Source of the Hatred for Hillary?

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I still can't wrap my head around the liberal's love of all things socialist... they gripe about how fucked up the gov't is but have no problems with giving the gov't more and more and more power and control... *scratches head*

You mean like the TSA and DEA?


TSA, DEA, NEA, IRS, BATF (among others)... take your pick.

Nope, more like single payer health care...even after seeing how screwed up it is in other places... I guess it's another example of not having "the right people in charge" again... :S
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Yesterday, I exposed your penchant for playing fast and loose with the facts. Perhaps you can return the courtesy. Or are non-specific slights all you've got?

I posted about 10 instances showing where you do in fact spout right wing rhetoric incessantly. and if it makes noises like a duck and waddles along like a duck... it aint no fucking eagle... but the thread went to the recycle bin...
I am not going to waste my time to replicate that... your positions pretty much match up with right wing neocon thinking to a tee. Please embrace this and quit the pretense of being something else.

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Check the date... I said in the last week.... details Mikeepoo.. details....

With the deletion of the other thread (I always miss ALL the fun).. the weekly winner of the "First Use of the word 'Smarmy'" award is....



Andy...you sneaky git, you!! :D
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Yesterday, I exposed your penchant for playing fast and loose with the facts. Perhaps you can return the courtesy. Or are non-specific slights all you've got?

I posted about 10 instances showing where you do in fact spout right wing rhetoric incessantly. and if it makes noises like a duck and waddles along like a duck... it aint no fucking eagle...

What are you talking about? I call BULLSHIT!!!


but the thread went to the recycle bin...

Perhaps we can get Billvon to revive it so you can prove your claim. Until then, I still maintain your claim is BULLSHIT!


I am not going to waste my time to replicate that... your positions pretty much match up with right wing neocon thinking to a tee.

You've never produced a single one of my posts where I take a neocon position. More bullshit.

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Seriously, what is it about her that sparks such a visceral reaction from GOPers? I know Jewish folk who don't hate Himmler as much as some hate Hillary...

The same thing that sparks hatred of Jeb Bush in the White House to Dems....They can not look past the party, or the name.

Perhaps the righties are willing and able to ignore the benefits the country underwent during the Clinton years in leiu of their ideologies which have failed to work.

Remember, the most popular isn't neccessarily the best and vice versa.

With that written, I would have a hard time placing $$ on Troopshhh McCain or "I never expose my lower teeth" Guliani. These guys are both for the war and even many Repubs are against it. Perhaps scumbag president Bush will have an emergeny pullout in Oct 08 after he throws anoth 1,000 troops to their death for his little war hobby.

But people who dislike her cannot make tangible any reasons for it other than...... she's a Clinton.

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Seriously, what is it about her that sparks such a visceral reaction from GOPers? I know Jewish folk who don't hate Himmler as much as some hate Hillary...

I've wondered the same thing. I don't have any strong feelings for, or against, her. I don't know why some people would think she would be anything like Bill; I just can't imagine her getting a BJ.


...I just can't imagine her getting a BJ.

Yea, and I can't imagine her giving one either :o

She won;t be anything like Bill either, which is why I'm liking Obama. I like how he brushes off the idiots claiming he went to the 7th and 8th grade, I forget where, but in some hostile country, but that that would have an impact on security. Yes, losers, he's part of a cell, groomed from age of 10. Then they point out his middle name, Hussein. The landlord of the strip mall I used to work for had a last name of Hussein, I don' think he's blown anything up yet. Just really shows desperation when all they can do is to point out his middle name, that of teh last name of a US puppet appointee turned bad, hence this guy is bad too.

I guess when your front-runners are McCain and Guliani ..... desperate times / desperate measuresB|

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Her slide down probably started with that cookies crack at stay at home moms, and snowballed from there. She wasn't terribly political back then, and some probably didn't like her representing the White House when she wasn't elected or appointed to a position.

I found the carpetbagging to NY much more offensive. It felt as though she believed a senate seat was owed to her. (California equilivent was Kathleen Brown's campaign for governor. )

And let's not kid ourselves - lots of GOP faithful aren't keen on pushy or liberal broads, nevermind a combo deal.


It felt as though she believed a senate seat was owed to her. (California equilivent was Kathleen Brown's campaign for governor. )

Or Schwarzenneger's ripping of the Gov seat from Grey Davis.


And let's not kid ourselves - lots of GOP faithful aren't keen on pushy or liberal broads, nevermind a combo deal.

True, but the funny thing is that she will easily defeat McCain or Guliani if the Dems pick her.

