
Do you want Govt Health Care?

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Painting the other guy's position in extremist, negative terms really opens things up.:S

If the stinky shoe fits, boot up, beotch.:P

Also- putting the :S:S thingy after someone's thoughts doesn't promote a nice discussion either.

And I understand my explanation of disappearing health benefits is not comprehensive or detailed, but in many cases that is what happened. Unless you have another explanation?

Maybe people didn't want their kids to have a doctor?

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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Also- putting the :S:S thingy after someone's thoughts doesn't promote a nice discussion either.

So true. Of course when a person is implying that someone else is a clueless fucking moron, who's posts make about as much sense as a lead balloon, the intent isn't really about open honest dialogue.

Clearly, I'm not talking about you. :P

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You really do have a knack for promoting open honest dialogue.



Just placing in a scenario that can happen to anyone.
How many people have you met in which something beyond their control has happened and they lost everything? Shit happens everyday to good people. Not only here in the U.S. but worldwide

So, I guess if someone robs a bank because their kid broke his leg skateboarding, and he doesn't have money to send the kid to the hospital, then he should get a pass? After all, he's probably not robbing just one account, he's taking a little bit from everyone, and they probably won't miss it. After all, if they've got enough money to put in a bank, they should have enough to share with those who don't have any.

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if everybody had health insurance, the er's would still be clogged with children with colds and people with headaches. the reason is that you would have to wait 3 or 4 weeks to see a primary care provider.

Sorry - I don't buy it. If I call my doc with a cold or a headache, he will tell me to take some aspirin and call back if it doesn't go away in 5 days. So those people would not clog the doc offices. They clog the ER becuase you can't call the ER with your symptoms.

And if someone has a cold or headache for three weeks, they are overdue for an office visit anyway.

i wasn't making a prediction, i was making an observation. that already happens in hospitals on military bases. what people can do and what they actually do are two different things. people can get a phone consult with their physician, but they choose to come in to the er. it isn't as bad as an er near a poor civilian area, but we are talking about a population that has has coverage and doesn't have to use the er for primary care, but does anyway.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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So, I guess

Roid, as usual, you guess wrong.
Robbing banks is not the same as seeking medical care through the channels that were set up to help those in need.
You're scenario amounts to nothing more than a criminal offense.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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does every issue come back to that for you? do you sit around thinking of how to tie everything back in to the war and the administration or does it come naturally?

John makes a valid point in bringing up the cost of war (waste of money that would had been better spent here).

no he doesn't. insurance was expensive before the war and it will be expensive after the war. my arguement is that the government's job should be to set regulations that the private industry must follow in order for people to be able to afford insurance. i don't think the government should pay for or provide healthcare for the masses (safety nets should be set up for people who fall through the cracks, that would include people such as yourself). anything else that the goverment is spending money on doesn't really matter. besides, john has a tendancy to bring everything around to the war or george bush. this would still be an issue if al gore won in 2000. the war arguement is nothing but a distraction.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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The Simpsons had an episode where Homer Simpson ran for Springfield Sanitation Commissioner. His slogan, "Can't someone else do it?"

"Did the new garbage trucks arrive?"
"Uh huh, uh huh. Are they amphibious?"
"Well, only one way to find out!"

"Homer, you are only one month into the year and you've spent your entire budget"
"they let me sign checks with a STAMP, A STAMP!!!"

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I found this to be interesting
I, myself, have not been in an ER since 1989 after a finger was severed. I was treated immediatedly and out of there within a few hours. It was work related.

It does appear that there are systems in place to evaluate the seriousness of a persons condition but, there also seems to be a lot of room for improvement and a greater need to educate people to make a wiser decision in lifestyle.
Should more be spent on educating people?
Would it help to reduce cost all the way around?
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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You really do have a knack for promoting open honest dialogue.



Just placing in a scenario that can happen to anyone.
How many people have you met in which something beyond their control has happened and they lost everything? Shit happens everyday to good people. Not only here in the U.S. but worldwide

So, I guess if someone robs a bank because their kid broke his leg skateboarding, and he doesn't have money to send the kid to the hospital, then he should get a pass? After all, he's probably not robbing just one account, he's taking a little bit from everyone, and they probably won't miss it. After all, if they've got enough money to put in a bank, they should have enough to share with those who don't have any.

