
Bombardment of the UN Lebanon post

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We did start a war in Iraq and defeated the enemy in that war. The insurgents subsequently started their guerilla war.

I agree there's been far too much death over in the middle east, but with an enemy such as Hezbollah and Hamas, rehabilitation is not an option.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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If Hamas and Hezbollah lay down their arms today and release the hostages, there would be peace. If the Israelis were to do the same, they would cease to exist.

Brilliant commentary! You know just how to phrase things. Were you in a Colorado bar when you thought of that?

. . =(_8^(1)

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We did start a war in Iraq and defeated the enemy in that war. The insurgents subsequently started their guerilla war.

Nice wiggle....

if the US had not invaded Iraq, there would be no need for insurgents to fight against them. With your reasoning with Hezbollah, the US is clearly to blame for all casualties in Iraq.

Can't suck and blow at the same time.

(weren't you the same person who argued, or at least agreed with the argument, that only the person who pulled the trigger is responsible for murder?)

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Exactly. We have no idea how much sleep the isrealis had, what amphetamines were taken to maintain alertness, how horrible the chain of communications were yet everyone seems to be jumping the gun and accusing the Isrealis of war crimes.

This is priceless! "They are not guilty, because they were on drugs"! ;)



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This is priceless! "They are not guilty, because they were on drugs"! ;)

They were not taken illegally. They were administered to these pilots by order of their superiors.

My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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We did start a war in Iraq and defeated the enemy in that war. The insurgents subsequently started their guerilla war.

I agree there's been far too much death over in the middle east, but with an enemy such as Hezbollah and Hamas, rehabilitation is not an option.

I LOVE justifications like that. They make me want to test them by changing the names:

Ja! We (Nazi Germany) did start a war in France and defeated the enemy in that war. The insurgents subsequently started the guerilla war.

I agree there's been far too much death over in France, but with an enemy such as The Maquis and The Resistance, rehabilitation is not an option.

It makes as much sense now as it did then.


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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We did start a war in Iraq and defeated the enemy in that war. The insurgents subsequently started their guerilla war.

I agree there's been far too much death over in the middle east, but with an enemy such as Hezbollah and Hamas, rehabilitation is not an option.

I LOVE justifications like that. They make me want to test them by changing the names:

Ja! We (Nazi Germany) did start a war in France and defeated the enemy in that war. The insurgents subsequently started the guerilla war.

I agree there's been far too much death over in France, but with an enemy such as The Maquis and The Resistance, rehabilitation is not an option.

It makes as much sense now as it did then.


Before you get picked on for choosing the Cheese Eating S.M.s as an example, the exact same can be said of the Resistance in: Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Poland and Norway. AND -- the Resistance had external sponsors supplying arms and expertise.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Before you get picked on... (WWII) the exact same can be said of the Resistance in: Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Poland and Norway. AND -- the Resistance had external sponsors supplying arms and expertise.

The Dutch resistance? Wasn't that so riddled by The Abwehr that they couldn't even keep a bicycle safe!!?


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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It makes as much sense now as it did then.

It is called WAR... IF you are stupid enough to keep attacking a people.... and they fight back... it is YOUR FAULT...

When you get tired of getting your ass kicked.. and humiliated further..... then perhaps its time to make peace.

I think the Israelis would be happy to make a lasting and just peace. It is the kind of people they are

I think Hezbollah and MOST of the Islamic world... as IMPOTENT as they feel will never allow that... their only option is make the state of Israel cease to exist.. to make them feel all macho....( Just what the hell is the peace loving muslim word in Arabic for MACHO MAN anyway)

Just WHAT do you think it would mean to make the State of Israel cease to exist.. How many million dead would molify you????

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The Dutch resistance? Wasn't that so riddled by The Abwehr that they couldn't even keep a bicycle safe!!?

I know you are kidding, but I have some family members who fought in the Dutch resistance, some made it some didn't. The joke is lost on me, there were some brave men and women in the Dutch resistance.....

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Just WHAT do you think it would mean to make the State of Israel cease to exist.. How many million dead would molify you????

ZERO Million Dead.

I don't know if you've read my other posts suggesting that "The State of Israel should cease to exist"?

I'm proposing that since partition has proven to be such a stupid idea (Korea, Vietnam, Cyprus, India, Persia, Ireland, Germany) that we should look for a resolution to this. The only countries to have overcome violence resulting from partition are those countries which have successfully re-unified. The most successful of these was Germany... Where the "German Democratic Republic" ceased to exist. No-one died because of re-unification... Like, arguably, the re-unification of Vietnam ended the war & brought peace to that country.

So... Couldn't Israel & Palestine somehow re-unify? They are very close culturally & historically. In fact the only thing which seperates them is religion, and that less so than, say, Sunni & Shia in Iraq.

What would such a re-unified state be called (if it matters)? Would it be logically called "Greater Israel?... Or Palestine?

Such a re-unification, say under South African Mandate could very well produce a secular unified state within a generation. The median Israeli or Palestinian really isn't all that religious.

IF you know a better plan for peace there, one which doesn't involve the extermination of one side or the other, then tell me.


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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I think Hezbollah and MOST of the Islamic world... as IMPOTENT as they feel will never allow that


You make me laugh lately there was a time that I agreed with you one some issues but know it looks like you just looking to piss people off.

It’s crazy how many insults and inflammatory remarks you try to fit in one post.
Just wanted to let you know as a Muslim and someone born in the Middle East I am laughing my ass of.
Keep going and be careful you don’t get carpal tunnel syndrome. Typing with so much anger might increase the chances of developing it.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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If Hamas and Hezbollah lay down their arms today and release the hostages, there would be peace. If the Israelis were to do the same, they would cease to exist.

Sad but true
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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Sad part is.... the arms that Israel has been laying down on the innocent civilains, has caused them to cease to exist:(.


When you live in an area where neighbours on all sides of you have been trying to eliminate you for dozens of years...what are you supposed do?
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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When you get tired of getting your ass kicked.. and humiliated further..... then perhaps its time to make peace.

The only problem with this line of argument (that I see) is the many Palestinians who have pre-Ottoman empire deeds to land they claim to have been forcibly evicted from.

We are all engines of karma

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