
What can I do to be more patriotic?

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Nice try, ...... I would likely vote party anyway, ........

I shortened it that way on purpose for clarity as the rest was just you trying to redine a hypothetical scenario to your liking. Thanks for answering truthfully at the end.

I'm not sure what I was "trying", but you can tell me since you know my thoughts better than I do:P.

Thanks for answering the question, I was just wondering. I guess I was 'trying' to get insight.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I'd like to be more patriotic, and I'm looking for some suggestions. Please help, thanks. :|

I'll go with saying Reagan really WAS the greatest (modern) President. In fact, I've already succesfully argued that he should be the Republican 2008 candidate:

Admittedly, Reagan is now a slightly less than ideal candidate, and Constitutional amendment may be required to get around the fact that he's already served 2 terms. But his record, particularly on international matters, during his presidency is unequalled, as is the way he raised the morale of Americans from an era of militarydefeat and loss of self-esteem.

I ascribe this to his ability to see through the apparent complexity of a situation to its underlying simplicity.

Because of this, I know that Reagan would make a far better president than either the present incumbent or any of his proposed replacements.


PS: I also voted for one other item on your list.


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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But how about a quick bash over their head with a cosh instead?

As long as I get a vote in who is picked :ph34r:

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Since your already a Patriot why ask?

Who cares what some one else thinks, you did your "call to duty" and still do today.

There are Patriots on either side of the political fence, as there are non-patriots. There are idiots on either side of the fence too, but as that is not the question, I will only use that small jab for now.

Keep being YOU, that is how YOU should be a Patriot.

Master Blaster '95 and still blasting.
An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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I'd like to be more patriotic, and I'm looking for some suggestions. Please help, thanks. :|


Vote for a dem who will get us out of there and quit killing our heros.

I thought the US voted for a bunch of them in November. Hmm. They haven't done anything, have they?

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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A friend and I recently debated this administration's handling of the Iraq war. The debate went on for about 20 minutes and ended with him raising his voice, telling me I'm not patrotic (even though I do not support the immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq). Needless to say, it was a truly constructive debate.

I'd like to be more patriotic, and I'm looking for some suggestions. Please help, thanks. :|

Have a complete understanding that even the idea of "patriotism" is an individual idea and different for everyone. Whether that means burning a flag in front of the White House or rounding up bad guys in Iraq is your decision and yours alone. That's my idea of partiotism.:)

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A friend and I recently debated this administration's handling of the Iraq war. The debate went on for about 20 minutes and ended with him raising his voice, telling me I'm not patrotic (even though I do not support the immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq). Needless to say, it was a truly constructive debate.

I'd like to be more patriotic, and I'm looking for some suggestions. Please help, thanks. :|

Fart the National Anthem.
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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Buy American made goods.

Invest in companies that don't outsource jobs to Asia.

Pay your taxes without whining about them.

Mentor a young person.

Volunteer your time for a good cause.

I vote kellend for president. Great platform, except for the part about paying the taxes. I think we're paying a little too much for what we get. All we get right now is some stupid, useless 'war' and a bunch of so called 'heros' who are just people who joined the military because they couldnt find a job.

Its okay, Im putting myself down too. I joined the Army in the early 80s because I couldnt find a job. But at least Im honest about it.

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Buy American made goods.

Invest in companies that don't outsource jobs to Asia.

Pay your taxes without whining about them.

Mentor a young person.

Volunteer your time for a good cause.

I vote kellend for president. Great platform, except for the part about paying the taxes. I think we're paying a little too much for what we get. All we get right now is some stupid, useless 'war' and a bunch of so called 'heros' who are just people who joined the military because they couldnt find a job.

Its okay, Im putting myself down too. I joined the Army in the early 80s because I couldnt find a job. But at least Im honest about it.

You missed the thread about a month or 2 ago where we discussd that. However a soldier who sarifices what they are now is as brave and herois as a WWII soldier. The loss can't be measured in the net worth of the action.

But I was in the same boat, enlisted in the early 80's cause the homelife sucked, not for some heroic reason.

As for taxes, we're not paying enough, they're just misdirected.

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I vote keAllend for president.

Constitution says to be elected president one must be born in the US. Plus we already have 2 people running who are from Illinois who think they're smarter and more qualified than anyone else to be The Great Leader. A third would be intolerable.


I thought the US voted for a bunch of them [Dems] in November. Hmm. They haven't done anything, have they?

As I know you know, the majority party in Congress isn't a single person; its members were only sworn into power a month ago; and in particular, it doesn't have direct command over the military.


Admittedly, Reagan is now a slightly less than ideal candidate, and Constitutional amendment may be required to get around the fact that he's already served 2 terms.

Yeah. Another Constitution amendment will be required to get around the fact that he's dead.
(Of course, that was already the case while he was president, but as an actor he was able to conceal it.)

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Buy American made goods.

Invest in companies that don't outsource jobs to Asia.

Pay your taxes without whining about them.

Mentor a young person.

Volunteer your time for a good cause.

I vote kellend for president. Great platform, except for the part about paying the taxes. I think we're paying a little too much for what we get. All we get right now is some stupid, useless 'war' and a bunch of so called 'heros' who are just people who joined the military because they couldnt find a job.

Its okay, Im putting myself down too. I joined the Army in the early 80s because I couldnt find a job. But at least Im honest about it.

I think you should become John Scary's campaign manager....:D:D
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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But how about a quick bash over their head with a cosh instead?

As long as I get a vote in who is picked :ph34r:

Wendy W.

I'm voting for Iran man.:D

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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A friend and I recently debated this administration's handling of the Iraq war. The debate went on for about 20 minutes and ended with him raising his voice, telling me I'm not patrotic (even though I do not support the immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq). Needless to say, it was a truly constructive debate.

I'd like to be more patriotic, and I'm looking for some suggestions. Please help, thanks. :|

How about changing your Nick?:P
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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I on the other hand, I did not join because I could not find a job.

I felt that it was the right thing to do and be ready for a true threat to our nation.

And today of the 23 in my unit only 2 will say they did what you claim and 9 joined after 9-11-01. Of the remaining 21 (from the 23, OK?) 19 had a decent job prior to joining, the two officers I dunno.

Before some smart ass goes and digs up my older posts remember we have a little bit of change over going on in the Army these days.

MB72 asked a valid question, I still say he needs not do any more than he does or has.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Yeah. Another Constitution amendment will be required to get around the fact that he's dead.
(Of course, that was already the case while he was president, but as an actor he was able to conceal it.)

Bahahaha.... is there actually a rule that requires the pres candidate be alive? If not, good thing Bush can;t run again or he might be the 1st pres to be beaten by a dead man.

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Yeah. Another Constitution amendment will be required to get around the fact that he's dead.
(Of course, that was already the case while he was president, but as an actor he was able to conceal it.)

Bahahaha.... is there actually a rule that requires the pres candidate be alive? If not, good thing Bush can;t run again or he might be the 1st pres to be beaten by a dead man.

Well, we have a precedent in the Senate, where a dead man won a seat. But then his opponent was John Ashcroft, so it's not surprising the dead man won.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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All we get right now is some stupid, useless 'war' and a bunch of so called 'heros' who are just people who joined the military because they couldnt find a job.

So what makes them so called heros as opposed to heros? And what makes you assume that they all joined because they couldnt' find a job?

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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