
Parent says Global Warming Caused by Christ's Second Coming; School board censors "An Inconvenient Truth" film

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Gore Film Sparks Parents' Anger

Showing 'Inconvenient Truth' Would Require Counterpoint

By Blaine Harden
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 25, 2007; A12
FEDERAL WAY, Wash., Jan. 24 -- Frosty E. Hardiman is neither impressed nor surprised that "An Inconvenient Truth," the global-warming movie narrated by former vice president Al Gore, received an Oscar nomination this week for best documentary.
"Liberal left is all over Hollywood," he grumbled a few hours after the nomination was announced.
Hardiman, a parent of seven here in the southern suburbs of Seattle, has himself roiled the global-warming waters. It happened early this month when he learned that one of his daughters would be watching "An Inconvenient Truth" in her seventh-grade science class.
"No you will not teach or show that propagandist Al Gore video to my child, blaming our nation -- the greatest nation ever to exist on this planet -- for global warming," Hardiman wrote in an e-mail to the Federal Way School Board.

The 43-year-old computer consultant is an evangelical Christian who says he believes that a warming planet is "one of the signs" of Jesus Christ's imminent return for Judgment Day.


His daughter's science teacher, meanwhile, said she is struggling to find authoritative articles to counter the information in the Gore documentary.

"The only thing I have found so far is an article in Newsweek called 'The Cooling World,' " Walls said.

It was written 37 years ago.

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His daughter's science teacher, meanwhile, said she is struggling to find authoritative articles to counter the information in the Gore documentary.

"The only thing I have found so far is an article in Newsweek called 'The Cooling World,' " Walls said.

It was written 37 years ago.

Obviously, she's not looking very hard. :P

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>How do morons like this expect to be taken seriously?

1) By making a very loud noise. Squeaky wheel gets the grease and all that.

2) By hopping on a popular bandwagon. "This is just another example of how christians are discriminated against!" is a popular one.

3) By getting an expert to craft some accurate-sounding pseudoscience, then claiming that not presenting it represents supression of free speech. I'm not great at this but let's give it a whirl:

"Most christians think that God is everywhere in the heavens that surround us, perhaps even part of the heavens that shield us from harm. But if I bring up that God might be shielding us from danger, I can't say that in school! I can't even talk about all the things in the heavens that shield us from dangerous radiation - things that scientists have PROVEN exist - because they might be related to God! They want to supress the work of real scientists because it doesn't fit their secular liberal extremist agenda. Haven't they ever heard of the Van Allen belts?"

4) By spending lots of money to get your point across.

5) By timing your tirade for a slow news day.

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More from the article.

His angry e-mail (along with complaints from a few other parents) stopped the film from being shown to Hardiman's daughter.

The teacher in that science class, Kay Walls, says that after Hardiman's e-mail she was told by her principal that she would receive a disciplinary letter for not following school board rules that require her to seek written permission to present "controversial" materials in class.

The e-mail also pressured the school board to impose a ban on screenings of the film for the district's 22,500 students.

The ban, which the school board says was merely a "moratorium," was lifted Tuesday night, subject to rigorous conditions. Still, the action has appalled the film's producers and triggered a ferocious national backlash.

Members of the school board say they have been bombarded by thousands of e-mails and phone calls, many of them hurtful and obscene, accusing them of scientific ignorance, pandering to religion and imposing prior restraint on free speech.

It has been a terrible ordeal, school board member David Larson said during a long, emotional speech at the board meeting.

"I am here to foster healing in our community," he said, while noting with sadness that "civility and honest discourse are dying in our country."

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>How do morons like this expect to be taken seriously?

1) By making a very loud noise. Squeaky wheel gets the grease and all that.

2) By hopping on a popular bandwagon. "This is just another example of how christians are discriminated against!" is a popular one.

3) By getting an expert to craft some accurate-sounding pseudoscience, then claiming that not presenting it represents supression of free speech. I'm not great at this but let's give it a whirl:

"Most christians think that God is everywhere in the heavens that surround us, perhaps even part of the heavens that shield us from harm. But if I bring up that God might be shielding us from danger, I can't say that in school! I can't even talk about all the things in the heavens that shield us from dangerous radiation - things that scientists have PROVEN exist - because they might be related to God! They want to supress the work of real scientists because it doesn't fit their secular liberal extremist agenda. Haven't they ever heard of the Van Allen belts?"

4) By spending lots of money to get your point across.

5) By timing your tirade for a slow news day.

Which of the above actually apply to this situation?

Do any of them?

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>Which of the above actually apply to this situation?

1) Loud noise. Angry emails.

2) Popular bandwagon. "You're not going to Blame America." "Liberal left is all over Hollywood."

3) Adding pseudoscience to the mix. The whole "we need to balance the views" thing.

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>Which of the above actually apply to this situation?

1) Loud noise. Angry emails.

2) Popular bandwagon. "You're not going to Blame America." "Liberal left is all over Hollywood."

3) Adding pseudoscience to the mix. The whole "we need to balance the views" thing.

1) You said "very loud noise". This man sent out a single e-mail. The thing is... free speech is a two way street.

2) Other popular "bandwagons" - racial discrimination, gender discrimination, etc. ;)

3) By getting an expert to craft some accurate-sounding pseudoscience, then claiming that not presenting it represents supression of free speech.
Where was the expert here?

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1) You said "very loud noise". This man sent out a single e-mail. The thing is... free speech is a two way street.

Oh please.

Google the mans name and find out how much noise he can make.

And it is an indisputable fact that he is a fundamentalist madman - those people should not have any influence over what happens in a public school.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I guess some people want their children.. and everyone else to be just as ignorant as they are.

I guess you missed the part about the teacher failing to follow "school board rules that require her to seek written permission to present "controversial" materials in class."

Or do you think there's no controversy around man-made global warming?

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Or do you think there's no controversy around man-made global warming?

Some controversies are more respectable than others.

If 1000 militant lettuce worshippers screamed brimstone about salad bars, I think we could discount them.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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>I guess you missed the part about the teacher failing to
> follow "school board rules that require her to seek written permission
> to present "controversial" materials in class."

So as the article mentions - should they seek written permission to mention the holocaust? Should they give equal time to holocause deniers? There is no question whatsoever that the issue of holocaust denial is a controversial one.

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1) You said "very loud noise". This man sent out a single e-mail. The thing is... free speech is a two way street.

Oh please.

Google the mans name and find out how much noise he can make.

I did. I did a google news search for "frosty e. hardiman" and got ONE reply. A regular google search produced none. So I removed the middle initial and got seven results. WOW :o


And it is an indisputable fact that he is a fundamentalist madman

Indisputable FACT that he is a madman? LMAO :D


those people should not have any influence over what happens in a public school.

Free speech applies to everyone. Or are you saying that only people you agree with should have a say in their children's education?

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Too many morons think that they're scientists.

You don't need science if you have the Bible.

And Clinton lied about getting a blowjob.

Threads over.

You can go home, now.

Kewl! Godwin's Law has a sibling!!
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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Exactly. If he doesn't like the school curriculum, he can always pull his kids out. and whilst he's at it he should wind his arrogant (we're better than everyone else if only from a sample size of one) head in - TW@.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Exactly. If he doesn't like the school curriculum, he can always pull his kids out. and whilst he's at it he should wind his arrogant (we're better than everyone else if only from a sample size of one) head in - TW@.

And John Scopes should have just quit if he had issues with the curriculum.

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