
people are real assholes

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He can have a cricket bat... can't he?

Well, the UK already confiscated all the handguns and semi-auto long guns. Now they're currently after all the knives, even proposing mandatory 2-year prison sentences for anyone caught carrying a pocketknife. I'm sure they'll work their way down to cricket bats some day soon.


They take that stuff serious! Another reason I love this country. I can own a firearm! As long as I use it properly, I'm O.K. That's pretty cool. I guess, for those folks over there, that works for them, taking away 'weapons'. Just seems to me, it makes for more 'victims'. I know a man who was involved in a stand-off. The guy holding law enforcement at bay, was asked later 'why', he didn't take my friends house. The guy responded; "'Cause, he'd shoot!'


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it makes for more 'victims'

What's even worse is the UK courts are the ones that decide how much of a victim they are. Which, in my simple terms, works out to be, "Are you hurt? How much? That's not too bad. Go on home then". It's the criminal that gets the consideration over there.

I don't know this with certainty, but I would imagine the criminal gets to go into some sort of court mandated treatment program, that does two things:
1) Keeps these programs going,
2) Keep the people in those programs employed.

I read an interesting article in, I believe, the Wall Street Journal recently on the UK criminal court system.

Criminals basically commit 10 crimes before they're caught. Then, they repeat this cycle another 10 times before they're sentenced to jail time.

The stories that come out of the UK regarding citizens rights to defend themselves and property are staggering. Granted, there are something like 60 million people living in a country the size of one of our large states. They may be of the mind that for the overall population the risks of these incidents are worth what ever costs are perceived to letting the citizenry defend themselves.
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it makes for more 'victims'

What's even worse is the UK courts are the ones that decide how much of a victim they are. Which, in my simple terms, works out to be, "Are you hurt? How much? That's not too bad. Go on home then". It's the criminal that gets the consideration over there.

I don't know this with certainty, but I would imagine the criminal gets to go into some sort of court mandated treatment program, that does two things:
1) Keeps these programs going,
2) Keep the people in those programs employed.

I read an interesting article in, I believe, the Wall Street Journal recently on the UK criminal court system.

Criminals basically commit 10 crimes before they're caught. Then, they repeat this cycle another 10 times before they're sentenced to jail time.

The stories that come out of the UK regarding citizens rights to defend themselves and property are staggering. Granted, there are something like 60 million people living in a country the size of one of our large states. They may be of the mind that for the overall population the risks of these incidents are worth what ever costs are perceived to letting the citizenry defend themselves.


It's not a whole lot different here. Due to jail and prison over crowding, repeat offenders get 'Extended probation'. For example, a car burglar breaks into 30 - 100 vehicles, before getting caught. At the time of his arrest, he is on probation. The judges 'extend' their probation another year. All this does is makes the car burglar mad because it upset his routine while he was in court. The 'victim', gets higher insurance rates. Our Jeep, was recently broken into. The side windo (soft top) was sliced so as to allow the little bastard room enough to remove two speakers. I was able to get the materials and repair the side window and my wife found similar speakers in a second-hand store. It worked-out cheaper than us going through our insurance co.


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They may be of the mind that for the overall population the risks of these incidents are worth what ever costs are perceived to letting the citizenry defend themselves

Hey Scooby,

I've lived in the UK for the last 2 years. I have never met anyone, here or at home in Ireland who has been faced with a situation where having a gun would have been any use. Nor has anyone I know had a gun pointed at them.

Conversely, when I worked abroad, of the few americans I knew, 2 had been robbed at gunoint.

I do think the legal system can be a bit of a joke sometimes, and the thing with the knives is moronic but I think that is a seperate issue to gun ownership.

What I beleive a lot of american pro-gunners dont understand is the atmosphere over here. Nobody fears being shot because its so rare that we dont even think about it.

If I lived in the US, I'd buy a gun just cause they're cool, but I get to play with them in the military anywayB|

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Hey Scooby,

I've lived in the UK for the last 2 years. I have never met anyone, here or at home in Ireland who has been faced with a situation where having a gun would have been any use. Nor has anyone I know had a gun pointed at them.

Conversely, when I worked abroad, of the few americans I knew, 2 had been robbed at gunoint.

I do think the legal system can be a bit of a joke sometimes, and the thing with the knives is moronic but I think that is a seperate issue to gun ownership.

