arresting little children playing with squirt guns?

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It is quite a hard calculation because you have to take into account not only FX rates but also the both political and social coefficients of both nations. It has something to do with cosines I think. Anyway I won't bore you with the science the answer is:

1.2764 million in US money


Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people

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Wow, John, those British police are just SO AWFUL compared to our US police.



(And quite a few more too).

Confiscating his toy guns, how DREADFUL.

Tangent Alert. Where did police brutality enter the discussion? If the police entered your home and confiscated something you were legally allowed to own I imagine you would be pretty upset about it.
The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

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Wow, John, those British police are just SO AWFUL compared to our US police.



(And quite a few more too).

Confiscating his toy guns, how DREADFUL.

Tangent Alert. Where did police brutality enter the discussion? If the police entered your home and confiscated something you were legally allowed to own I imagine you would be pretty upset about it.

Diversion alert. Police behavior can be bad in a multitude of ways. Torture is clearly worse than confiscating toy guns unless you're John Rich. Cast the beam out your own eye before worrying about the mote in someone else's eye.

(Note to NCclimber and Willard - before asking for an explanation of the metaphor - it's a reference to the words of Jesus).

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Wow, John, those British police are just SO AWFUL compared to our US police.



(And quite a few more too).

Confiscating his toy guns, how DREADFUL.

Apples and oranges, not to mention non-sequitor.

How is comparison of police behavior a non sequitUr?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Wow, John, those British police are just SO AWFUL compared to our US police.



(And quite a few more too).

Confiscating his toy guns, how DREADFUL.

Apples and oranges, not to mention non-sequitor.

How is comparison of police behavior a non sequitUr?

Typos aside, the rape of a suspect is irrelevant to the seizure of harmless replicas.

Is everything in your world tied to Iraq, socialist nanny states, and a Black Panther-esque loathing of government?

What color is the sky in your world?
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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Wow, John, those British police are just SO AWFUL compared to our US police.



(And quite a few more too).

Confiscating his toy guns, how DREADFUL.

Tangent Alert. Where did police brutality enter the discussion? If the police entered your home and confiscated something you were legally allowed to own I imagine you would be pretty upset about it.

Diversion alert. Police behavior can be bad in a multitude of ways. Torture is clearly worse than confiscating toy guns unless you're John Rich. Cast the beam out your own eye before worrying about the mote in someone else's eye.

(Note to NCclimber and Willard - before asking for an explanation of the metaphor - it's a reference to the words of Jesus).

I agree that torture is the worse than toy guns being confiscated but the fact remains that they were seized illegally. If your property was seized illegally wouldn't you be upset about it? Would you? That is the point that was being made before police brutality entered the conversation.
The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

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If your property was seized illegally wouldn't you be upset about it? Would you? That is the point that was being made before police brutality entered the conversation.

I would indeed, but, as Jesus told us, cast the beam out your own eye before worrying about the mote in someone else's eye.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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