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I think insecure people of both genders hate her because she has a bigger pair than most guys. Like Maggie Thatcher.

Just because someone doesn't like Hillary doesn't mean they are insecure. I admire her drive and tenacity, but I resent her implications that unless you agree with her and back her 100%....then you are scum. That attitude has prevailed in the White House since Jan.'93.

Besides, my boobies are bigger than hers.:)
KFC "Hillary Bucket"....2 small breasts, two big thighs, and a whole bunch of left wings.:D


I admire her drive and tenacity, but I resent her implications that unless you agree with her and back her 100%....then you are scum. That attitude has prevailed in the White House since Jan.'93.

Bill Clinton didn't have that. He was one of the few to work with an opposite Congress, he was about lifting restrictions rather than iposing them. If your claim is true, how is it that he still had >50% approval rating after his impeachment.


KFC "Hillary Bucket"....2 small breasts, two big thighs, and a whole bunch of left wings

Is this the equivalent to Hussein for Obama? Now, let's talk substance.

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For the same reason the left hated Nancy Reagan - because they thought she had too much sway in policymaking.

Hillary wielded substantial power in the Clinton Administration. The Health Task Force was a prime example.

Hillary's main problem, though, is what I perceive as a snobbishness. Women who are ambitious and driven and educated and intelligent are incredibly alluring to me (otherwise, I wouldn't have married a woman who fits that description). Still, what Hillary is missing is the outward humility that her husband had and still has - old Bill would be mentioning how big them watermelons grow back in Arkansas.

Hillary doesn't have that. Hillary has a way about her that just cries out "Bitch." Smart, powerful, ambitious, etc. That described Leona Helmsley. No, Hillary isn't that bad, but there is the sense that she views all Americans as mere peasants who don't know what's good for them - she just can't hide it!


For the same reason the left hated Nancy Reagan - because they thought she had too much sway in policymaking.

I dunno, did the left hate Nancy back then? I'm thinking not. I think we looked at her as a burdened person. If she wasn't wispering in RR's ear as to what he was supposed to say, she was changing his diaper. I thought she was classy and she even recently denounced Bush for his stem cell policy.


Still, what Hillary is missing is the outward humility that her husband had and still has - old Bill would be mentioning how big them watermelons grow back in Arkansas.

Right, I agree. Which counters what the previous poster wrote about some superior attitude since 93.


Hillary doesn't have that. Hillary has a way about her that just cries out "Bitch." Smart, powerful, ambitious, etc. That described Leona Helmsley. No, Hillary isn't that bad, but there is the sense that she views all Americans as mere peasants who don't know what's good for them - she just can't hide it!

I agree, this hit it on the head.

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Then, shortly thereafter, the "socialized healthcare" model, of her design, which was not well received by anyone. Pretty much, it was a disaster.

Not saying it will pass now, but it won;t be met with such opposition and may in time pass. If she does 2 terms she might a version of it thru. I opposed the Clinton's and Soc Med in 93, now I adore all of them. Why does it take 100 fucking years to figure out that smoking kills on a 2nd hand basis? We humans are slow to see teh truth and change.

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The feminists gave BC a pass because he was a democrat.

The feminist groups lost credibility then.

All the outrage over Clarence Thomas and the woman who rode his coat-tails all over the country. Dirty jokes, but no sex (really, no sex).

The characterization of Tower as a "womanizer". (That means he dated a lot of women.) I can't figure out why that was a problem. They have the right to vote and own own property. The feminists don't think that they can select their own dates?

Then, the real deal. Bubba is charged repeatedly, and eventually admits it. Where was the feminist outrage? (crickets chirping)

I am sure that the womens groups will continue to support Hillary for political gain and burn at the stake any woman who challenges them.

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I am sure that the womens groups will continue to support Hillary for political gain and burn at the stake any woman who challenges them.

Not ALL women's groups. Just the ones that are more political than 'really' for women's rights. There are some sincere groups out there

(if one believes that any "special interest" group can have a long term benefit - I think "special interest" and "long term benefit" cannot occupy the same place and time, but some are sincere and well meaning.)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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"Are you going to sick the dogs on me? the ones with the bees in their mouths that when they bark they shoot bees at you?"


Mmmmmm, bees

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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"Are you going to sick the dogs on me? the ones with the bees in their mouths that when they bark they shoot bees at you?"


Mmmmmm, bees

One of the primary rules of politics, "If you don't want to answer the question, answer a question that you do like".

Nixon talked about his dog.
Ted Kennedy talks about education.

How can we expect our politicians to not avoid topics when non-politicians do it in a non-binding arena?

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