Source of the Hatred for Hillary?

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But Clinton was a great president and the US was a great place to be, unless a person is a homophobe or hates record economic growth and debt stability.

The economy is doing better now than then...But you will never agree with the economic indicators:S

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But Clinton was a great president and the US was a great place to be, unless a person is a homophobe or hates record economic growth and debt stability.

The economy is doing better now than then...But you will never agree with the economic indicators:S

Show me the indicators. The dow jones is slightly higher, the Nasdaq is < 1/2 of what it was at its peak under Clinton. That kind of reinforces the argument about progressivs vs regressives, blue chips are traditional, nasdaq is about tech.

Let's talk about the nightmare in house sales looming large. Since Bush flattened the economy, the reserve had to lower rates to 45-year lows, house sellers raised prices as banks would qualify people for the higher principal with lower interest. Now what do we have? Runaway housing inflation leaving sellers stuck with houses and people not buying, so house starts are way down, new house surpluses are up. Yea, that's lovely, maybe he'll leave the housing market like his daddy did, HUD catalogues as thick as Sears catalogues.

How else is it so swell?

Edited to add, and all that lovelyness is with debt so large it's only precedented by Bush himself, so even if you can make an argument abiut how great the economy is, so what, it's on credit cards that the next dem will have to fix. It means zero to pretend to be in great economic times when the rate of debt growth is at unprecedentedly high rates. Clinton had great growth and indicators while turning debt growth horizontal, your boy has turned it vertical.

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I think insecure people of both genders hate her because she has a bigger pair than most guys. Like Maggie Thatcher.

Yeah, it takes a big pair to have your limo driver run an airport checkpoint strike a cop.

IMO Hillary is like her husband in that she thinks laws apply only to the "little people".


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I think insecure people of both genders hate her because she has a bigger pair than most guys. Like Maggie Thatcher.

Yeah, it takes a big pair to have your limo driver run an airport checkpoint strike a cop.

IMO Hillary is like her husband in that she thinks laws apply only to the "little people".


K, so There is evidence that Hillary had the driver run into a cop, or the driver did it by accident. Can you cite something?

As for laws and little people, list all of the rich thathave been executed. List all that you know of that are in jail for long terms. That is universal, but at least the Clintons tried to get universal healthcare for litte people, unlike the Bushwhackers and all Repubs.

Now, care to adjudge Hillary on her Congressional voting record, or is this all there is from you in the form of an argument?

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Actually, no I don't care to judge her on her Congressional voting record because I don't think she should have been elected in the first place.


BAgahahaahahah. That is one of the fucking funniest things i have read in a long time. This is what you have to get used to, my friend. The country is sick of record debt, and all the neo-con BS, so get used to clicking your heels together and pretending reality isn;t so. I think they call that dellusional. Deal with it, she was elected Senator and is a Senator and will be running for pres. Will you still be in denial if she is elected pres?

So now that we have established that she is an elected Senator, care to judge her performance? Hillarious, this is like that kid who covers his eyes and think because he can;t see out, no one can see him. :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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Actually, no I don't care to judge her on her Congressional voting record because I don't think she should have been elected in the first place.


There's no doubt that she was elected Senator from New York, and is now a contender for president, thanks directly to her marriage to Bill. At least she's got some serious brains in her head, regardless of what you think about her personally or her politics. But Jeb Bush became Governor of Florida due directly to being the son of a president. He's a fairly bright guy, too. Then there's G.W. Bush, who also became Governor, of Texas of course, due directly to being the son of a president. And he's about as intellectually mediocre (his family-endowed education notwithstanding) as any politician out there. And he was able to parlay that into becoming president. No way could he have advanced like that solely on his own personal merits.

So for those that bitch about Hillary's lack of entitlement to be Senator and President, they're being intellectually dishonest unless they freely acknowledge that the Bush Boys have benefited from the same easy ride, which made one of them president, too.

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"She looks like she wears dirty underwear."

If Hillary put them on E-bay, how much do you think a rich Japanese businessman would bid?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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There's no doubt that she was elected Senator from New York, and is now a contender for president, thanks directly to her marriage to Bill. At least she's got some serious brains in her head, regardless of what you think about her personally or her politics. But Jeb Bush became Governor of Florida due directly to being the son of a president. He's a fairly bright guy, too. Then there's G.W. Bush, who also became Governor, of Texas of course, due directly to being the son of a president. And he's about as intellectually mediocre (his family-endowed education notwithstanding) as any politician out there. And he was able to parlay that into becoming president. No way could he have advanced like that solely on his own personal merits.

So for those that bitch about Hillary's lack of entitlement to be Senator and President, they're being intellectually dishonest unless they freely acknowledge that the Bush Boys have benefited from the same easy ride, which made one of them president, too.

I have no problem with people finding success through their family connections. That happens and I don't see anything wrong with it. What I'm really sick of, though, is the country being run by people who are very, very difficult to have any trust or confidence in.

Do you think of her as being honest and having integrity or do you think she's as honest and has the same level of integrity that other successful politicians have. Let me put it this way. Do you think she has hidden agendas and motives?


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"She looks like she wears dirty underwear."



If Hillary put them on E-bay, how much do you think a rich Japanese businessman would bid?

Would that be considered hard or soft money?;)

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Many, many people have gone on record describing her vicious temper. The travelgate scandal is only one example of her directly engaging in the politics of personal destruction. It is not assertiveness.

That causes many others that haven't met her to dislike her.

If a man had similar traits/history, he would also be similarly disliked.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Then there's G.W. Bush, who also became Governor, of Texas of course, due directly to being the son of a president. And he's about as intellectually mediocre (his family-endowed education notwithstanding) as any politician out there

I love how people can claim he is dumb, yet claim he mislead a country to war through tricks.

He has an MBA, and is President...So I doubt he is stupid. Sure his Daddy helped get him elected. FDR got some help as well. Ya think Kennedy got to be Prez all on his own?

It is how politics work. My issues with Hillary are:

1. She wants Socialized Medicine.
2. She wants to ban weapons.
3. Then there are the personal reasons such as carpet bagging to NY to get Elected after having a research firm tell her that was her best shot.

But the real reasons are 1 and 2. 3. is just a bad feeling about her.

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