
The war in Iraq is already lost

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The US will be the big loser for decades over this, long after the last US soldier comes home.

Only if we let it.

God always makes a rainbow. Sometimes, somebody needs to define what side of the rainbow is going to exist.

How many aircraft carriers do other countries have? Do you think there is _ANY_ other reason why the US govt long bond has been the benchmark for _all_ financial risk calculations done in software models around the world?

Like I said, only if we let it.

And God damn us if we do.

Follow the money.
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Lies, oil, manipulation and disregard for our military!
I cringe now, when I think that I voted twice for Bush. A lesson learned!

Biggest fubar situation in my days!

Just think, we first act to uphold UN regs, UN says do not go, we do anyway - all the feed slopped to the sheep...which I was one. Terrorists in Iraq? - There are now!

What a colossal mess! (shaking head) And to think there are still sheep grazing on the same BS being fed from this administration.

What good? Saddam is gone? Wow! Tell that to the victims, in Haditha.

This was worth it:S >:(:(:|

Big man to admit error..... remember, McCain wants more troops....

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When will you understand that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11? And that most terror in Iraq is secterian and the part that is inspired by AQ only started after the US invaded..... Looking at the reminder of your post, you really should try to research the subject...

The US political establishment decided to establish a salient in the middle east. Not the military. Shineski told Rumsfeld what it would take, and Rumsfeld dismissed him. Rumsfeld is an arrogant idiot, and Cheney is the prince of darkness. Bush relied on those people, instead of Colin Powell. The Rumsfeld doctrine has been proven to be a abject failure.

The reason the political establishment decided to establish a salient in the middle east is because the violent brand of saudi muslim teachings. We don't want to take the Saudis on directly (...maybe they own alot of long bonds???). Thus, we have to work around the edges. This is absolutely a war of attrition. The only thing that will defeat us is a lack of will. Which may happen, since our leaders have yet to tell use what they're really doing.

I love my country. I'm not always happy with my country, but that doesn't change what I feel.
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>The young dad died that day, because he got up and went to work.

Yep, a lot of people did on that day. Which is why I find it odd how quickly some forget that it was Al Qaeda, not Saddam Hussein, who pulled off that attack - and that they were based in Afghanistan, not Iraq.

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We're past Al Qaeda. They're establishing a salient in the middle east. Personally, I think following the money is much more effective. The rest of them, buy 'em TVs, power generators, and let them experience the wonders of Bay Watch. Everybody loves Bay Watch! :P
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>We're past Al Qaeda.

Didn't you just finish telling a story about what they did to a friend of yours? I, for one, am not "past" them. They attacked the United States of America. They are our enemies - not some Arabs in small towns in Iraq.

>They're establishing a salient in the middle east.

They've had one there for almost 20 years now. They were born from the Maktab al-Khadamat when we started funding the mujahideen terrorists to fight russians. The name Al Qaeda itself came from the term "the database" and is a reference to a computer file that listed the muhahideen that we were funding.

>Personally, I think following the money is much more effective.

I think following our enemies would be a better choice. Money rarely kills people.

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streetscoody .... it's ok banging the war drum and puffing your chest out, but answer me this, do you really think you can win a war on terror? bearing in mind your adversary is invisible?

he could be the white guy carrying a briefcase and wearing a suit, he could be the indonesian guy wearing casual clothes, he could be anybody walking into a high rise office block in any major city in America carrying a bomb in his suitcase... ready to kill himself and as many Americans as he can

how do propose to stop those? how can you win against those people?

America has to learn to live alongside these people because you'll never stop somebody who is willing to martyr himself because of his hatred for you

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>Personally, I think following the money is much more effective.

I think following our enemies would be a better choice. Money rarely kills people.

Guys with guns in their hands rarely buy those guns, in these types of scenarios. Kill the guys that buy the guns. That's my point. The guys buying the guns are also our enemies.
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how do propose to stop those? how can you win against those people?

Buy them all TVs and let them watch Bay Watch.