In Catholic school I was taught that stealing food to feed your starving children is not a sin, so you may be on to something.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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my arguement is that the government's job should be to set regulations that the private industry must follow in order for people to be able to afford insurance. i don't think the government should pay for or provide healthcare for the masses (safety nets should be set up for people who fall through the cracks, that would include people such as yourself).

I agree 100% with you.
For the record, I've never said that every single person should have government sponsored healthcare (not suggesting that you alluded to such). I would hope that those in true need do recieve help and those who could easily afford it (some spend what an insurance policy cost on just as much beer each month) should be required to purchase insurance. I wish I had been more aware of the pitfall when I was younger. This is why I often harp about education on such matters. For myself it is far to late but, for those who are young and wild or not, do yourself a favor and check into what Lawrocket has done. Do some research. Find something that fits your lifestyle. Create a net for yourself should you fall.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Should more be spent on educating people?
Would it help to reduce cost all the way around?

we could spend money on education to an extent, it could alleviate some er congestion. there is a segment of the population that is going to do what they are going to do no matter what.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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If you have health insurance you are probably paying for some else's health care already. It's a silly argument.

Just as your statement above is just as silly.

Why is it silly? If a healthy person is paying more in premiums than they use in services, then where is the rest of the money going? Over the past 30 years I have paid way more in health insurance premiums than I have gotten back in actual care.

In any insurance scheme some people gain and some lose. It's all about managing risk. With respect to health care a sizeable fraction of the US population is unable to manage that risk for one reason or another because of the way the "system" (or lack thereof) works.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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So, I guess



Roid, as usual, you guess wrong.
Robbing banks is not the same as seeking medical care through the channels that were set up to help those in need.
You're scenario amounts to nothing more than a criminal offense.

First off, the name is Royd, but you know that, so please. Y and I aren't next to each other on the keyboard.

The point being made is that, forcing someone to give up their hard earned money to give to someone else, regardless of the reason, is tantamount to robbery.

Instead of tax, why don't we just force EVERYONE to donate 2-300 hr. of free time every year to whatever cause that the govt. deems fit? Same thing. At least, the burden would be more evenly distributed.

I wonder who would protest the loudest.

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Why is it silly? If a healthy person is paying more in premiums than they use in services, then where is the rest of the money going? Over the past 30 years I have paid way more in health insurance premiums than I have gotten back in actual care.

So you're upset because you haven't gotten terribly sick or injured?

John, it's called capitalism...a concept you despise unless it works in your favor. Did someone make a profit when you bought your last rig? Imagine the gov't controlling rig manufacturing. We'd still be jumping PC's with shot and a halfs.

I'm always amazed at the mentality of some of my fellow jumpers today. Soon you'll want bounce-proof gear.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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If you have health insurance you are probably paying for some else's health care already. It's a silly argument.

Just as your statement above is just as silly.

Why is it silly? If a healthy person is paying more in premiums than they use in services, then where is the rest of the money going? Over the past 30 years I have paid way more in health insurance premiums than I have gotten back in actual care.

In any insurance scheme some people gain and some lose. It's all about managing risk. With respect to health care a sizeable fraction of the US population is unable to manage that risk for one reason or another because of the way the "system" (or lack thereof) works.

Exactly. All those sick people are taking MY MONEY!!! Bastards!

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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I apologize for the "I".
We are going to have to pay taxes one way or another. Our tax dollars are going to go somewhere. I much prefer that my dollars stay here in the U.S. to help other Americans. I'm not very happy about the billions of dollars that are being given to such corporations as Halliburton. I am not very happy about religious groups getting my tax dollars to build huge churches. I am not very happy about religious groups receiving a huge amount of my tax dollars that were meant to fight the spread of HIV and to help those who are infected. I'm not very happy that my tax dollars are being use to provide medical care in third world nations when there are plenty of people right here who are in need. I am not very happy that my tax dollars are being used to pay the salary of a multi-millionaire politician. You are forced to pay for all of that and even more that you do not even know of! Are you happy about that or is it just more convenient to scream about the little that you do know. Before you pick on those who really do need help (feel free to go after those who are scamming the healthcare system), take the time to see where the vast majority of your dollars are going. You will be shocked to see how much real waste there actually is. But, from what I see and hear, it is way too much to expect that Americans would be willing to help out their brothers and sisters. Please note, I am not speaking of those who much rather sit and drink beer all day but, those who have worked and paid into the system.
Tell me, what do you suggest that we do with all of the Iraq war veterans who are going to find themselves homeless, unemeployable, ill, addicted to the drugs that they were given, unable to cope with daily life? Should our tax dollars help them? What about their children? Should our dollars help them? In the years to come the system will be even further burdened with the influx of these people. You think it is bad now? Just wait, it is going to get far worst.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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I haven't seen any churches using tax money to build sanctuaries. That would be a real conflict between church and state.

