
Same sex marriage amendment

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I do not want my children to grow up in a world where people can just go around biting the heads off chickens. I'm going to do something about, as best as I possibly can.

Absolutely right! I hereby call for a constitutional amendment against chicken-head-biting.

And furthermore: pre-emptive strikes against other countries which allow chicken-head-biting. This can't go on any more! Think of the chickens!!!

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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As well, when people are all hopped up on marijuana and lsd and stuff, there's no telling what they'll do. That's probably how the whole gay revolution started as well. A bunch of damn hippies and their drugs.

Wow. So pot causes homosexuality!!:o

That one isn't even in that 30's movie, Reefer Madness.:D:D:D
Speed Racer

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Great job on the sanctity of marriage thing America. So instead you need to persecute others because they are different.

It really somehow escapes me why people like Dan Savage or Melissa Etheridge can't enjoy the legal considerations shown to such upstanding couples as Britney Spears and Kevin "K-Fed" Federline. I mean, WTF ?

We have a close family friend who's served our country in the military, married a guy, had two sons, divorced the guy, and now can't bring the woman she loves (a wonderful schoolteacher, everybody else loves her too) home to marry. She can marry the woman in the UK and stay there, but she wants to live with her here, in the country she was born in and served. They are no more a threat to our social fabric than blacks marrying whites, and the comparison is relevant and to the point.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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>So pot causes homosexuality!!

Please. Homosexuality causes pot. Everyone knows that.

"Getting someone to have sex with you is like growing a pot plant. You start with a seed, care for it, feed it, nurture it and wait for it to grow into a plant. Then you gotta fuck the plant."
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Am I the only one who thinks he's kidding? :D

I swear, it just seems too over-the-top. :D

Clever girl.

I do love how every few weeks people forget about unformed and get all riled up all over again. It is freaking hilarious. :ph34r:


I agree! I lived through the 60's and I don't remember any of that!


was that the 1860's ? :D

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Am I the only one who thinks he's kidding? :D

I swear, it just seems too over-the-top. :D

Clever girl.

I do love how every few weeks people forget about unformed and get all riled up all over again. It is freaking hilarious. :ph34r:


I agree! I lived through the 60's and I don't remember any of that!


was that the 1860's ? :D


Now, that's just mean![:/]


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As well, when people are all hopped up on marijuana and lsd and stuff, there's no telling what they'll do. That's probably how the whole gay revolution started as well. A bunch of damn hippies and their drugs. So now we've got a divorce problem and an aids problem. well since everybody is hopped up on everything and having sex with everybody there's an aids and domestic voilence epidemic. And children having sex as young as nine years old. What's with that?

I'm just wondering what's next? Where do we go downhill from here? How much worse can we get? How can we stop this national moral decay?

Uh.. I think the Greeks and the Romans and a few other cultures might have had a FEW homosexuals around.. heck I think that was the preferred sex for a lot of the Greek Heros.... lowyly women like myself were not there for fun.. just for procreation.

Most of the Hippies I met way back when... were quite heterosexual...;)

I guess you are equating guys with long hair back then as being queer too....:ph34r:

Now.. as far as morality goes......lets see.. where in the Ten Commandments is there ANYTHING about homosexuality.....You have to go for Leviticus.. ( Old Testament.... you know the whole thing that was superceded by Christs coming and changing EVERYTHING) to find anything about men with men( oh and NOTHING about women with Women in there anyway) and that supposedly being an abomination.... uh perhaps in the Jewish world but that was probably a reaction to all the societies around the Hebrews that were less stringent in their proscriptions about sexuality.

Now lest get back to the Ten Commmandments. This wonderful group in the WhiteHouse Administration has no problem with breaking commandments......

Bearing false witness.....hmmmmmm

Coveting their neighbors goods.... HMMMMMMM

And both of those things leading to Thou Shalt Not Kill..( War is the ultimate form of mass killing now isn't it) .

VERY INTERESTING how the Religeous Wrong finds it moral to support all of that but NOT allow other people to live in peace because of who they are attracted to and want to make a loving life with.

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Uh.. I think the Greeks and the Romans and a few other cultures might have had a FEW homosexuals around.. heck I think that was the preferred sex for a lot of the Greek Heros.... lowyly women like myself were not there for fun.. just for procreation.