And, the rest of the day will be taken up with moderate people discussing relavent issues in their language.


America has to learn to live alongside these people

They've already loudly proclaimed they can't live along side of us. Why not take them at their word? Give the people without guns in their hands TVs. It'll work.
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So why wasnt Saudi Arabia the next one on the hit list after Afganistan?

They own ALOT of US long bonds. ALOT. If they dumped them all at the same time (which would hurt them), it would hurt us more with respect to interest rates in our country.

That's my understanding.
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>Kill the guys that buy the guns.

Dude, WE bought most of those guns! We gave the Mujahideen billions of dollars of guns and ammunitions in the 80's. Thousands of Stinger missiles, too. Many of them are now being used against US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.

So are you planning on killing first? Orrin Hatch? Robert Gates? Reagan? (too late there.) Jimmy Carter?

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Once the US pulls out of Iraq by the order of Bush’s successor, that will be the time we can say we have lost. Until that time there are no winners or losers just death. That is the nature of war, if you want to call our action in Iraq at this time, war.

Right now the US soldier is not dyeing entirely by the hands of the Iraq people but people from other counties, the insurgents, who hate the US. The insurgents objective is to create civil unrest, fear, and increase anti-US sentiment amongst the Iraq people and our own. They seem to be doing a pretty good job.

The most unfortunate part about the Iraq conflict is the people of Iraq will not take the steps or make the effort to stand on their own and combat, or police the insurgence.

“It is will that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it.”
Robert E. Lee
Memento Mori

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Well done on a lovely racist rant. Clearly ones doesn't have to be a 'raghead' Muslim to be ignorant.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Currently only 2% of captured or killed and identified insurgents are from outside Iraq, the majority of whom are Syrian and whos clans stradle the boarder which is largely ignored by the Arabs whos clans have lived there thousands of years before the British made them up.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Well done on a lovely racist rant. Clearly ones doesn't have to be a 'raghead' Muslim to be ignorant.

So I've gone from a wanna-be Rambo to a racist? Can't say I understand what you referring to, but I'll consider it progress none the less. :P
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Lies, oil, manipulation and disregard for our military!
I cringe now, when I think that I voted twice for Bush. A lesson learned!

Biggest fubar situation in my days!

Just think, we first act to uphold UN regs, UN says do not go, we do anyway - all the feed slopped to the sheep...which I was one. Terrorists in Iraq? - There are now!

What a colossal mess! (shaking head) And to think there are still sheep grazing on the same BS being fed from this administration.

What good? Saddam is gone? Wow! Tell that to the victims, in Haditha.

This was worth it:S >:(:(:|

Big man to admit error..... remember, McCain wants more troops....

And McCain is wrong imho! Let the full blown cival war start now in Iraq. The quicker it starts the quicker it is resolved. Why have our military sit in the middle of it. We are policing the place. Training Iraqi's, who the majority are in it for the pay. It can only get more fucked up at this point!

It's called cut the losses now. Or it can be looked at that we already won. what the f ever! It's over and it will not get better. What a mess!

Carpe Diem

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Lies, oil, manipulation and disregard for our military!
I cringe now, when I think that I voted twice for Bush. A lesson learned!

Biggest fubar situation in my days!

Just think, we first act to uphold UN regs, UN says do not go, we do anyway - all the feed slopped to the sheep...which I was one. Terrorists in Iraq? - There are now!

What a colossal mess! (shaking head) And to think there are still sheep grazing on the same BS being fed from this administration.

What good? Saddam is gone? Wow! Tell that to the victims, in Haditha.

This was worth it:S >:(:(:|

Big man to admit error..... remember, McCain wants more troops....

And McCain is wrong imho! Let the full blown cival war start now in Iraq. The quicker it starts the quicker it is resolved. Why have our military sit in the middle of it. We are policing the place. Training Iraqi's, who the majority are in it for the pay. It can only get more fucked up at this point!

It's called cut the losses now. Or it can be looked at that we already won. what the f ever! It's over and it will not get better. What a mess!

Totally agree

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