What I beleive a lot of american pro-gunners dont understand is the atmosphere over here. Nobody fears being shot because its so rare that we dont even think about it.

If I lived in the US, I'd buy a gun just cause they're cool, but I get to play with them in the military anywayCool

Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it.

My current take on our friendly debate (US gun owner vs UK jumpers) can be aided by a better definition of this, IMO:
1) Are you allowed to defend yourself (and property)?
2) If so, under what constraints?

Cheers :)
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My current take on our friendly debate (US gun owner vs UK jumpers) can be aided by a better definition of this, IMO:
1) Are you allowed to defend yourself (and property)?
2) If so, under what constraints?

I'll be honest, I have no idea about the particulars of the law regarding these issues. All I can say is that If I was broken into, I would most likely fend off the assailant with a knife or a bat (or a lamp:)
I think the real issue is, whether you kill/injure someone in defense, or whether it is to protect property or just because you were pissed off.

For example, it would probably be excusable to knife the guy if he approached me aggressively, while it would not be ok to do so if he was jumping out the window with my telly.

Again, I've never been faced with such a a situation and would likely change my tune if I was.

Like I said, I don't know much about it and all this is based on my gut feeling.

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For example, it would probably be excusable to knife the guy if he approached me aggressively, while it would not be ok to do so if he was jumping out the window with my telly.

No argument there, from most people.

I think the more basic issue here is, who decides that boundary? You or the government?

In America, in most places, it's the person that gets to decide that. People in those places tend to have respect for that, and it shows.

I may be wrong, but it sounds like it's your government that gets to make that decision. And, they're not there while it's happening.


it would not be ok to do so if he was jumping out the window...

Some Americans wouldn't let him get that far ;)


I think the real issue is, whether you kill/injure someone in defense, or whether it is to protect property or just because you were pissed off.

My opinion, I'm allowed to protect myself, my family, and my property. End of story. If I'm not at home, and I can walk away, I do.

I'm not allowed to get pissed off and injure others for that reason only. I don't know any football hooligans (...because I don't go to Philadelphia Eagles games ;))
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I think the more basic issue here is, who decides that boundary? You or the government?

In America, in most places, it's the person that gets to decide that.

I may be wrong, but it sounds like it's your government that gets to make that decision. And, they're not their while it's happening.

Your certainly right there. I beleive that in such an event a property owner should be entitled to take any action to satisfy HIMSELF that he is no longer in danger.

Leaving the decision to others, after the fact, as to whether you were justified in whatever action you took is not right and places too much burden on the victim, not enough on the criminal.



it would not be ok to do so if he was jumping out the window...

Some Americans wouldn't let him get that far ;)

But you wouldn't know anyone like that right?:PB|

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Your certainly right there. I beleive that in such an event a property owner should be entitled to take any action to satisfy HIMSELF that he is no longer in danger.

Leaving the decision to others, after the fact, as to whether you were justified in whatever action you took is not right and places too much burden on the victim, not enough on the criminal.

All of the Americans that have joined into this debate feel deeply about this matter, also. Fortunately for them, there is a thing called the 2nd Amendment that allows them to effectively do so. The degree to which they do so is their decision, not the government's.

I have never met an irresponsible gun owner. Never. I'm sure they are out there, but people have a way of dealing with their own when it comes to that.

Nothing being said here justifies indiscriminate wanton violence. There is no justifying that. And we're all in agreement there.
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Why not warning shot first?

Warning shots are for movies. No agency I know of uses warning shots in real life.

Do not discharge a gun unless you *must*. Then shoot to hit your target.

This seemed to work out fine, they left and he did not have to shoot them.

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Why not warning shot first? Ntohing like the sound of a gun being fired to get the message across without having to put a hole in someone chest.

If the guy is armed (the perp may have had a gun on him) you could cause him to panic and draw/fire, thus creating a gun fight. Not a good idea to pull the trigger unless it becomes time to drop the guy.

My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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1) Are you allowed to defend yourself (and property)?
2) If so, under what constraints?

1) Yes.

2) The only constraint is that the force used must be reasonable under all of the circumstances as you believed them to be.

