
Same sex marriage amendment

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Personally I think the house and the Senate's time would be better spent focussing on issues like the Iraq, skyrocketing fuel prices, and the continued oppression of civil liberties. But that's just me.

Why? We have Iraq taken care of. We are over there doing what we need to do. We are liberating the Iraqi people. Yes, fuel prices are sky-high at the moment, but they will come down shortly. Trust me.

About your so-called "civil liberties". Yes there are some things that need to be done, but our country's future is at stake here. What use is freedom if we are overrun by terrorists? How can we teach the rest of the world to be free if we're not here anymore?

But gay marriage, that is important. This affects us in our day-to-day lives. Because of all of the gays shoving themselves in our face in the public, on tv, and everywhere, the children think it is okay to be gay, whereas it is explicitly stated in the Bible, that it is not. Our country is going down a slippery slope into moral decay and this is just one necessary step to prevent this.

Sometimes I wonder if maybe Iraq and the other Muslim had it right; chp off people's heads if they are immoral, only then will they learn to follow God's ways, and we won't be socially pressured down a path of sin.
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That's pretty comprehensive [:/].

I'd think this was a parody if I hadn't read some of what you post.

I think I need my parody detector tuned up :S. I've been informed by a very reliable source that this is likely to be parody. So I apologize for my earlier rant.

As it's being used right now, it's yet another tool for politicians to pander.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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It's more delusions of grandeur from Our Beloved Leaders.

And yes, both the Democrats & Republcians are guilty of such delusions, but just on different issues.

We vote these a-holes into power, and all of a sudden they think they're these glorious leaders who need to lead the Great UnWashed Masses out of moral decay. They think they're Mom&Dad, World Police, Wealthy Benefactor, America's Nanny, and America's Pope all rolled into one.

Why don't they just make themselves useful. Just STFU & go outside & fix the damn potholes or something.

Speed Racer

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More important things to spend energy on then if Gays can get "married"

Call it a Union, give them equality and be done with it. IMHO, they cannot be "married". But they should enjoy the same privileges that hetro couple enjoy. Call it a union and be done with it.>:(

Move on to much more important issues that need to be addressed

....Let's not forget that homosexuals are a very very small percentage of our population in the states. Having said that, let's concentrate on issues that effect the whole population. These are important times.

Carpe Diem

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It's more delusions of grandeur from Our Beloved Leaders.

And yes, both the Democrats & Republcians are guilty of such delusions, but just on different issues.

We vote these a-holes into power, and all of a sudden they think they're these glorious leaders who need to lead the Great UnWashed Masses out of moral decay. They think they're Mom&Dad, World Police, Wealthy Benefactor, America's Nanny, and America's Pope all rolled into one.

Why don't they just make themselves useful. Just STFU & go outside & fix the damn potholes or something.


Nightengale 2008 - Speedracer for VP.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Personally I think the house and the Senate's time would be better spent focussing on issues like the Iraq, skyrocketing fuel prices, and the continued oppression of civil liberties. But that's just me.


Why? We have Iraq taken care of. We are over there doing what we need to do. We are liberating the Iraqi people.

My fault. I always forget about the Air Craft Carrier: 'Mission Accomplished.' How many people have died since we declared victory? How exactly have we liberated the Iraqi people? How are they (by they I mean those who aren't dead) better off today then they were three and a half years ago? What has been accomplished?


About your so-called "civil liberties". What use is freedom if we are overrun by terrorists? How can we teach the rest of the world to be free if we're not here anymore?

Do you have any idea how contradictory your statements are? You are advocating suspending freedom so that we can better teach to the rest of the world how to be free.


But gay marriage, that is important. This affects us in our day-to-day lives. Because of all of the gays shoving themselves in our face in the public, on tv, and everywhere, the children think it is okay to be gay, whereas it is explicitly stated in the Bible, that it is not. Our country is going down a slippery slope into moral decay and this is just one necessary step to prevent this.

When was the last time a gay person had a negative effect on YOUR life? Why do you care what other people do with their lives? Is your life that boring that you have to worry about things that don't effect you? Did gay people get billions of dollars in government subsidies only to jack up gas prices? Typically people hate and discriminate against other groups because of two things:

-The discriminated group has an attribute that the biggot is jealous of and wishes they could incorporate into their life. The biggot is ashamed of their true nature and acts out hostilly towards the group rather than facing him/herself.

-The discriminated group displays an attribute that the biggot has in his/her own life and is wishes they could change. Rather than fixing the problem, the biggot ignores his/her problem and condems another group for displaying the same trait. There's a direct correrlation between racism and education, or a lack there of. As one becomes more educated they stop blaming others for their own shortcommings, what's more they develop the skills and tools to improve their shortcomings rather than wasting their time condeming another.