I do agree with most of your post about sending our tax money elsewhere.

What's the difference between money going to Evil Haliburton, which is used for doing various jobs, and money going to some small paving company to pave that last mile of dirt road to someone's house, and a crappy job it was.

I know that HIV is your burden, but in general, using that mentality, shouldn't we be throwing tax money at every medical situation?

Let's be honest. Most of the tax money spent on projects isn't really about the betterment of the whole. It's about pleasing the constituency in order to stay in power.

Maybe we should depend upon private donations to foundations to get the job done, and eliminate govt. intervention as much as possible.

You can't say that we are a bunch of cold hearted bastards, because we don't want to pay for someone else's health care, and then bitch about us sending medical relief to a foriegn land. People are people, right?

You think that we are the pariah of the world now, imagine how we would be viewed if we shut off all aid.

Think of the children!;)

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In any insurance scheme some people gain and some lose. It's all about managing risk.

Everyone benefits from having insurance.

I'll ask this - what is the purpose of purchasing insurance? What I mean is, why do people purchase insurance?

I've got my theory - I have insurance because the primary purpose is, to me, "peace of mind." Insurance gives you peace of mind in knowing that in the event of disaster, you will not suffer financial hardship.

I've got the following policies between me, my business and family:

Business (not including mandatory programs like SSI, unemployment, etc):
1) Commercial General Liability and umbrella (with additional coverage like non-owned hired auto, etc.)
2) Professional Errors and Omissions (malpractice)
3) Workers comp
4) Key Man
5) Business interruption insurance
6) Renter's insurance

1) Life (me, my wife and kids) plus umbrellas (presently term, but plans on converting to whole life)
2) Health (and I'm just now adding dental) (and an HSA account)
3) Disability (my wife and I)
4) Homeowner's
5) Vehicle plus umbrella (high limit in case of disaster)

Now, I haven't had any need to use any of the insurances that my business maintains. We have only had to use health insurance because we've had no disability, vhicle crashes or anything. In fact, the ONLY timeI have ever needed to use insurance other than health insurance is when items were stolen out of my car a few years ago.

I could have saved probably $100k in the last 4 years had I not had these policies. The only ones I am required to have are workers comp (by law), vehicle (by law) and homeowner's (by mortgage). I sure as hell am not required to carry the policy limits that I carry.

But I carry those high limits because of the desire for peace of mind. If I get sued for malpractice I'm not gonna lose the house. If an employee causes a car wreck while running an errand for me, I am insured.

I have peace of mind of knowing that I have covered the angles that I can cover. And while my lifestyle has suffered as a result of the loads of money I'm pouring into peace of mind, I'd rather face this than face what freethefly is facing.

Insurance is for peace of mind, professor. Whats' the price on that? For most it is apparently too much, for they choose to ignore the risks.


With respect to health care a sizeable fraction of the US population is unable to manage that risk for one reason or another because of the way the "system" (or lack thereof) works.

And it's probably too much because they fail to recognize the risks. If they appreciated the risks (everone knows the risks - they just choose to believe it won't happen to them) these people would value their peace of mind much more.

I don't buy that most of the uninsured are "unable to manage that risk." I believe that damn near all of them ARE able to manage that risk.

How many of your poor students are truly unable to grasp what you are teaching them? Oh, they could grasp it and master the material IF they: 1) paid attention; and 2) practiced to mastery. Very many things that you teach are difficult concepts to grasp - difficult but certainly not impossible for the vast majority of people.