Key things to note are that:
a) it's a jury who gets to decide what is and is not reasonable (ie 12 people just like you)
b) they take into account all of the circumstances
c) those circumstances are as you believed them to be - (eg if you honestly thought he was armed then the jury has to consider the reasonableness of an act against an armed assailant even though in reality you made a mistake and he wasn't actually armed).
d) there is no reasonableness test for your beliefs - (ie so long as the belief was honestly held it doesn't matter how outlandish that belief was (though if it's really outlandish the jury might think you're lying)).
e) there's no duty to retreat
f) there's no duty to warn before striking
g) first strike is perfectly acceptable
h) you can use whatever weapon you like so long as the force afforded by that weapon is reasonable under the circumstances believed by you.

There is a further constraint on the use of lethal force in that it may not be used in defence of property alone. If you or another are threatened then killing is fine, but it's been held that lethal force cannot be justified simply to protect your widescreen TV; ie no matter how much of a scumbag they are a TV simply isn't worth killing for.

So basically the answers to Micro’s posts back on p2 are "yes" "yes" and "yes".

The case I usually give as an example of just how far you can go is that of Attorney-General's Reference (No. 2 of 1983) where it was held that the use of petrol bombs in self defence was entirely reasonable under the circumstances in which the defendant found himself.

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1) Are you allowed to defend yourself (and property)?
2) If so, under what constraints?

1) Yes.

2) The only constraint is that the force used must be reasonable under all of the circumstances as you believed them to be.

Key things to note are that:
a) it's a jury who gets to decide what is and is not reasonable (ie 12 people just like you)
b) they take into account all of the circumstances
c) those circumstances are as you believed them to be - (eg if you honestly thought he was armed then the jury has to consider the reasonableness of an act against an armed assailant even though in reality you made a mistake and he wasn't actually armed).
d) there is no reasonableness test for your beliefs - (ie so long as the belief was honestly held it doesn't matter how outlandish that belief was (though if it's really outlandish the jury might think you're lying)).
e) there's no duty to retreat
f) there's no duty to warn before striking
g) first strike is perfectly acceptable
h) you can use whatever weapon you like so long as the force afforded by that weapon is reasonable under the circumstances believed by you.

There is a further constraint on the use of lethal force in that it may not be used in defence of property alone. If you or another are threatened then killing is fine, but it's been held that lethal force cannot be justified simply to protect your widescreen TV; ie no matter how much of a scumbag they are a TV simply isn't worth killing for.

So basically the answers to Micro’s posts back on p2 are "yes" "yes" and "yes".

The case I usually give as an example of just how far you can go is that of Attorney-General's Reference (No. 2 of 1983) where it was held that the use of petrol bombs in self defence was entirely reasonable under the circumstances in which the defendant found himself.

Thanks for the reply. Clearly you put some effort here, and I appreciate it. Very informative, and well communicated.

So, if force is used in a conflict, does it always get put in front of a jury? Or, is it at the prosecutor's discretion?

The word property as I used it was meant as "home and belongings". Once someone is inside your home here, the gloves come off, and many places in America allow use of deadly force simply for that reason - they broke into my house. No one expects someone here to ask the guy why he's in the house.

Thanks again! Cheers!
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Don’t worry, not really a lot of work – It’s my job so I can trot this stuff off as fast as I can type.

By “force is used in a conflict” do you mean during a fight/punch-up or are you referring to instances where there is a question about whether or not the force used was reasonable?

Either way the conduct of a file is always up to the prosecutor (CPS) – if they feel a prosecution is not in the public interest then they will not pursue the matter. No matter what people hear in the press this actually happens a lot where self defence is in issue – there’s no public interest in seeing home owners, for example, prosecuted for taking down burglars. It only goes to the courts where there’s a real question about the conduct of the home owner (or of course where someone at the CPS fucks up).

Similarly where there’s been a punch-up, if one party is clearly the guy defending himself from the other he’s probably simply used as a witness and wont be prosecuted for anything. If it’s not clear to the CPS then maybe they’ll both get done for affray (or whatever, as circumstances dictate) and a jury will have to figure it all out.

As far as defence of your home – there’s no presumption in English law that someone in your home may be killed just for being there. There is however a presumption in peoples minds (ie the jury’s) that if someone is in your home you probably felt at risk from them. Ergo if someone is in your home then it is highly likely the jury is going to be extremely sympathetic to the notion that you felt threatened and thus had cause to use more serious forms of violence against the intruder. You still have to act reasonably under the circumstances – but the circumstance that you are stood in your own home is a heavy weight to lay on your side of the scales of justice.

