
USA - Glorifying guns?

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I think the accepted response is "Exaggeration for the purposes of sarcasm" (paraphrasing NCclimber, in the Pelosi "I want my jet" thread).

I think the word you're looking for is hyperbole. It's a fairly common term. ;)

I didn't think that was Jakee's intent. Perhaps he can post up "that he was just kidding".

Nah, I'd rather not stoop to your level of argument.:)

What's my level of argument?

Calling you on your bullshit claims?

Is that considered lowly?

Sucks to be called on your nonsense, eh Jakee? ;)

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Of course, you could just ask. But then again, you could assume they're being serious, then make uninformed assertions about posters advocating the shooting of people and lying to the cops. How convenient. [Tongue]

Generally speaking, you seem pretty quick on picking up on the nuances or subtletites(sp?) of discussions. Funny how you missed the boat on the above topic.

Uninformed? Nuances and subtelties? Lets take a look.

Bigun, June 8 2006, 7:18AM.

Everything after - was the wrong response. Raise the M3, point at perps, "No, fuck you. Now get off my yard" BLAM!! "Officer, when I told them to get off my yard, they came at me and I was in fear of my life." End of class - next subject?

Nb. In the scenario Bigun was replying to the perps did not 'come at' the OP. Just how much creative assumption do you think I am making on this point?

Interestingly enough, Micro's response to Bigun (hehe, Micro and Bigun, hehe) provides the first example of my other point, and also clearly demonstrates that I was not jumping to conclusions in thinking Bigun was advocating lying to the police.

Micro, June 8 2006, 7.33AM.

While I'm not an advocate of lying, BIGUN isn't far off the mark here. I wouldn't have gone out w/o being armed (I'm NEVER unarmed) and after smartass #1's first remark, out would come the firearm and at that point I'm sure that would be the end of the discussion. The perps would have disbanded. If the didn't and decided to call your bluff, it would have been time to neutralize any threat.

To Craddock: How much of the above do you think I made up?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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What's my level of argument?

Happily making up statements, attributing them to people and then backtracking with "Oh it was just hyperbole" while simultaneously calling anyone and everyone on even the slightest level of exaggeration or emotional language in their posts.

It does seem just a little bit low.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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What's my level of argument?

Happily making up statements, attributing them to people and then backtracking with "Oh it was just hyperbole" while simultaneously calling anyone and everyone on even the slightest level of exaggeration or emotional language in their posts.

It does seem just a little bit low.

What are you talking about? The Pelosi thread? That thread went on for five days and over 220 posts before anyone questioned the truthfulness of the thread title. You two keep trying to make it into some grand deception even though everyone (almost everyone:P) got the joke.

Now you're digging up a nonissue from two months ago, to distract from my questioning your claims. Nice. ;)

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To Craddock: How much of the above do you think I made up?

Well you told us to "look back on this forum and see just how many posters...."

That was my point if you missed it. Other than the point you made about ammuntion which is a very responsible question, there is a very minute amount of people that make points like you claim. Your intention was to mislead the forum. Implying it is a far greater number. I simply called you on it.
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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Of course, you could just ask. But then again, you could assume they're being serious, then make uninformed assertions about posters advocating the shooting of people and lying to the cops. How convenient. [Tongue]

Generally speaking, you seem pretty quick on picking up on the nuances or subtletites(sp?) of discussions. Funny how you missed the boat on the above topic.

Uninformed? Nuances and subtelties? Lets take a look.

Bigun, June 8 2006, 7:18AM.

Everything after - was the wrong response. Raise the M3, point at perps, "No, fuck you. Now get off my yard" BLAM!! "Officer, when I told them to get off my yard, they came at me and I was in fear of my life." End of class - next subject?

Nb. In the scenario Bigun was replying to the perps did not 'come at' the OP. Just how much creative assumption do you think I am making on this point?

Interestingly enough, Micro's response to Bigun (hehe, Micro and Bigun, hehe) provides the first example of my other point, and also clearly demonstrates that I was not jumping to conclusions in thinking Bigun was advocating lying to the police.