Sometimes I wonder if maybe Iraq and the other Muslim had it right; chp off people's heads if they are immoral, only then will they learn to follow God's ways, and we won't be socially pressured down a path of sin.

I'd say your views fit the textbook definition of a terrorist pretty well:

terrorist - a radical who employs terror as a political weapon; often uses religion as a cover for terrorist activities

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Where's the vote for both for "both" and "neither"?

I definitly erred in not putting neither as an option. I didn't think both was relevent because I felt that for an issue to demand a Constitutional Ammendment then it must be pressing issue that actully effects the electorate and not just a political tool.

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...... Sometimes I wonder if maybe Iraq and the other Muslim had it right; chp off people's heads if they are immoral, only then will they learn to follow God's ways, and we won't be socially pressured down a path of sin.

I had to snip the first part of your reply. It hurts too much to bang my head against the wall.
But your last comment makes me think you're on to something. That would pretty much leave a bunch of headless politicians in DC. Count me in, although we'd probably have to come up with something to take care of that presidential succession thing. The current list is obviously too short.

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Where's the vote for both for "both" and "neither"?

I definitly erred in not putting neither as an option. I didn't think both was relevent because I felt that for an issue to demand a Constitutional Ammendment then it must be pressing issue that actully effects the electorate and not just a political tool.

neither - 1 (it's not a real issue OR it is but doesn't warrant a Constitutional Amendment for either positions); 2 (it's not a ploy, the admin is sincere)

Both - the poll responder considers it a real issue requiring a Const Am. However, the poll rsponder doesn't consider the Admin to be sincere and it's really a ploy that just happens to align with their view.

I think it's a ploy that happens to align with the admins real position - i.e., the timing is a ploy, but it's on the agenda. I do think it's an issue to be addressed, but a CA is way over the top.

Personally - I'd just as soon that the religious term 'marriage' wasn't used at all in governmental contractual issues that result in administrative payouts to a certain demographic. (i.e., government stay out of all partnering agreements, but if they must, make a VERY short list of administrative benefits to accrue to civil unions and then let anybody apply for it - kind of a boiler plate for a will and power of attorney - nothing else.)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I think it's a ploy that happens to align with the admins real position - i.e., the timing is a ploy, but it's on the agenda. I do think it's an issue to be addressed, but a CA is way over the top.

Personally - I'd just as soon that the religious term 'marriage' wasn't used at all in governmental contractual issues that result in administrative payouts to a certain demographic. (i.e., government stay out of all partnering agreements, but if they must, make a VERY short list of administrative benefits to accrue to civil unions and then let anybody apply for it - kind of a boiler plate for a will and power of attorney - nothing else.)

I agree. Since everyone knows that the amendment doesn't have the votes to pass this is an exercise in futility, unless you're trying to get your base to the polls this fall. And I agree with your partnering agreement concept but in this climate it's going to be harder to get "marriage" off of your tax forms than it would be to get "under God" back out of the Pledge. Can you say "war on marriage"?

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Where's the vote for both for "both" and "neither"?

I definitly erred in not putting neither as an option. I didn't think both was relevent because I felt that for an issue to demand a Constitutional Ammendment then it must be pressing issue that actully effects the electorate and not just a political tool.

neither - 1 (it's not a real issue OR it is but doesn't warrant a Constitutional Amendment for either positions); 2 (it's not a ploy, the admin is sincere)

Both - the poll responder considers it a real issue requiring a Const Am. However, the poll rsponder doesn't consider the Admin to be sincere and it's really a ploy that just happens to align with their view.

I think it's a ploy that happens to align with the admins real position - i.e., the timing is a ploy, but it's on the agenda. I do think it's an issue to be addressed, but a CA is way over the top.

Personally - I'd just as soon that the religious term 'marriage' wasn't used at all in governmental contractual issues that result in administrative payouts to a certain demographic. (i.e., government stay out of all partnering agreements, but if they must, make a VERY short list of administrative benefits to accrue to civil unions and then let anybody apply for it - kind of a boiler plate for a will and power of attorney - nothing else.)

Well said.

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Leaving the same sex issue aside for a moment, I think this amendment is another example of the Feds trying to expand their powers by usurping them from the states. This administration has tried to regulate medical practices repeatedly and now they're going for marriage. Both areas are domains for the states to regulate - and should remain so.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Elections coming up and Bush mentions gay marriage. The guy is a pathetic excuse for a leader and human being. Let's get people to vote by playing on their religious fears and going after a minority group that poses no threat to anyone. Mid east is going to hell, Iraq is on the verge of a civil war and all this idiot can think of is gay marriage and amending the constitution.

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I myself always love it when the "sanctity of marriage" is brought up.....what are the latest statistics on divorce????? 50+% last time I checked fail in FIRST marriages... and how many others 2nd or 3rd fail?????

Great job on the sanctity of marriage thing America. So instead you need to persecute others because they are different.