Do you say, "You just can't hack it? You're too dumb to understand it?" Or do you say, "Here's another explanation. Practice, practice practice." That's the reason for homework - practice.

It's the same for people and insurance. Maybe if that student spent less time on the Playstation or less time drinking and partying - and more time studying - the student WOULD grasp the material.

If people made different choices in the cars they drive, the clothes they wear, the forms of entertainment they utilize - indeed the lifestyle they lead - they will be perfectly able to manage it.

By the way, the people who are uninsured are usually more apt to need the insurance because their lifestyles often put them at greater risk. "Health insurance? $120 per month? That's 6 jump tickets. No way." Thus, the person does not purchase insurance in order to engage in an activity that has a fairly IN-YOUR-FACE risk of catastrophic injury.

Government health care would merely subsidize this type of thing. Is this the sort of societal ethos that any senisble government would want to encourage?

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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What's the difference between money going to Evil Haliburton, which is used for doing various jobs, and money going to some small paving company to pave that last mile of dirt road to someone's house, and a crappy job it was.

There is no difference. The army could easily feed themselves using mess cooks. Haliburton is not needed to do the job that the army could very well do themselves. If a person wants to pave their private road, they could easily do it themself or hire a contractor to do it. But, this is much different than the army hiring contractors when they have the people to do the job.


shouldn't we be throwing tax money at every medical situation?

Coupled with charitable donations, many illnesses could be tackled. As people claiming to be compassionate, we should look after one another.


Let's be honest. Most of the tax money spent on projects isn't really about the betterment of the whole. It's about pleasing the constituency in order to stay in power.

I agree 100%. Pork is a major waste and both dems and repubs are guilty. We have all seen the waste and we should be screaming loud.


Maybe we should depend upon private donations to foundations to get the job done, and eliminate govt. intervention as much as possible.

And we do. Jerry Lewis has been able to raise millions of dollars through his telethons. Cancers societies do it every day. I will be pestering the people on my road very soon to donate to the leukemia and lymphoma society. These dollars collected, coupled with tax dollars greatly offset the overall cost of the taxpayer. However, it is very much the same as using just tax dollars had the charitable donation been collected as tax dollars. People perceive donations has giving from the heart and not dipping into their taxes. Either way, the money is collected.


You can't say that we are a bunch of cold hearted bastards, because we don't want to pay for someone else's health care, and then bitch about us sending medical relief to a foriegn land. People are people, right?

Correct. However, charity begins at home and filters out. My problem with our money going abroad is solely with the waste of the money. Bush has given faith based organization 1/4 of the money that was earmarked to help AIDS patients in Africa. Much of the money is unaccounted for. Many of the relgious groups that have received the funds are not using the money to educate and stop the spread of HIV. Much of the money is used to promote religion. Much of it goes to pay salaries. Money that is earmarked to fight HIV should go to health organizations to provide medications and education.


You think that we are the pariah of the world now, imagine how we would be viewed if we shut off all aid.

No, I do not believe that we are the pariah of the world. We, as a whole, do much good. Most Americans are great people. It is the few that drag us down. The same with all other countries. There are more good people than there are bad. Those people need to stand up. Darfur is a great example. I wonder how it got to the point it is today. Why didn't the people stand up and fight? Why did they just stand by and let it happen? Are the bad stronger than the good? The same in Germany under Hitler. Why did the many good Germans stand by and let it happen? It baffles me and I have no answer. I am just as guilty as everyone else. I read, I watch it on the news, I shake my head. But, still I do very little or nothing at all. But, what can I do about Darfur or the AIDS crisis in Africa? If someone has those answers, I'll do what I can.


Think of the children!

They should be our main concern. They will someday hold the power over us older people. If we give them less today, they will return that to us. We should concentrate on cultivating a society of caring people not a society of warriors and hate.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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What's the difference between money going to Evil Haliburton, which is used for doing various jobs, and money going to some small paving company to pave that last mile of dirt road to someone's house, and a crappy job it was.

There is no difference. The army could easily feed themselves using mess cooks. Haliburton is not needed to do the job that the army could very well do themselves. If a person wants to pave their private road, they could easily do it themself or hire a contractor to do it. But, this is much different than the army hiring contractors when they have the people to do the job.


shouldn't we be throwing tax money at every medical situation?