Kinda. The women were definitely used for fun, it was just that they couldn't have a connection on an intellectual level 'cause, y'know, women are stupid:)
Well that's not quite true, some of them were intelligent but they were all evil scheming bitches.

Mythology in a nutshell:P
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DUDE.. I just love tossing it back to hypocrites....:P

Espeically to those who are holier than thee... I gotta do SOMETHING with all that parochial school background;)

Umm, and you still don't seem to get it.....

Jeez, leave the 'knowing wink' smiley out of a post these days and everyone's lost at sea. Time to exercize those old reading and comprehension skills people.

Oh shit I forgot - ;)
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Man. He just keeps casting it out and you just keep on biting. I love it.

mm.. thanks for the heads up *grins* i think im dealing with a similar problem in another thread!


try using :D or this B| or this :)

he he he.. cheers. old bbs habits die hard!

indeed they do .... *grins* :)

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I think Rafe Mair sums up my opinion.....


I suppose it’s idle to remember that the number of deaths for heresy in the Christian Churches runs into the millions. That’s relevant in this sense – these killings allowed the Catholic Church to solidify its secular power to go along with its considerable clerical power such that in many countries today, it’s difficult to tell one from the other.

It was in the name of God that Central and South America were brutally conquered by Spain. Both Napoleon and Hitler made formal deals with the Pope. It was in the name of God that the Inquisition tortured sufficient heresy from its victims to justify burning them at the stake.

Its formal treatment of women is unacceptable. You can look at the Bible from one end to the other and find no evidence that women are second class citizens thus not entitled to lead a flock.

Its attitude towards homosexuals is based upon the flimsiest of Biblical pronouncements and puts Catholics, most unwillingly I’m sure, in the same pew as George W. Bush.

But serious though those issues are, they pale into insignificance when compared to the Vatican’s pronouncements on birth control and the use of condoms to prevent unwanted pregnancies and stop the AIDS/HIV pandemic, especially in Africa.

Again, search the scriptures for a biblical injunction against birth control, apart from not spilling your seed on the ground. One gets the impression that Papal injunctions against birth control have more to do with creating little Catholics than morality.

If the impact of Church policy doesn’t extend outside the Church, it’s none of my business. I’m talking about the secular impact and consequences of the mid Victorian, troglodyte, notions the Church has on sexual matters. The official Catholic position on the use of condoms to prevent unwanted pregnancies and the spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (mostly AIDS/HIV) is that such matters should be dealt with individual morality.

There are over 40 million AIDS and HIV positives in the world and this increases annually by 5 million! By far the largest incidence of AIDS/HIV is in Africa where the Catholic Church is strong and whose Bishops and Cardinals won’t discuss the matter. (in fairness, neither will Anglican Bishops from Africa.)

When Pope John Paul II died I could not believe the torrent of praise heaped upon his memory. Is it going too far to say that Catholic views on birth control and homosexuality have led directly to the death of untold millions? What else can you say unless you parrot the Catholic jargon that it’s not the Church, which must always preach morality as they see it, but the naughty behaviour by people, who, if they abided by the law according to John Paul II, would be happy and well.

There is another bit of unpleasantness to discuss. The Catholic Church’s treatment of priestly passions for small boys makes one search for a word stronger than despicable. And the cover-ups were rampant during the reign of John Paul II – a man who is being rushed towards sainthood if only the authorities find a miracle associated with him.

Very well, I’ll give you that miracle – it is nothing short of miraculous that the actions of Pope Paul II were not investigated by the press with the same vigor they investigated President Clinton getting the occasional blow job in the Oval Office.

No, I don’t give a damn how people worship – unless that affects me as a member of the human race. Then I’m not only entitled to but indeed must blow all whistles necessary to bring public opprobrium to bear upon vile influences and sufferings inflicted in the name of God.

eustress. : a positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being.

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I think it's a valid issue that needs a constitutional amendment. One that says "Legal marriage shall not be denied to any person on the basis of their gender or sexual orientation."

Edited to add: as long as the government is insisting on remaining in the marriage business. I think it should butt out of it all, but realistically, that won't happen in the near future.

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