Nice Hypocrisy ......Mr Politicians of the Religeous Wrong.

You gotta REALLLY wonder about people who believe war is moral......you have to really wonder about people who beleive greed is moral.......but yet allowing two people of the same sex to have the same rights as the rest of ius.. is somehow immoral.

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I myself always love it when the "sanctity of marriage" is brought up.....what are the latest statistics on divorce????? 50+% last time I checked fail in FIRST marriages... and how many others 2nd or 3rd fail?????

Great job on the sanctity of marriage thing America. So instead you need to persecute others because they are different.

That's exactly what I'm trying to say here. This whole country is going to hell in a handbasket. It all started with the whole sexual liberation and free love thing back in the 60s and 70s. I wasn't around back then, but from what I've heard it was just a bunch of damn hippes getting high and having sex. Great; well due to that, extramarital affairs became more common, and people stopped taking marriage so seroiusly and the divorce rate went up. As well, when people are all hopped up on marijuana and lsd and stuff, there's no telling what they'll do. That's probably how the whole gay revolution started as well. A bunch of damn hippies and their drugs. So now we've got a divorce problem and an aids problem. well since everybody is hopped up on everything and having sex with everybody there's an aids and domestic voilence epidemic. And children having sex as young as nine years old. What's with that?

I'm just wondering what's next? Where do we go downhill from here? How much worse can we get? How can we stop this national moral decay?
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I myself always love it when the "sanctity of marriage" is brought up.....what are the latest statistics on divorce????? 50+% last time I checked fail in FIRST marriages... and how many others 2nd or 3rd fail?????

Great job on the sanctity of marriage thing America. So instead you need to persecute others because they are different.

That's exactly what I'm trying to say here. This whole country is going to hell in a handbasket. It all started with the whole sexual liberation and free love thing back in the 60s and 70s. I wasn't around back then, but from what I've heard it was just a bunch of damn hippes getting high and having sex. Great; well due to that, extramarital affairs became more common, and people stopped taking marriage so seroiusly and the divorce rate went up. As well, when people are all hopped up on marijuana and lsd and stuff, there's no telling what they'll do. That's probably how the whole gay revolution started as well. A bunch of damn hippies and their drugs. So now we've got a divorce problem and an aids problem. well since everybody is hopped up on everything and having sex with everybody there's an aids and domestic voilence epidemic. And children having sex as young as nine years old. What's with that?

I'm just wondering what's next? Where do we go downhill from here? How much worse can we get? How can we stop this national moral decay?

Are you serious? Did people actully teach you that or did you think of it all on your own?

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Am I the only one who thinks he's kidding? :D

I swear, it just seems too over-the-top. :D

Clever girl.

I do love how every few weeks people forget about unformed and get all riled up all over again. It is freaking hilarious. :ph34r:
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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Am I the only one who thinks he's kidding? :D

I swear, it just seems too over-the-top. :D

I am not joking here. Why does everybody think I'm joking? Does this seem like a funny topic to you: aids, high divorce rates, gay people, and all of the other stuff that going on in the world today? Why would I joke about stuff like this?

Maybe that's what the problem is today. All these people thinking life is just one big joke and it's all just going to work out. I wish that were the case. I really do. But I'm sorry, it's not.

The way we're going, it's going to be hell on Earth. Eternal fires down every streetcorner. The cities will be one big slum filled with junkies, gangbangers, and all kinds of criminal activity happening. Everybody else will just sit back until it's too late. Well I ask yu, when is it too late? When will be too far down the slope to climb back up?

I do not want my children to grow up in a world where people can just go around biting the heads off chickens. I'm going to do something about, as best as I possibly can.

This is not a joke.
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Am I the only one who thinks he's kidding? :D

I swear, it just seems too over-the-top. :D

Clever girl.

I do love how every few weeks people forget about unformed and get all riled up all over again. It is freaking hilarious. :ph34r:


I agree! I lived through the 60's and I don't remember any of that!


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Am I the only one who thinks he's kidding? :D

I swear, it just seems too over-the-top. :D

I am not joking here. Why does everybody think I'm joking? Does this seem like a funny topic to you: aids, high divorce rates, gay people, and all of the other stuff that going on in the world today? Why would I joke about stuff like this?

Maybe that's what the problem is today. All these people thinking life is just one big joke and it's all just going to work out. I wish that were the case. I really do. But I'm sorry, it's not.

The way we're going, it's going to be hell on Earth. Eternal fires down every streetcorner. The cities will be one big slum filled with junkies, gangbangers, and all kinds of criminal activity happening. Everybody else will just sit back until it's too late. Well I ask yu, when is it too late? When will be too far down the slope to climb back up?

I do not want my children to grow up in a world where people can just go around biting the heads off chickens. I'm going to do something about, as best as I possibly can.

This is not a joke.

Man, this rant does to a thread what Dark Side of the Moon does for a party.

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