Coupled with charitable donations, many illnesses could be tackled. As people claiming to be compassionate, we should look after one another.


Let's be honest. Most of the tax money spent on projects isn't really about the betterment of the whole. It's about pleasing the constituency in order to stay in power.

I agree 100%. Pork is a major waste and both dems and repubs are guilty. We have all seen the waste and we should be screaming loud.


Maybe we should depend upon private donations to foundations to get the job done, and eliminate govt. intervention as much as possible.

And we do. Jerry Lewis has been able to raise millions of dollars through his telethons. Cancers societies do it every day. I will be pestering the people on my road very soon to donate to the leukemia and lymphoma society. These dollars collected, coupled with tax dollars greatly offset the overall cost of the taxpayer. However, it is very much the same as using just tax dollars had the charitable donation been collected as tax dollars. People perceive donations has giving from the heart and not dipping into their taxes. Either way, the money is collected.


You can't say that we are a bunch of cold hearted bastards, because we don't want to pay for someone else's health care, and then bitch about us sending medical relief to a foriegn land. People are people, right?

Correct. However, charity begins at home and filters out. My problem with our money going abroad is solely with the waste of the money. Bush has given faith based organization 1/4 of the money that was earmarked to help AIDS patients in Africa. Much of the money is unaccounted for. Many of the relgious groups that have received the funds are not using the money to educate and stop the spread of HIV. Much of the money is used to promote religion. Much of it goes to pay salaries. Money that is earmarked to fight HIV should go to health organizations to provide medications and education.


You think that we are the pariah of the world now, imagine how we would be viewed if we shut off all aid.

No, I do not believe that we are the pariah of the world. We, as a whole, do much good. Most Americans are great people. It is the few that drag us down. The same with all other countries. There are more good people than there are bad. Those people need to stand up. Darfur is a great example. I wonder how it got to the point it is today. Why didn't the people stand up and fight? Why did they just stand by and let it happen? Are the bad stronger than the good? The same in Germany under Hitler. Why did the many good Germans stand by and let it happen? It baffles me and I have no answer. I am just as guilty as everyone else. I read, I watch it on the news, I shake my head. But, still I do very little or nothing at all. But, what can I do about Darfur or the AIDS crisis in Africa? If someone has those answers, I'll do what I can.


Think of the children!

They should be our main concern. They will someday hold the power over us older people. If we give them less today, they will return that to us. We should concentrate on cultivating a society of caring people not a society of warriors and hate.

Not to take anything away from your other points, but the military has been downsized over the years to the point where they HAVE to have the contract support.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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He ended up flying to India to have the surgery. The total cost including the surgery, airfare and hotels was just under 10K. He flew home a week later and his back is in great shape.

The story is true, and I've heard a lot of them. The difference, however, is that if his back got worse after the surgery because of the obvious medical mistake, he would not get a penny for that.

So it's basically a choice to use a properly insured doctor, be able to sue him for malpractice, and pay a lot of money for that - or use a doctor who has no insurance, so you cannot sue him (well, you can - but you will get nothing for it), but which costs much less.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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or use a doctor who has no insurance, so you cannot sue him (well, you can - but you will get nothing for it), but which costs much less.

believe it or not, you can find doctors in the US with no malpractice insurance. the legal climate in some areas is getting so bad that insurance is simlpy unaffordable so they just don't carry it. they put all of their assets in their spouses name, which can't be touched. its cut the number of bs lawsuits way down.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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believe it or not, you can find doctors in the US with no malpractice insurance.

Then you could sue him for his assets, and/or wages.


they put all of their assets in their spouses name, which can't be touched.

In California all the assets accrued during marriage are the common property, so it won't help here. Anyway, future wages cannot be put on the spouse name.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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while you may be right, it stops a whle lot of lawsuits when there are no deep pockets to go after. i'm not sure how the community property thing works. if only we had a lawyer from california that could clear it up for us.

part of the cost of healthcare goes to pay for malpractice insurance, which in turn goes to pay awards and settlements. many times cases are settled even when standard of care has been met simply because its cheaper than going to trial and winning. i would be interested to what percentage of the cost of healthcare goes towards lawyers, settlement, and awards.

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