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By “force is used in a conflict” do you mean during a fight/punch-up or are you referring to instances where there is a question about whether or not the force used was reasonable?

I think the rest of your email answered my question. If there is an altercation of any kind, it's logged and given over for prosecutor's consideration.

I have known of instances here where altercations aren't even logged, especially if the cops know the people involved.


As far as defence of your home – there’s no presumption in English law that someone in your home may be killed just for being there. There is however a presumption in peoples minds (ie the jury’s) that if someone is in your home you probably felt at risk from them. Ergo if someone is in your home then it is highly likely the jury is going to be extremely sympathetic to the notion that you felt threatened and thus had cause to use more serious forms of violence against the intruder. You still have to act reasonably under the circumstances – but the circumstance that you are stood in your own home is a heavy weight to lay on your side of the scales of justice.

So, we've found a difference between America and the UK there. In most places in America, you can kill the person for having broken into your home. In some places, you can even kill them for coming into your yard (...I'm not saying I agree with that).

Where I live, you can't kill a home intruder unless you feel you're life is in danger and have no reasonable regress from the situation. IMO, this just encourages those who break into homes.
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Where I live, you can't kill a home intruder unless you feel you're life is in danger and have no reasonable regress from the situation. IMO, this just encourages those who break into homes.

See I got a fair bit of stick from some a year ago for saying that the relatively recent change in Florida law removing the duty to retreat from its statute books brought Florida laws on self defence more in line with those found in the UK. There’s no duty to retreat, warn or strike second here and never has been.

I think there’s definitely a balance to be struck – perhaps some States might think about whether shooting someone just because they happen to be on your lawn is really a reasonable stance to support and others might think about what an onerous duty it really is to require their citizenry to attempt to retreat before they are allowed to defend themselves.

I think English law really does sit firmly in between those two positions. No duty to retreat or anything - but killing someone has got to be reasonable. What more (or less) can you ask than for people to act reasonably? If they don't then by definition their actions were unreasonable – of course people should be censured for doing something society considers to be unreasonable.

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There’s no duty to retreat, warn or strike second here and never has been.

I have learned something today. Thank you :)I wonder how many UK citizens are aware of this?


I think there’s definitely a balance to be struck – perhaps some States might think about whether shooting someone just because they happen to be on your lawn is really a reasonable stance to support and others might think about what an onerous duty it really is to require their citizenry to attempt to retreat before they are allowed to defend themselves.



of course people should be censured for doing something society considers to be unreasonable.

Which puts us back in front of a jury, and raises the question from early in this note: I wonder how many UK citizens are aware of - There’s no duty to retreat, warn or strike second here and never has been?
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I wonder how many UK citizens are aware of this?

You’ve actually hit the nail on the head here. There was a politically motivated move last year by the Tory party during the run up to the general election trying to get the law on self defence changed. They said the current law didn’t protect home owners sufficiently and needed to be changed more in their favour. I personally was outraged because the new wording they proposed would have produced EXACTLY the same situation at law as we currently had. Ie the change was simply superficial and would have given the impression that they were doing something productive when in fact nothing would change at all.

It was a vote winner pure and simple and wasn’t actually going to change anything. This was all over the news for about 2-3 days and the whole country was behind the change.

That is, it was until the present law was explained to people in some TV specials and news articles. Suddenly no one wanted the law changed because they realised exactly what the current rules were and were entirely happy with them.

The conclusion of all the pundits and lawmakers was that people were simply ignorant of the current law and some public education was promised (not that I’ve seen anything yet).

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You’ve actually hit the nail on the head here. There was a politically motivated move last year by the Tory party during the run up to the general election trying to get the law on self defence changed. They said the current law didn’t protect home owners sufficiently and needed to be changed more in their favour. I personally was outraged because the new wording they proposed would have produced EXACTLY the same situation at law as we currently had. Ie the change was simply superficial and would have given the impression that they were doing something productive when in fact nothing would change at all.

Very interesting. My in-laws live outside of Huddersfield. I'm sure many people there aren't aware of how those laws are written.

Hope the cops are aware.
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