Micro, June 8 2006, 7.33AM.

While I'm not an advocate of lying, BIGUN isn't far off the mark here. I wouldn't have gone out w/o being armed (I'm NEVER unarmed) and after smartass #1's first remark, out would come the firearm and at that point I'm sure that would be the end of the discussion. The perps would have disbanded. If the didn't and decided to call your bluff, it would have been time to neutralize any threat.

To Craddock: How much of the above do you think I made up?

You left out - Jakee:
"Although on second thoughts, why not shoot them.... Scumbags obviously don't deserve to live"

Sometimes that sarcasm is so hard to pick up on.

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Yesterday's events prove that it's not the brightest idea to depend on the kindness of criminals where your personal safety is concerned.

No it showed that relying on the local armed police force for your only personal safety is a VERY stupid thing to do .

I grew up in a family where hunting and guns were the norm. We learned at an early age to shoot and do it well. We also learned personal responsibility of what was and was not an appropriate use of a gun. There has never been a misuse or illegal use of a weapon in our family. One thing that I remember vivedly as part of my training by my Grandfather was to "never" point a weapon at a man unless you intend to shoot and kill him, and that had better be only in defense of your life or you are no better than the criminal in front of you. We learned that taking the life of another human being was one of those BIGGIES found there on the two tablets given to Moses on Mt Sinai. We learned that part of that responsibility is to secure our weapons from being stolen.
I live out in the boonies where the local Sheriffs Department MIGHT get in here 30 minutes or so depending on where they are patrolling at the time....SOOO I have a carry permit and have weapons to protect myself from those who thumb their noses at those of us who are law abiding citizens.

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You two keep trying to make it into some grand deception even though everyone (almost everyone[Tongue]) got the joke.

Me? As far as I remember I made a grand total of 1 post on that thread that was even remotely related to the thread title, and that was just a cheap shot anyway.


Now you're digging up a nonissue from two months ago, to distract from my questioning your claims. Nice.

Interesting that you took the time to write a reply to this post, and not my earlier, on topic post. Hmm.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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You left out - Jakee:
"Although on second thoughts, why not shoot them.... Scumbags obviously don't deserve to live"

Sometimes that sarcasm is so hard to pick up on.

Although strangely enough, everyone did pick up on it. Funny old world.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Your intention was to mislead the forum. Implying it is a far greater number. I simply called you on it.

No, you said that I did not have any examples of it and implied that I had made the whole thing up. Who's misleading?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Guns are not the problem. The problem is suicial people who feel the need to take others with them. There are literally hundreds of ways for this to happen. If this guy didn't have a gun, what prevents him from filling 10 wine bottles with gasoline with rags in the top, putting them in his backpack, and roaming the halls tossing them into classrooms? The same goes for pipe bombs. We can't outlaw pipes and gasoline, can we?

This guy planned this out for a while. He got a gun, filed off the ser#, got ammo and magazines for his planned rampage, and probably practiced with the weapon. He was determined to kill lots of people. If he didn't have the gun, he would have found a way.

The bottom line is, no government official can guarantee your safety, so protect yourself, or take your chances.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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... blah blah blah logic blah blah references blah blah refutation blah blah

You're wasting your time, jakee.

You won't get ncclimber to admit that he intentionally mishandles, misinterprets, and misrepresents everyone's words to muddy the conversation. It's intentional. He's enjoying himself.

And nobody else needs to be convinced. They already know it.

The only people who respond are those like you (and occasionally me) who forget and think they can engage him in actual discussion.

Speaker's Corner is just performance art to ncclimber. There's no "there" there.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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No, you said that I did not have any examples of it and implied that I had made the whole thing up. Who's misleading?

No. Quit lying! I never said you did not have examples of this. Never! You asked three questions. I did not know the answer so I called you on it and asked you. I asked "how many?" to all three questions that you asked. Finally on the last point I asked if you had examples of it. I did not asked if you had an example. One can always find a an example to support a claim. I questioned if you could find examples, and since you are going of on me rather than finding them. I am starting to assume you only have the one example.

Perhaps I should not have asked you if there was anything else you want to make up. You will just claim that you were not implying multiple people and rather an isolated case in attempts to divert and make my post look bad. Anyone with common sense who read your original post can see what your implications were. I stand by my post.
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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In the context of the current tragedy, isn't this thread null and void, considering the gunman is a S. Korean national, not a US citizen?

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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... blah blah blah logic blah blah references blah blah refutation blah blah

You're wasting your time, jakee.

You won't get ncclimber to admit that he intentionally mishandles, misinterprets, and misrepresents everyone's words to muddy the conversation. It's intentional. He's enjoying himself.

And nobody else needs to be convinced. They already know it.

The only people who respond are those like you (and occasionally me) who forget and think they can engage him in actual discussion.

Speaker's Corner is just performance art to ncclimber. There's no "there" there.

Asseting something and showing it to be true are two completely different things. You seem to be big on making assertions about me, without ever proving them. :P

And yet, Jakee has shown very little to back up the following.

You can look back on this forum and see just how many posters are afraid to leave the house without being able to shoot someone, how many posters want to know what the best bullet for killing people is, how many posters reply to stories of succesful deterrance with the suggestion that it would have been much better if the OP had shot everyone instead of just scaring them off.

Hmm. [:/]

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In the context of the current tragedy, isn't this thread null and void, considering the gunman is a S. Korean national, not a US citizen?

yes, i see what you mean...but the point i was (badly) trying to make was that i think the media (particulary music) has a part to play in people mis-using guns

you can never stop the lunatic going on a killing rampage, no matter what you ban, but you can try and limit the glorifying of guns.

I think many "gangstaz" don't think of the consequences of killing somebody, they don't stop to consider not only is it the end of the victims life, but it's the end of theirs too (either in the electric chair, or a life in prison getting raped by a man with a large, bushy moustache)

Citizens owning guns can be a very good thing, but citizens owning guns who are young and impressionable, now that's a recipee for disaster

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What a waste of my time you are. Comprehension please.


No, you said that I did not have any examples of it

What I really said was as you quoted. That was "do you have examples of this?" I was still waiting to see if you do. I'm done now.
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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Asseting something and showing it to be true are two completely different things. You seem to be big on making assertions about me, without ever proving them. [Tongue]

And yet, Jakee has shown very little to back up the following.

Well, I have demonstrated the third point, I've shown one example of the first (was planning on saving digging up another 9 until I'm bored to tears later on at work this evening). As for the second, well this thread should serve for a start. Note the discussions of which round will cause the largest wound.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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What I really said was as you quoted. That was "do you have examples of this?" I was still waiting to see if you do. I'm done now.

You asked the question and at the same time assumed the answer was no, following it up with a baseless accusation of falsehood. In short, you were making shit up.

If you don't want to be wasting your time in future I would suggest you take the time to come up with a coherent on topic argument. Goodbye.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Does the media in general need to stop glorifying guns ?

Hollywood glorifies guns and America glorifies excess ... Who knows what the outcome would have been if a responsible student was carrying a concealed weapon.
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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Citizens owning guns can be a very good thing, but citizens owning guns who are young and impressionable, now that's a recipee for disaster

That should read

Citizens owning guns and having the proper training in proper use and the responsibility of gun ownership IS a very good thing, but citizens owning guns who are young and impressionable without that training and sence of morals is not, and that can be a recipee for disaster

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In the context of the current tragedy, isn't this thread null and void, considering the gunman is a S. Korean national, not a US citizen?

You beat me to it.

There is so much people can say about how bad the gun culture is, and how horrible the things are that Americans expose their kids to.

Is it not interesting (but reasonable) that the assumption was a white cornfed American male who was responsible. I mean, this had white boy written all over it.

Perhaps it is less about American glorification of guns than people would like it to be.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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